
Lords of the Sith|Podcast

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The place beyond space & time — Episode IX

“Whenever one moves out of the transcendent, one comes into a field of opposites. These two pairs of opposites come forth as male and female from the two sides. What has eaten of the tree of the knowledge, not only of good and evil, but of male and female, of right and wrong, of this and that, and light and dark. Everything in the field of time is dual, past and future, dead and alive. All this, being and nonbeing, is, isn’t….The mask represents the middle, and the two represent the two opposites, and they always come in pairs. And put your mind in the middle; most of us put our minds on the side of the good against what we think of as evil. It was Heraclitus, I think, who said, “For God all things are good and right and just, but for man some things are right and others are not.” You’re in the field of time when you’re man, and one of the problems of life is to life in the realization of both terms. That is to say, I know the center and I know that good and evil are simply temporal apparitions.” – Joseph Campbel, Bill Moyers, The Power of Myth Episode 2: The Message of Myth.

I will gratefully elaborate and expand more on this in a longer post but I believe that Palpetine is in a place beyond space and time. Where it is the dwelling place of the dark and light (heaven and hell) where all the supernatural phenomena and spiritual warfare takes place. This could be the “beyond”. Rey and Kylo Ren Journey to the beyond to slay the “dragon”/The devil for once and for all. This is the Battle Of Armegeddon. This is where the battle that will save the whole galaxy will take place. The land of the supernatural directly affects the living physical world.

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(Via Star Wars Databank)


Don’t forget the Rumi quote that Victoria Mahoney (2nd unit director for TROS) had up on her moodboard while making the movie:

Highly suggestive, as Sherlock Holmes would say…


I do like the concept for many obvious reasons….

Anonymous asked:

I don't understand people and their idiotic takes people can't be more than one thing. And arguing over the various surnames. Leia is a Skywalker, an Organa and a Solo, I dunno why she should be denied any of those identities. Ben is all of his various ancestors surnames.On the other scale I've seen people seeing he needs to change his name to Skywalker in order to be worthy of his redemption. No he doesn't need to, he is Ben Solo but that doesn't invalidate him being the Skywalker of the title.

The whole “Ben is gonna change his name to Ben Skywalker” thing is dumb on several levels, but most notably because LF have placed heavy emphasis on Ben as Han Solo’s son for a reason.

Ben is a Skywalker, but his over-dependence on that identity (which, ironically, he very much clings to even after adopting the persona of Kylo Ren, a move designed to distance himself from his family) is part of what he needs to let go of to self-actualize as his true self. Snoke praises him for being a Skywalker, for being an heir to Vader; he calls Ben “Young Solo” to shame him. To remind him of his humble, non-noble, non-“gifted” paternity– and Ben’s human weakness in mourning for his father. Ben himself says about this much to Han when he says he was “weak and foolish, like his father.” “Skywalker” may stand for destiny and power, but “Solo” stands for all the things Ben has been made to feel ashamed of as he tries to journey into the Dark: compassion and human love.

The point here is that it’s incredibly important that Ben is a Solo too and that he learns to reclaim his true name and the true power of his full identity. Ben’s obsession with lineage and the Force and destiny is what has brought him to this place of darkness and despair. And yet it was Han –smuggler Han, Han with no powers, no parents, no real last name– who commits the ultimate act of true compassion, courage, and sacrifice when he dies loving and forgiving his son, and in the process saves his soul.

That kind of radical compassion is the purest expression of the Light, of the Force manifest. Han is the person who showed Ben that. Who showed Ben that the Force is within him, not to control or beat into submission but to bind us all together. Who showed Ben that he doesn’t need to be a dictator, or a villain, or even just a powerful Force user to be of worth. That true power is the compassion and humility that transmutes ordinary people into something extraordinary.

That’s why Ben’s a Solo.


Thanks to @mooshygirl  for giving us a heads up about this. Worth the read!


Just thinking about this parallel between ROTS and TROS…

Palpatine knighted Anakin as a Sith Lord with: « Rise, Lord Vader ». Again inversion and sick redemption arc : ROTS was the rise of Vader and downfall of the Skywalker. Who else but his only grandson, the one who want to finish his legacy, to rise in the end as the last of the Skywalker?

Anonymous asked:

Disney have got themselves covered as far as the controversial aspect of Reylo goes. It was a VERY smart idea to explicitly show Rey empathizing with Ben but rejecting Kylo. If she gets together with a redeemed Ben, it will not be controversial because the creators have already established that their heroine isn't someone who would throw away her integrity, agency, and morals for an attractive bad boy. If she accepts him AFTER he changes himself for the right reasons, it won't be controversial.

Bless this ask.


Perfection. I completely agree. And, for all its faults, the TLJ junior novelization did include a few gems. Like this:

“And if she wanted to save Ben, she would have to stop Kylo Ren”.

Meaning that if she is determined to defeat Kylo Ren in IX, it’s because she wants to save Ben.

How much clearer can they get?


Bringing this back ♥️

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