


The old account got deleted but we’re back babeeey! Pronoun is he/she/they. Used to be ask-fnf-minus-starcatcher-cast

Hey hey! Sooo yeah this is no longer a role play blog- this is just my main now. Name’s Violet! But if we know eachother you can call me Star or Starviolet or any variation of that.

I also run @minus-starcatcher-beyond @ask-bombon-and-magembi @friday-night-edits and am one of th e mods of @is-the-dave-video-cute and @ask-sonic-and-scourge but those last two aren’t as active anymore

The old pinned post with all the tags just in case you wanna see my old rp stuff with my FNF minus au is gonna go here

User boxes are by sweetpeauserboxes!

Oh and the last divider is made byyy @/planetaryrph


I always forget what lore I posted here and what lore I haven’t posted. Cuz I have my other Super Secret blog I post lore on so idk what I’ve posted on here vs what I’ve said there

I almost just posted about Dr breakfast before realizing “wait they don’t even know who that is yet”


Should I drop the Wendy and Nick lore. Or at least most of it

Actually fuck it W&N lore let’s go.

Wendy and Nick is a cartoon, right? The world/story is based on Vs. Vloo Guy, like the world Wechup Gal and Nuustard Dude are from in qubodeathscreen, just a bit different.

And on the same channel you see W&N on, there are also cartoons similar to all the other universes the Qubo vessels are from. Like, there’s an FNF adjacent cartoon that Denny and Byte and the FNF characters are in, a Banban show, Gametoons show, etc etc. Except things would be different from the regular canon in each show, with different stories and art styles.

The channel started pulling in less money, and the other shows besides W&N were eventually ended because they were expensive to produce and attracted way less viewers than W&N. W&N was to the company that made these cartoons as SpongeBob is to Nickelodeon, it was by far their most profitable IP

Unfortunately, the show Leafy was featured in never got her story finished the way it was supposed to. The series was meant to go on for a while, but the creators had to rush an ending, and he died at the very end.

Nobody knows how or why, but it’s said that if you’re watching Wendy and Nick, you can sometimes see Leafy’s spirit in the background, lurking the halls of Ned’s.. sure hope nothing bad comes of that. ;]

Sorry if none of this makes sense or whatever but that’s my Idea

Ok more unorganized ideas-

-The FNF adjacent cartoon would be called “Beat ‘em Up!” Cuz like BEAT like music it’s a pun. It would be one of those action cartoons. The story still focuses on BF

-The GOBB one would be actually kinda freaky. And the art style would be similar to the Secret Histories series by Mashed on YT probably. Slimy Sal would take the place of the unnamed player character, and would try to escape the kindergarten

-Wendy and Nick would feature characters scrapped from Vloo Guy, such as Nate, Lila, and Wackass (who would be called Wallace ). But unfortunately, as the series went on, they’d all go missing. Nate and Lila’s jobs were to deliver the pizza, and would be eventually replaced by Brandon and Gaby.

-Characters in W&N, barring Leafy, all go by like, normal person names, thus why Nuustard and Wechup are called by their actual names. Characters without regular names go by fanon ones. For example, if Boyfriend was in the show, his name would be Keith.

-Trinket, (Or Bonnie, as he was called then) a character I think I showed off before(??) was a side character in the show. He was Wendy’s boyfriend. I’d imagine his personality would be kinda like Amy from Sonic. Anyway, he doesn’t die, he just vanishes. It’s assumed by some fans of the show that he was murdered off-screen, considering all the other characters who were killed, but he’s actually still kicking. You’ll see him soon.


Should I drop the Wendy and Nick lore. Or at least most of it

Actually fuck it W&N lore let’s go.

Wendy and Nick is a cartoon, right? The world/story is based on Vs. Vloo Guy, like the world Wechup Gal and Nuustard Dude are from in qubodeathscreen, just a bit different.

And on the same channel you see W&N on, there are also cartoons similar to all the other universes the Qubo vessels are from. Like, there’s an FNF adjacent cartoon that Denny and Byte and the FNF characters are in, a Banban show, Gametoons show, etc etc. Except things would be different from the regular canon in each show, with different stories and art styles.

