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This will just be a blog with cute animals so I can share cute tumblr animals with friends

Bothersome beast, comforting friend


In 2021 I was very depressed. I spent days moving from bed to couch and back again. I lost time. Weeks of it. But the one thing I do remember is my cat climbing up on me and just sitting on my hip as I lay on my side. He'd gently meow at me at breakfast and dinner time, and because I knew he needed to eat, I'd eat too. This picture made me cry. Because for weeks going on months, my beautiful boy kept me alive by doing this exact thing. And when he got sick (unrelated thyroid condition), that was the thing that forced me to finally put on shoes, get my shit together, and get myself to a therapist too.

I owe him everything and I love him so much.


I love animals that are, like, the opposite of cryptids: we know for a fact they exist and have a clear idea of what they look like because we have photographs and individual specimens, but we haven’t the faintest idea where they’re coming from - they just keep showing up out of nowhere, and the locations of their actual population centres are a complete mystery.


I so want examples. anyone who knows of any should post them in notes

You know, like giant squid and such. We know the bastards exist, we have credible first-hand accounts stretching back thousands of years and dead specimens washed up on shore and such, but in centuries of searching we’ve managed exactly one well-documented encounter with a giant squid in its natural habitat. We have no idea what their native range is or what their life-cycle looks like, let alone how many of them are out there.


Are there any reverse-cryptids that /aren’t/ at the bottom of the ocean?

The red-crested tree rat, for one. There have been only three well-documented encounters since 1898, and they just plain disappeared from the zoological record for over a century. The only reason we know they’re not extinct is that one walked right up to a couple of wildlife research interns at a Columbian nature reserve back in 2011, apparently out of pure curiosity, and allowed itself to be photographed and observed for several minutes before disappearing again.

That’s genuinely pretty cool and all, but I absolutely need to talk about how the picture in that Wikipedia article looks like a tiny eldritch horror disguising itself as a peach.

To be fair, based on the actual photos from the 2011 encounter, they really do look like that:

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