
Diamonds in the Sky



the weird thing about growing apart from friends is that you can never fully be rid of them. i don't think once about the girl i promised to never lose contact with for weeks at a time but whenever i see a certain book series i'll think about how much she loved it. i haven't talked to my old friends from camp in months but i'll never not like their pictures when they come up on my feed, and i'll never not like the friends themselves either. and it stings a bit when a boy i used to talk to for hours doesn't say hi to me when i see him in the cafeteria but whenever i see a supermarket cake i'll remember the time in middle school when i brought one to school for his birthday and he ate three slices and told me it was the best cake he'd ever had. you can pull away from friends but never fully break apart. the process of growing apart has a beginning but never an end

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