
Be Groovy or Leave


I swore off everyone's favorite hellsite but I'm back. Ben Barnes was 21 when I was born. Will fight to defend Pennsylvania’s honor.

Fun little math trick I find really helpful: the ratio of a mile to a kilometer is within 1% of the Golden Ratio. That means that if you have a good memory for Fibonacci numbers (1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89) you can convert pretty accurately by taking consecutive Fibonacci numbers.

For example, 89 kilometers is really close to 55 miles (55.3). Or, say you need to convert 26 miles to kilometers: 26 can be written as 21 plus 5, so taking the next Fibonacci number up gives 34 and 8, meaning it should be around 42 kilometers. Sure enough, it's 41.8 km!


i need several moments, math like this scares me

Not gonna lie, as much as I want to be helpful and comprehensible, I am very proud of provoking that reaction image.

I took a jaunt around europe and used this trick constantly


dreams are insaaaane. every night theres a chance ill experience some sort of delight or horror that has the chance to color the entire next day. and it doesnt even require a monthly subscription


not to be controversial bc I know this is like…not in line with shifting opinions on fanfic comment culture but if there’s a glaring typo in my work I will NOT be offended by pointing it out. if ao3 fucks up the formatting…I will also not be offended by having this pointed out…

‘looking forward to the next update’ and ‘I hope you update soon!’ are different vibes than a demand, and should be read in good faith because a reader is finding their way to tell you how much they love it. I will not be mad at this.

‘I don’t usually like this ship but this fic made me feel something’ is also incredibly high praise. I’m not going to get mad at this.

even ‘I love this fic but I’m curious about why you made [x] choice’ is just another way a reader is engaging in and putting thought into your work.

I just feel like a lot of authors take any comment that’s not perfectly articulated glowing praise in the exact manner they’re hoping to receive it in bad faith.

fic engagement has been dropping across the board over the last several years, and yes it’s frustrating but it isn’t as though I can’t see how it happens. comment anxiety can be a real thing. the last thing anyone wants to do is offend an author they love, and that means sometimes people default to silence.

idk where I’m going with this I guess aside from saying unless a comment is outright attacking me I’m never going to get mad at it, and I think a lot of authors should feel the same way. ESPECIALLY TYPOS PLZ GOD POINT OUT MY TYPOS.


An archivist found a long forgotten 8mm film reel in an old metal box, marked “Philippines 1942”. Thinking it was lost WWII footage, he sent it in to be restored/digitized. When he got the footage back, he found puppies instead (via)


This is so freaking profound. Like, this was before the advent of the personal camera. Not just anyone owned a camera in these days. Cameras were expensive, and so was the film. When you were recording shit, it had to be stuff you were willing to shell out a pretty penny to have preserved. Someone so deeply and profoundly loved these dogs and found joy in them that they decided to preserve them for future generations to see, after these pups are long dead and gone. This camera operator wanted to preserve the joy these dogs brought them and to share it with others. How incredible is that?


I think it's worth adding that every week, sometimes multiple times a week, there are also (much smaller) protests that are explicitly about ending the occupation and stopping the genocide in Gaza, in addition to everything mentioned above. These protests have been happening since almost immediately after Oct 7th and they have often gotten violent with people getting arrested. There are Arabs, Jews, young people, old people, trans people, anarchists, socialists, communists, feminists and pretty much anyone you can think of at these protests. They do not hold Israeli flags.

These protests are not reported on, even by Israeli news outlets, because they ruin the narrative that the Israeli government and the zionist movement want to push: that the Free Palestine movement is calling for the eradication of all Israelis, and that to be pro-Palestine is inherently antisemitic. They need it to be an extreme "us or them" situation in order to manufacture consent for the atrocities they are committing and for their future goal of "flattening Gaza", as many people put it. They need it to be seen as a fight to the death with no option of ever having peace.

It's important to fight back against this narrative. There are many (though not nearly enough) Israelis who believe Palestine should be free and have been fighting for it. Protesting, posting on social media (which is obviously dangerous when living under a fascist government), going to military jail for refusing service, traveling to the occupied territories to protect Palestinians from settler violence, and more. I'm not saying this so people give Israelis a pat on the back - I'm saying this because I see people on here (including huge popular accounts) posting things like "there isn't a real pro-Palestinian movement in Israel", not realising this is EXACTLY what Israel's government and the zionist movement want them to think.

