

@kyotanischewtoy / kyotanischewtoy.tumblr.com

18+ Only | Q | 23 | she/they | age in bio or I’ll block

shigaraki "tell me you love me" tomura.. shigaraki "I hate when you're upset it makes me want to kill someone" tomura 🧎🏼‍♀️


i know katsuki would not be offended if you worked a job while dating him (we love a man that supports his s/o doing their own hard work) but….. i just know a tiny part of him irks when you tell him i’ve got it, babe when you pay for the things you buy. waving around your lil card like you think shit’s cute…. like he isn’t drowning in cash himself.

where’s all that money gonna go if not spent on you??? you must be joking if you think ‘you’ve got it’.


Bakugou does absolutely nothing to show you that he likes you and then gets personally offended that you’re not dating him.

Imagine another guy making their move on you— his agency just finishing up a collab with Manuals agency, the normal hero is on his way out of the building after completing the mission report with Dynamight and his team and he stops by your desk.

You’re flattered because he’s kind, charming and has aged like a fine wine. His flirting is soft and delicate as he tells you how pretty you look today, and not to get too stressed working for the hot headed Dynamight who’s all bark and no bite (“I know, I can tell.” You reply with a smile at that). Bakugou glaring as he peeks through the blinds in his office, nose scrunched as he watches the exchange happen right before his eyes. You were his, he’d specifically made a scene of passing you your complex Starbucks order this morning in front of Mizushima before leading the Pro into his office and he’d addressed you by your name which is more than anyone else got. So how dare he flirt with you now right in front of his face, and how dare you look like you’re enjoying it!

Palms sparking as he pulls down one of the slats of the blind with a thick finger, the metal bending beneath his touch and clinking against the glass as he moves to get a better look. Just as he’s about to storm out there and break it up Manual bids you farewell as he steps into the lift.

“What was that all about?” Bakugou huffs, trying to pretend as though he doesn’t care as he tosses a file down on your desk, but his cheeks are tinted a rosy pink.

“Oh, he was just asking if I wanted to grab a coffee sometime.” You smiled, grabbing the file that Bakugou dropped on the desk.

Coffee? Only he knew your exact Starbucks order, and he got it right every time. How fucking dare that prick come in and try and steal you away from him.

“-but I told him I’m pretty busy here with you most of the time.”

Bakugou felt his chest puff out with pride, unable to hide the smug grin on his face— hell yeah, you were.

Until the next day when he steps out of the lift and sees you with a huge bouquet of flowers on your desk, trudging over with a glare as he looks over the arrangement. Roses— not even your favourite flower.. you didn’t even like roses. Grabbing the card as he read the name of the sender— Manual.

“If you wanted flowers you could’ve just asked me.” Bakugou grunts.

“I didn’t ask for flowers, though?” You replied in confusion.

“But I’d buy you flowers anyway. Flowers you actually like.” He growls, “Not like this prick. Buying you flowers, the fuck does he think he is?”

So now he’s plonking your coffee down so roughly on your desk that some of the liquid escapes out of the drinking hole at the top as he storms towards his office, slamming the door behind him. Fingers jabbing at his cell phone as he finds Manuals number to call him and demand he doesn’t send you anymore flowers— all while you’re sitting completely clueless outside as to why your boss suddenly stormed off.


firmly love romance books where the mean angry guy who’s like genuinely violent has a soft spot for his little spitfire wife. like yesss threaten anyone who touches her and prove your devotion through mangled attempts at taking care of her yesssss

also when I say fucked up men I mean fucked up. if he has not killed at least 10 people I don’t want him


there’s just something about clingy Bakugou that makes me wanna rip my tonsils out

laying in bed beside him, but you’re not directly touching him cause, fuck, it’s hot as hell and he’s basically a walking furnace. he keeps scooting over until you’re practically hanging off the edge of the bed. finally he just says fuck it and rolls over, throwing a leg over your hip, tucking his arm under you to hold your boob, squeezing your tummy with his other hand. he doesn’t move, despite the humidity of the air around you—if anything, he pulls you in closer.

clingy clingy clingy!!! all of your phone calls are joint conversations, but he’s polite enough to whisper instead of taking over and asking your friend what they did next to their ex’s clothes. he’s glued to your hip the entire conversation, popping little fruits n snacks into your mouth when it hangs open long enough when your friend spills on what they did next. expects a kiss as compensation, though.

