
Inkorrect Inky Mystery Quotes!


Welcome! This an Incorrect Quote/Meme fan-account for Bendy and Boris in the Inky Mystery on Ao3 by ThisAnimatedPhantom! Feel free to Submit! Blog run by alollinglaughingcat ^^

Felix, in visible distress: Boris, he’s in my spot

Boris, to Cuphead: Yeah, see, here’s the thing; When you leave, we still have to live with him.

Cuphead: I don’t care, I’m taking a stand… Metaphorically.

Felix: Fine. Strike 3

Cuphead, mockingly: Ooh, strike 3!

Felix: …

(Scene skips, Cuphead storming out of house)

Cuphead: I’m banished?! What the cuss kind of stardust is that?!


Chapter 75:

Bendy: Why are you being so nice all of a sudden? You’ve practically been doting on me… It’s freaking me out, not gonna lie.

Cuphead: Oh come now, me being kind isn’t that strange, is it?

Bendy: …

Bendy: Yes. It really fucking is.



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