
✨ Arcandemy ✨


Airid the Witch - Crystals, natural healing and divination.

Oil and Alcohol Based Infusions

For more go and checkout my Instagram.

Oil Based Infusions

Macerate - oil based macerate is best if you want to extract herb’s essential oils. It can be eaten (if intended for this, like garlic oil) and used externally for rubbing (warming, pain relief), cosmetics or anointing. There are two ways for oil macerate:

  • “Hot method” - good for thicker matter. Chopped/crushed matter sprinkle with 40% alcohol (it helps the oil work with the herb). Place in a jar and pour over the oil. Place the jar in a pot of water, heat it to 40-50 C/ 104-122 F. Close the jar and set aside for about a week. 
  • “Cold method” - Chop or crush the material a little, sprinkle with 40% alcohol (it helps the oil work with the herb). Place in a jar and pour over the oil. Leave for 2-3 weeks. Every day, rock the jar to wake up the herbs.

For each method, after the appropriate time, drain and refrigerate for up to 3 months.

Enfleurage - the oldest method of obtaining essential oils. It's hard to do it at home without special equipment.  A good quality oil must be called an essential oil (it is nautical) and not a fragrance oil (synthetic). To make sure it's best to check the composition, it should be short, preferably the essential oil itself. You can use them for aromatherapy, add them to cosmetics and ointments, and include them in spells.

Salve - also known as ointment, for external application. To prepare you need base oils (like Argan, Avocado or Jojoba oils, Coconut or Shea Butter). Melt it with beeswax and essential oils. You can also infuse base oil first with any herbal matter for specific purposes.

Alcohol Based Infusions

There are two ways to prepare stronger alcohol based infusions:

  • Tincture (cold method) - for this one you can use fresh or dried herbs. Put in a jar, pour over the alcohol and shake it. To prepare a stronger infusion you can use a bigger part of ready tincture in the same process and add a part of new alcohol.
  • Intract (hot method) - use fresh herbs. Heat the alcohol to 80 C/ 176 F and pour over the herbal material. 

For both methods leave for 7-10 days and drain (this is for herbal tinctures). Use 40-70% alcohol and keep 1:5 proportion (herbal matter : alcohol). For stronger infusion you can use 1:10 proportion.  Liniments - alcohol based herbal infusion intended for rubbing.


Herbal Extracts - part 1

For more go and check my Instagram. Infusion - is the process of extracting medicinal or flavor compounds contained in herbs in water, oil or alcohol, by leaving it over time. The temperature of the solvent and the time of leaving the herbal matter may vary depending on the extract’s strength, purpose and properties of the material.

Water Based Infusions

Herbal tea / tisane - obtained during the process called steeping (in a water based case it’s pouring boiling water over the matter and leaving it for several minutes). Best for fragile herbal material (like dried leaves and flowers), gives the weakest extract.

Decoction - resultant of boiling herbal or plant material. Best for stems, roots and bark (for example willow bark or dried elderberries). Gives a little bit stronger extract.

Macerate - herbs are put in a jar and poured with cold water and left for several hours, at the end you can make a water bath (put the jar in a pot, watch out for the bottom, do not boil). Best for herbs containing mucus like linden.

Tonic - can be prepared from tea, decoction or macerate. Usually for external use for skin care, so you can add argan oil, vitamin E or a few drops of essential oil. To preserve for a bit longer use add a teaspoon of vinegar or alcohol (be careful with the latest as it is for your skin). Inhalation - vapor from an infusion. For example in case of sinus problems or coughing, you can add essential oils to the hot water and inhale.


Internal dilemma - witchy books

rational me: I should read the review before I buy the boo...
Any books recommendations?
Find more on my Instagram @arcandemy


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What is a sigil?

Sigils are symbols representing specific intend and charged with energy to fuel our manifestation. They can be used in all kinds of spells like healing, love or prosperity spells as well for cursing and banishing.

How to create a sigil?

There is a lot of ways of creating sigils. The basic idea is to form a statement (lots of folks prefer to use present time) and to arrange letters into an unrecognizable shapes.

  1. LETTER BASED METHOD. For me it’s the easiest way of making a sigil. First state your intent like “I am safe”. Remove all repeating letters to “IMSFE”. You can simplify the letters and rearrange into a shape. Try as long as you are satisfied with the result. Charge the sigil and use it as you like!
  2. MAGIC SQUARES METHOD. Write down your statement and use squares to form a shape.
  3. LETTER WHEEL METHOD. Here you use a special letter wheel, just like the magic square to form a shape.
  4. DRAWING METHOD. Draw all the symbols that you want to put into your intent. Then rearrange them into a simplified shape.