when he’s drunk, he’s even worse. practically lays completely on top of you, head smothered in your neck. it’s like he’s a fucking python or something, with how he wraps thick arms and thicker thighs around your body for the entire night. you’ve been tempted a few times to just pick him up like a koala bear when he won’t move when you say you have to pee, but you think your knees would probably break the moment you stood up.

you can’t get any work done when he’s off for the day. he doesn’t even necessarily want your attention, he just has to be close enough for you to touch him, or for him to begrudgingly reach out and touch you when you don’t take his hints of coughing and nudging.

hold my hand ass mf, even if you’re just sitting in bed trying to read. he’ll turn the page for you, don’t worry. he’s just annoying. I love him


To Shape a Home Masterlist

Farmer!Bakugo x reader (Stardew Valley AU)

Rating: Explicit
Warnings: slow burn enemies to lovers, few descriptions of reader, Reader is referred to as a nickname throughout, talk of grief, smut (specific warnings for this will be on the labeled chapter), talk of alcoholism and rehab, talk of cancer, talk of the negative effects of smoking
Total WC: TBD
Summary: When your grandfather leaves you the deed to his small farm in your old hometown, you decide to leave your city life behind and care for it in his memory. The town holds potential for reopening old wounds and forcing you to face all your regrets. With one grumpy farmer who seems to have a personal vendetta against you and the bustling metropolis you used to call home behind you, you’re ready to delve into whatever it takes to have a successful farm and find somewhere you can truly call home.

Note: Uploads will be every Wednesday and Saturday! starting Feb 5th!





  • Epilogue

Meet the Farmer:

character sheet by @bakugotrashpanda


To Shape a Home (13)

Winter- Chapter 13

Last Chapter | Masterlist | Next Chapter

Bakugo x Reader

Warnings: Belly Aching fluff,also Katsu being a flustered DORK god I love him.

WC: 3.3K

a/n: I AM BEGGING YOU FOR THE LOVE OF GOD LISTEN TO THE FEATURED SONG IN THIS CHAPTER WHILE READING. I PROMISE YOU WON’T BE DISAPPOINTED. It is the SWEETEST most AMAZING song. It always makes me think of Katsu and how he loves please PLEASE ok?!? I WEEPED writing this chapter.

Featured Song: Annie’s Song by John Denver.

It’s way too cold to do anything–except maybe fuck–yet Katsuki is standing on Jodi’s porch carrying a casserole dish as you knock happily on her door. When she answers, Vincent comes out to hug your legs and you bend down to wrap him in a tight hug.

Because of the weather, the Feast of Winter Star Festival isn’t happening this year. You, being the dumb little saint you are, have decided to go around to your friend’s houses to drop off little gifts for them. And somehow, you’d talked Katsuki into coming with you.


Marriage is about having good sex and committing unspeakable acts of violence for one another

"it's about love" yes and love is tearing a man's heart out of his chest and presenting it to your beloved wife because he dared to disrespect her. And then getting absolutely railed.


Passing: Profiling the Lives of Young Trans Men of Color (2015).

[ID: Excerpts from interviews with two trans men. The first, Lucah Rosenberg Lee, has a shaved head and a trimmed beard. The second, Victor Thomas, has curly black hair and a trimmed beard, and is heavier-set.
Lucah, talking about gender dysphoria prior to transitioning, says, “I was in a heterosexual relationship. I was female. I would question this all the time. Am I attracted to these men, or do I just want to be them? That was a big turning point in my own self-discovery.”
Victor, talking about the transphobia he’s endured as a trans man of color, says, “You’re subjected to something because they don’t understand you. And you have to watch the way you react, because you’re a man now. People take you as a threat.”
Lucah, in another scene, discusses feeling erased as a trans man, and racism in trans communities. He says, “Being so invisible within the LGBT community can actually feel so isolating. When people don’t know my history as a trans person, I feel sometimes that I’m viewed as more of an enemy.” END ID.]

Trans men of color deserve to be loved and appreciated, and made safe. Trans men deserve access to our own spaces, no matter how masculine and cis-passing we are. We deserve credit and recognition for the contributions that we have made to trans history, most of which are erased nowadays.

Being a man is not dangerous or wrong. Being masculine is not dangerous or wrong. Being a black man is not dangerous or wrong.

Please support trans men of color.

Please support trans men.

Please support men.

Men belong in trans spaces. Men of color belong in LGBT+ spaces. Straight trans men belong at Pride. Men do not have to be feminine to be queer.

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