


Hey! I’m bi and I’m gender fluid so I use they/them pronouns and I’m taken. This blog is RBs and sometimes I have original content, I love to read write and do calligraphy, AKA word art. If you need anyone to talk to or a shoulder to cry on I’m here for you just HMU. I love all! There’s also a lot of trash on this blog, but a quote I love to use often that I found on tumblr but I don’t remember who said it but it was like “just because you’re trash doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. It’s called a trash can, not a trashcannot. Love y’all!

“maybe the curtains are blue because the author just liked the color blue” set human critical thinking skills decades back

you get it

i would rather die than think critically about some bullshit "metaphor" just say what you fucking mean don't be a little pussy who has to hide their words

oh, sorry, of course sir, i have some books for you right here <3


"maybe the curtains are just blue" yeah but maybe the point of art is not actually what the artist intended, but rather what you experience within it. And maybe your anti intellectualism is just a defense mechanism for you feeling as though your analysis would be inadequate, despite the fact that the point of analysis is to further your own experience and enjoyment. You idiot. You absolute foolscock.

IMO "the curtains are just fucking blue" comes from being taught in school to read metaphors into things without being given an example that feels genuine.

The teacher tells me this is a metaphor you can read from the text. But I don't believe that they believe it. So sure I can make up some bullshit but it all feels like bullshit because nobody has shown me an example with real emotion behind it. And then I get decent marks for making up some flimsy bullshit I pulled out of my arse and I just don't want to play this pointless game of making up metaphors nobody actually believes.

I only started to actually get any of this stuff when I watched video essays on YouTube made by people who actually cared about the metaphors they were reading into films. When it actually makes you feel something, and I can hear in someone's voice exactly how much this metaphor means to them, now I get it. Metaphor can make you feel things other than frustration.


Curtains don't change color to match your goddamn mood and people don't change curtains very often. What kind of critical thinking is there that just ignores that?

Hey guys how’s it going


I learned a new concept

Graceful degradation is the ability of a computer, machine, electronic system or network to maintain limited functionality even when a large portion of it has been destroyed or rendered inoperative. The purpose of graceful degradation is to prevent catastrophic failure. (Tech Target, first result on the search engine)


Literal opposite of planned obsolescence. I love you graceful degradation.

Oh neat the first time I heard of the concept the guy described it to me as "catastrophic functionality".

He was talking about it in the context of designing robots that would go in and stop nuclear reactor meltdowns, something that would 100% destroy the robot, but they would be designed to keep functioning and fighting the meltdown for as long as possible. He had some designs where over 80% of the robot has died and it was functionally dragging its corpse around by its one working arm because one more minute of functionality might save thousands.

I've been having a few bad years mental health wise, and thinking about those robots a lot .


"Rail only works over short distances" is one of the most detached from reality carbrain statements I've ever read. Rail is objectively, demonstrably better to cover long distances than it is to cover short distances. Car culture legitimately gives you some kind of brain fungus.


really love dynamics that are like 'it honestly doesn't matter if you view them as romantic or platonic, the point is that they love each other. the type of love is inconsequential, all that matters is that it's there'. gotta be one of my favorite genders.


TIL anyone who's going to overwinter in Antarctica has to have had their appendix out. Because removing an appendix that's not causing any trouble just as a precaution is way better than having one that's about to burst when you're on the ass-end of the planet with no way to be rushed to a hospital if shit gets real.

No, by the way, we absolutely did not think of this ahead of time. A dude named Leonid Rogozov got appendicitis in Antarctica. Fortunately, the expedition's doctor diagnosed him quickly and knew how to remove an appendix. Unfortunately, our man Leo was the expedition's doctor.

What did he do? Well, he set up a mirror, gave his belly a shot of novocaine, presumably told a colleague, "hold my vodka," and he removed his own fucking appendix. He survived.

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