

@ask-graywalkerpony / ask-graywalkerpony.tumblr.com

A Pegasus with amnesia and mysterious past, fighting for her life. And desperately needs friends to help her on her quest to find out who she is.

Happy to see you in my notifs again! Looking forward to seeing what you make of Greywalker in the future!


Glad to be back somewhat. It ill be a slow progress on restarting the blog, so please be a bit more patient.

Anonymous asked:

Have you decided if you will restart the blog?

Debating on that at the moment, since my art style has changed over the few years and I now have a set up to actuall do digital art again. It's a long story why I, the moderator of this art ask blog, have been MIA for the past few years.


So after a good few years I now can do stream my art on picarto again. Have a new pc that run more things. I plan to stream on my days off work.


An apology and explanation.

I want to apologize and explain my previous posts that I posted throughout my work shift yesterday. It’s a hard thing to even bring up or even talk about as I dislike talking about my personal life, so I am sorry if I worry people.

For the past few days, my close friends have noticed a change in me since I started taking antidepressants and sleep medications. I started to suddenly exhibit far more depressive mood changes and now today I was numb and I had suicidal thoughts that I normally don’t have. I genuinely thought I would kill myself tonight after I got off work by overdosing on my sleep meds and antidepressants, so I asked @tazerpones if he’d take over @ask-graywalkerpony blog as I believe I wouldn’t be alive to do so.

Near the end of my work shift, my brian finally cleared that fog of suicidal thoughts and numbness and I was able to think and be somewhat normal with a hint of anxiety. By the time I got home I was stimming on a Lion King toy I took from work. I was able to talk to my friends about how I felt all day and the past few days and come to a realization that my current dosage mixture of my meds have been affecting me poorly. I also asked @tazerpones to let me have @ask-graywalkerpony back as I wasn’t in a proper state of mind to even give away my blog.

So I will be taking a day off from work tomorrow/today to recover and talk to my doctor about my medications.

Again. I apologize as this may/ is a sensitive topic to talk about. But please try not to worry as I’ll be taking care of things to make me better mentally and I have wonderful friends to help me with that.

If anyone has ANY questions, please ask me. I am open to talk about what happened today and about my past medical history regarding depression.

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