
(o◕‿◕) ✰ ღ(☉◡☉✿)ღ

@hergolyne / hergolyne.tumblr.com


this tumblr is a dead one

but sadly it’s my main one

remember that if you want to see me for real you can do that @earlyconfession or @lateforblabla <3

don’t follow me if you don’t want to but… idk, don’t be surprised if i never do anything with @hergolyne except like, follow and ask (which, i admit, is a lot, but bear with me i’m not a smart person and i don’t want to lose my side blogs by starting a new account ;w;


this tumblr is a dead one

but sadly it’s my main one

remember that if you want to see me for real you can do that @earlyconfession or @lateforblabla <3

don’t follow me if you don’t want to but... idk, don’t be surprised if i never do anything with @hergolyne except like, follow and ask (which, i admit, is a lot, but bear with me i’m not a smart person and i don’t want to lose my side blogs by starting a new account ;w;



Hergolyne => Lateforfrenchschool !!!!! èwè

it’s been a while since i moved to lateforfrenchschool °^°’. I’m not active here anymore but somehow i still get a lot of followers here so..... well. Just so you know, this one is dead èwè.

Kpop tumblr: earlyconfession


This is fucking terrifying.

/!\ tw: trypophobia and death. /!\When I was little I had this nightmare where I was a private detective investigating in a little village where bodies where found with a monstrous amount of tiny holes (like a vampire’s bite but not only on the neck (like all the blood was drained out of the body (yeah that’s gross)). During my investigation everywhere I go with by partner we always see a little boy (like… he’s five) with an older girl (but she’s probably something like twelve). Even in my dream I find it pretty odd but eeeerf, I don’t really know what to think about it. And then… oh god, then… one night, those children find a dead body near a tunnel, so my partner and me go check what’s going on, and we told the children that they should go home

Here comes the part that scared me for yeaaaaaaars !!!! since the very moment the children start going home we are not anymore in my point of view. My mind follow them but not me in the dream, ‘k ? so we “follow” the little girl going home passing by the tunnel and suddenly behind her on the wall we see a frightening shadow… and suddenly the shadow reveal teeth but like… FUCKING SHARK THEETH ! AND IT’S BEHIND HER ! AND THEN THE SHADOW JUMPS AND WE SEE WHAT IT IS ! AND THIS IS THE FRICKING LITTLE BOY ! THE LITTLE FIVE YEAR OLD AND SHE SCREAMS and then we are back to me, jumping from hearing the scream and looking at the tunnel like “oh shit” then my partner and I are running in her direction but it’s to late and then the little boy jumps on us from a corner of the tunnel AND I WAKE UP !!

AND THE WORST PART is that when I had a nightmare and I wanted to see my parents I had to go through a corridor who looked EXACTLY like the tunnel in my dream and I was like FUCK ! NOPE ! I’M NOT GOING !


OMG WHAT IS HAPPENING !?!?8!??!?! OuO Attendez non, question rhétorique... je sais déjà de quoi il s'agit je viens de le voir à la télé 8D *sort*. Tout ce que je veux dire c'est que... MEINGOTT this.is.super.cool @u@. Je m'en moque si ça voix est bien ou pas pour Prince Gumball, le fait qu'il connaisse ce dessin animé et qu'il ait fait un cosplay de Finn me rend heureuse ;w; ça vient littéralement d'illuminer ma soirée... (C'est trop cool.... cool... cool...ool, ol, l....)>@o@

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