Do not fall for their propaganda!!!


it’s crazy how many ppl fail the “don’t get made fun of for having weird opinions abt rap music” challenge by offering a long unsolicited speech abt why they personally don’t listen to rap music. babygirl just do not say anything on this topic it’s fine. even if you think you have somehow correct opinions about not listening to rap. you can just silently think them and not share them. <3

if i have to read one more post from a random white person explaining that they can’t listen to rap music because biggie smalls somehow played an integral role in their childhood trauma or they have an auditory processing disorder that makes them unable to hear the words “bitches” and “hoes” im actually gonna lose it Nobody Caressssssssssss nobody is showing up to your house to check your spotify listening history it’s fine you’re safe!!! your explanation for why mingyu from seventeen is the only rapper you can listen to for xyz completely justifiable and very real reason can stay in your head!!!!!!! the world does not have to know


some people seem to think that being horny for a media is paradoxical to critical analysis but actually anyone who makes quality horny content is so knee-deep in critical analysis their horny content reads like an extremely led psych eval


BTW, just to make sure everyone knows, this isn't just some internet rando commenting on her observations on the internet.

They are an Assistant Professor of Media Industries at New York University and literally just finished writing The Apple II Age: How the Computer Became Personal, a book on the history of the computer industry in the 70s.

This tweet isn't just an observation, it's the result of years of research and study. And it's absolutely true.


“It Is an Honor to Be Suspended for Palestine”

Dispatches from the Solidarity Encampment at Columbia University

In this in-depth report, participants offer a blow-by-blow account of the events at Columbia, appraising the tactics that the demonstrators have employed and the challenges that they face.

since the white house put out a ridiculous statement condemning the protests i want to reiterate again that many of the students involved are jewish, there has always been a large jewish presence at these protests in nyc and in campus organizing for palestine


i am about to bestow upon you the secret butter technique. i am sorry, but it is french. i am sorry again, this only works with cow butter. i am certain plant based butters wouldn’t work, and alternative animal butters may or may not work

has this ever been you: you have a nicely steamed vegetable, or maybe you want to make the best butter noodles, but you know that if you put butter on those it’ll just melt and you end with kind of greasy noodles or vegetables? don’t you wish it was instead a luscious buttery glaze?

introducing: beurre monté

you will take a small sauce pan, and begin heating it with 1-2 tablespoons of water (use very little water) and bring it to a hard simmer or boil

turn the heat down slightly, and add Butter. how much? however much you dare. (start with 3-4 tablespoons and go from there)

you are going to either whisk Aggressively or you can pick up the saucepan, still holding it over the heat, and swirl aggressively so the butter is skating around the sides of the pan

done correctly, you will have liquid butter that is still emulsified. you have made Butter Sauce. season it with a little salt, and toss whatever you want in it.

if you’re butter splits, i’m sorry. you didn’t agitate it enough to maintain the emulsion, and now you have melted butter.

you can use this knowledge to make other sauces by swapping out the water for another liquid. white wine becomes beurre blanc. red wine is beurre rogue.

you want to CUM? sweat minced shallot in a tiny bit of butter, add white wine and cook it out until it’s reduced by about half. then whisk butter in hard. a few flecks of minced thyme or fennel frond stirred thru, and you eat that with a nice seared fish? or scallop? or even shrimp? wow. you will Nut

your boxed mac and cheese game can also be elevated by cooking your pasta and making a beurre monté first, tossing your pasta in that and adding the cheese packet. wow. hey; you’ll cum

go forth now with this butter secret

five notes?? this is why i don’t tell you all anything


I’m far less interested in fiction where it’s like “This power/ability/prophecy is gender specific but trans inclusive” and for more interested in fiction that just… doesn’t do that

Stuff that’s like “Only girls can use moon magic but that includes trans women :)“ is still stupid and honestly a really reductive view of gender. Now if you wanna write some shit like “It’s believed that only girls can use moon magic but surprise it’s just surpressed/ignored in men because of gendered norms” like have at it. If you’re writing a fictional society you don’t have to stray away from fictionalized gender norms as well, but don’t right some shit where gender is baked into the laws of nature. Gender isn’t a force of nature, it’s a societal tool, and understanding that in real life means understanding that in fiction as well.


hey i know i asked for constructive criticism but what i actually wanted was for you to tell me i'm extremely talented. and also pretty. sorry if that was unclear

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