How to charge a sigil?

Traditionally sigils are charged and then supposed to be forgotten to stay deep in your subconscious, but lots of people keep them and recharge after some time. There is a lot of ways to charge a sigil as it is an act of putting an energy into your shape. 1) Burning the sigil. I guess it’s one of the most popular forms where you can get a big dose of energy as well it tunes in with the traditional ‘forgotten’ idea.  2) Dissolve in water. You can use magic water that works with your intent!  3) Meditating over the sigil with an intent. 4) Using energy work and “pushing” energy into your sigil. 5) Putting the sigil in the sunlight/moonlight. 6) Using crystals to charge a sigil. 7) I also found an interesting method where you talk to other about the sigil! I believe that sharing sigil so others can use it, definitely charge them as each person adds some energy into it! 8) Singing, dancing, chanting or praying over the sigil. 

Every act that trigger some kind of emotions/memories in us is a good form of charging a sigil if it’s made with intent!

Where to use a sigil?

I love sigils as the can be putt pretty much everywhere. Here is some examples. 1) Crave sigils on candles and use them in spells. 2) Draw a healing/beauty sigil on your body with your body cream. 3) Draw a healing/joy sigil with butter on a bottom of the baking mold. 4) Form dry spell mixtures into a sigil and charge it. 5) Draw protection sigils on doors. 6) Keep your prosperity sigil in your wallet.



For more go and check my Instagram.

What is a pendulum?

A pendulum divination is an easy form of divination where you can quickly get yes, no or maybe answer, using a small object suspended on a string. The string should be held with your forefinger and thumb. The object can be made of any material like crystal, metal or wooden.

How to start using a pendulum?

Cleanse your pendulum. If this is the first time, ask your pendulum to show you yes, no and maybe moves. You can also ask obvious questions like ‘Is _ is my name?’ to practice. Once you feel comfortable with your pendulum, focus and ask your question. Watch the movement of the pendulum.



For more go and check my Instagram.

What is tasseomancy?

Also known as tasseography or tassology, it’s an intuitive divination technique of reading tea leaves or coffee grounds. Images changes when viewed differently so depends on reader’s perceptions. Good tool to access subconscious.


There are different ways to interpret which area of the cup corresponds with what. There are also special cups for divination with symbols painted on its inner surface. Check diagrams: 1. Rim to bottom layout where rim area is for present, sides for near future and bottom for far future. 2. 12 month layout where you divide cup into 12 areas, from left to right each is a further future. 3. Past/future layout where left side represents past and the right side future. 4. Importance layout - rim: most important; sides: relevant; close to bottom: rival, bottom: unlucky, right from handle: lucky. Those are not all possibilities!


  1. Get mentally prepared. Meditate, focus on the preparation of the tea and the reading. Find calm place to perform.
  2. You’ll need a cup with a light surface, loose tea or coffee ground, stove, kettle/pot and water. Place 1 teaspoon of tea leaves in a cup, bring water to a boil and pour over your tea. Steep for 3 to 5 minutes. Stir and let to settle. If you’re using coffee grounds first heat them in a pot, pour into your cup and let to settle.
  3. Focus on your question while enjoying the drink. Leave a small sip of drink in the bottom of cup. Swirl the leaves three times and turn the cup upside down on the saucer to drain the liquid. Turn the cup back and examine. What do you see?

Wheel of the Year

General Information

For more go and check my Instagram.

The pagan year begins with Samhain on October 31 and ends with the sundown on October 30. Each holiday is also called sabbat. They are celebrated to honor a given time of the year.


Also known as All Hallows’ Eve, Halloween.

Time: October 31 (start of the pagan new year).

Colors: orange, brown, black, gold, white, silver.


Time: Winter Solstice. December 21.

Colors: green, red, gold, silver, white.


Also known as Candlemas, Brighid’s Day/

Time: around February 2.

Colors: white, pink, yellow, red. PS. Sorry for bad typo in the photo :( 


Also known as Eostre (‘ehs-truh’)  - Goddess of Spring.

Time: Spring Equinox. March 20 (or 21).

Colors: light greens and blues, yellow and pink.


Also known as Roodmas, Walpurgisnacht, May Day.

Time: May 1.

Colors: green, blue, pink, white, yellow, purple.


Also known as Midsummer Night’s Eve.

Time: Summer Solstice. (Approx.) June 21.

Colors: Pale Yellow, Green, Gold, White


Also known as Lughnasadh.

Time: August 1 through August 2 (first harvest of the year).

Colors: Yellow, Brown, Orange, Green, Gold.


Also known as Alban Elfed, Mean Fomhair.

Time: Autumn Equinox, around September 21.

Colors: Red, brown, orange, gold.

*Edit: Removed pronunciation examples ad there were too many mistakes. Waiting for your examples in the comments!


A Cat Animal Spirit

Happy Partial Solar Eclipse, New Moon and Friday the 13th! I prepared special post about Cats!


What lesson can we learn from a Cat Spirit Guide? When should we choose a Cat Totem or a cat to be your Familiar?

Mystery, secrets, and magic

Probably because cats can lead the nocturnal life they have become the embodiment of mystery and secrets, and thus also of witchcraft. There is a belief that they can communicate with other realms. If you need to work on your intuition, or you are planning astral travels, ask a Cat Spirit to be your companion.

Independence and freedom

Cats walk their own paths and can not be forced to do anything. They feel good in their own company, but they can also enjoy moments with friends when they become playful and tender. They can balance private and social life. Time to rest and hunt. If you need some balance and independence, take this lesson from a Cat Spirit.


Cats quickly adapt to the situation. They are very flexible as they can choose to be nocturnal creatures or not, as well to be wild or domestic several times over the course of their life. If you are experiencing a difficult moment in life or find it hard to adapt to the situation, ask for help a Cat Spirit.

Intelligent, observant and patient

Cats can clearly see in the dark and they always act when the time is right. Even if they are high intelligence and intuitive they rather keep silent and observe from the safe place. This means that they are good at keeping secrets, but on the other hand can be manipulative to get what they want. If this is what you need this time, call for a Cat Spirit.

Confidence and curiosity

There is a belief that cats have 9 lives, which gives them the opportunity to take a risk from time to time. However, it is also a lesson that irresponsible acting comes with a price. They trust themselves and believe that they will always land on their feet. They are willing to explore even hard-to-access places. If you need some confidence or feel anxious about leaving your comfort zone, follow a Cat's Spirit footsteps.


Cat in a dream is connected to all its characteristics above as well with a feminine energy - yours or someone else. Also may indicate gossips. Because of the many superstitions, a black cat can also mean a bad luck, but if it’s not scary for you this is the sign of increased psychic abilities.


Ancient Times

Cats were considered godly creatures and worshiped in many cultures, mainly by ancient Egyptians. Bastet - Goddess with a cat’s head watched over motherhood, she was a goddess of sexuality and fertility. She took care of the souls of the dead, which most probably led to the belief that cats were the guardians of the underworld. In the Norse mythology goddess, Freyja drove a chariot pulled by a pair of black cats.

Middle Ages

Cats at first were domesticated by people as they successfully removed mice from home. However, this changed once people started to connect them with witchcraft. The interesting fact is that on June 13, 1233, an official papal (Pope Gregory IX) decree declared that Satan is half-cat and can turn into a form of a cat. Thus, a slaughter of cats comparable to the burning of witches began. This also leads to the common belief that a cat brings bad luck.


There are many superstitions that have accumulated over the centuries about cats due to their abilities. Probably the most common belief is that the black cat that crosses your way will bring bad luck. Depending on the country and even the region, a cat is a good or bad omen. There are so many superstitions that it would be hard to mention all. The weirdest one I found is probably that to stop a monthly period a woman should hold the spleen of a black cat (what!?). In most parts of China, black cats are considered as a living lucky charm. Let's not forget about well known Japanese maneki-neko aka lucky cat.  In some regions of England and Scotland, a strange black cat on the porch will bring luck!


To be completely honest I just started to learn about Animal Spirits. I used some terminology in this post as Animal Spirit/Guide/Totem or Familiar that can be sometimes misunderstood. For simplicity, I decided to use a ‘Cat Spirit’ in general. Just prepared a little text explaining it briefly and I’ll add it on my Tumblr soon (or maybe even prepare another BOS pages based on that!).

What other beliefs about cats do you know? Please share in the comments!


Tarot reading thing

/* A card pops out of your deck while you're shuffling */
rational self: You suck in shuffling the car...
witchy me: IT'S A SIGN OMG!!!

Baby Witches

Super Quick Guide for Beginner Witches

I got a request from a beginner Witches if I could help them to start practicing, so I thought that this might be a good idea to make a post with resources I find helpful. Also, I’d like to clarify how my own practice looks like.

My path

I study about Witchcraft for a couple of years and at the beginning, I wasn’t planning to go so deep into it. My Mom had a Herb Shop so I love any kind of natural healing from the very start. It slowly evaluated into reading about crystals, energy, astrology and suddenly… I bought a tarot deck, doing divination. It just happened. I also remember the moment when my knowledge became quite satisfying (tho I still learn and I always will), however, I wasn’t doing… well, any kind of practice. So I started to dig and find out that I missed a very important step. Reading about energy is one, but learn to FEEL the energy is crucial.

Now I think I’ve started walking a Green Witch path. I’m eclectic and secular Witch. You do not have to worship any God or Goddess to be a witch, but you can if you want. All elements are significantly important in my little spellcraft. I love crystals, brew herbal teas and find magic in all the mundane activities, in life itself. I’m not into rituals. For me every emotional thought is a spell, every intention attracts what we want (so be careful to not attract bad things!). What we believe, say, fell and think is powerful and have a great impact on our lives (mind and body too) and what is around us.

The practice of every witch is different. There might be a path other than mine, but more suited for you. Keep in mind I’m not Wicca, so there are no rules that regulate or decide about my path, but also it might be a bit more winding road with a lot of dead ends. However, if what I said sounds like something for you, I’m happy to provide some resources that helped me to start. The order is quite important.


A big part of them can be found on Tumblr! Also, this isn’t an ultimate list. Witchcraft is a giant field of knowledge, so for me, it’s a lifetime learning.


  1. The Green Witch by Arin Murphy-Hiscock - it says everything for me, 100% right. Great introduction, a lot of recipes and exercises. Perfect.
  2. Practical Magic by Nikki Van De Car - here you’ll find basics about most important topics like chakras, crystals, herbs, pagan holidays and some forms of divination. 

Once you’ll discover your own fields of interest, buy themed books. Basics can be found all over the Internet: Google - the World’s biggest BOS ever. Basics

  1. How magic works.
  2. Quick intro to Energy work.
  3. Masterpost about the energy : don’t read all, pick few and come back here later.
  4. Great introduction pdfs : READ THIS.
  5. Basics - look for Pages in the right sidebar menu.
  6. Ideas for BOS - extending your knowledge.

Exercises and homework ideas

Try meditation

This is the first step for energy work. Headspace.com might be a good place to start meditation. Try to do basic types of energy work

Use resources to find what is interesting for you. Some ideas: - Grounding (as the first one!) - Feeling the energy. For example Ball Energy between your hands. You can also try to feel the energy of plans, stones, crystals or pets. - Focus exercises. For example describing with all senses certain activities or objects. Prepare your favorite tea, sit in a calm place and drink your potion. Try to describe it with all your senses. How does it look like? How does it smell? What is the sound when you drink it? How does it taste? How does it feel? Concentrate. This is also great for anxiety/panic attacks! - Cleansing. This one feels good when you join it with a physical cleaning of your space. You can cleanse it by visualization or by using sage/palo santo. When you are done with your space you can cleanse your aura/chakras. - Affirmation/Attracting. Try to start daily, positive affirmation as well “gratitude logs” at the end of the day. All above will help you to start with spells! Basic knowledge and tools

Use resources for: - Learning about elements. - Basic correspondences (number 5 on a list of resources). - Basic properties of herbs/crystals. Max. 10 of each, don’t try to learn EVERYTHING at once! - Altars/shrines and tools. - Types of witches. - Types of divination (just make a list of them for start). Above is a great list of ideas for your BOS. You can start a Google Docs folder with one file as a list of ideas and separate files on each topic. Continue to extend your knowledge. Make a sacred space in your home

This can be something very little. Like a representation of each element: stone, feather, shell, and candle in one place. This is your place where you can be yourself!


DO NOT LEARN EVERYTHING AT ONCE (I’ll repeat that all the time). Pick one little topic for each week. For example: Week 1. Basics of the energy work + exercises. Week 2. Learning about elements, basic correspondences, types of witches. Week 3. Make a list of divination forms. Pick one and start to learn it. Week 4. Prepare your own spell based on the acquired knowledge. Do the additional research if you need to. Not sure what kind of spell/ritual? It’s great to start with New Moon/Full Moon rituals or protection/abundance spells! ...


If you worship any kind of Divine then add it to your practice! ~ Airid https://www.instagram.com/arcandemy/


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