The channel started pulling in less money, and the other shows besides W&N were eventually ended because they were expensive to produce and attracted way less viewers than W&N. W&N was to the company that made these cartoons as SpongeBob is to Nickelodeon, it was by far their most profitable IP

Unfortunately, the show Leafy was featured in never got her story finished the way it was supposed to. The series was meant to go on for a while, but the creators had to rush an ending, and he died at the very end.

Nobody knows how or why, but it’s said that if you’re watching Wendy and Nick, you can sometimes see Leafy’s spirit in the background, lurking the halls of Ned’s.. sure hope nothing bad comes of that. ;]

Sorry if none of this makes sense or whatever but that’s my Idea



I SIRE HOPE YOU ARE because there is in fact more


Should I drop the Wendy and Nick lore. Or at least most of it

Actually fuck it W&N lore let’s go.

Wendy and Nick is a cartoon, right? The world/story is based on Vs. Vloo Guy, like the world Wechup Gal and Nuustard Dude are from in qubodeathscreen, just a bit different.

And on the same channel you see W&N on, there are also cartoons similar to all the other universes the Qubo vessels are from. Like, there’s an FNF adjacent cartoon that Denny and Byte and the FNF characters are in, a Banban show, Gametoons show, etc etc. Except things would be different from the regular canon in each show, with different stories and art styles.

The channel started pulling in less money, and the other shows besides W&N were eventually ended because they were expensive to produce and attracted way less viewers than W&N. W&N was to the company that made these cartoons as SpongeBob is to Nickelodeon, it was by far their most profitable IP

Unfortunately, the show Leafy was featured in never got her story finished the way it was supposed to. The series was meant to go on for a while, but the creators had to rush an ending, and he died at the very end.

Nobody knows how or why, but it’s said that if you’re watching Wendy and Nick, you can sometimes see Leafy’s spirit in the background, lurking the halls of Ned’s.. sure hope nothing bad comes of that. ;]

Sorry if none of this makes sense or whatever but that’s my Idea

you’d like to use colorful text on tumblr ( like this! ) but don’t feel like typing in the html code every time? same. that’s why i made this little generator that lets you color your text ( like you would i.e. in word or docs! ) and spits out the html bit that you can copy and paste into your tumblr post. you can even do the rest of your formatting like bold, italic, small, links or blockquotes within the editor! you can select one of the 48 default colors or paste in the hex code of your own color. when you’re done, simply copy the generated code and paste it into the html editor of your tumblr post.  note: do be careful not to switch back to the rich editor, or your colors will be lost! you’re best advised to cut the replies and add icons and @-tags before switching to html editor.
( psst!  this  feature  is  now  also  integrated  in  my  spacing  generator! ) — message me if you encounter glitches or have any questions! — please like or reblog this post if you’ve found it helpful




@violet-of-the-stars HOLY SHIT LOOK AT THIS



Questions about two of your original characters about their relationship. Should work for friends/lovers/coworkers/enemies/etc, maybe not so much for family, but you're welcome to try!

  1. How did they meet?
  2. How long have these two characters known each other?
  3. What were their first impressions of each other? How does that compare to their impressions of each other now?
  4. How would they describe each other if asked? Physically? In personality?
  5. Do they get along? Why or why not?
  6. Do they have any shared interests/hobbies? Do they ever do these hobbies together?
  7. How often do they see each other? Where do they usually meet?
  8. How do they communicate with each other? Are there any recurring phrases or gestures unique to their relationship?
  9. What is one quality they have in common?
  10. What is one major difference between them?
  11. Does one act as a narrative foil to the other? How so?
  12. Do they have any affection for each other? How do they show it?
  13. Do they have any disdain/contempt for each other? How do they show it?
  14. Do they share the same goals in life?
  15. Do they trust each other? Why or why not?
  16. Is one of them keeping secrets from the other? Why? How would they react if the secret was revealed?
  17. Are they keeping a secret together? How do they feel about that?
  18. Do they view their relationship as temporary or permanent?
  19. Are they satisfied with their relationship? Do they wish they were closer/more distant?
  20. What is their best memory together?
  21. What is their worst memory together?
  22. When were they the most vulnerable with each other?
  23. Do they have any mutual friends? Mutual enemies?
  24. How do these two interact with each other in public versus in private?
  25. If a stranger saw them together, how would they describe their relationship?
  26. How would these characters react to being stuck in a small room with each other?
  27. How far would they go for each other? Would they risk their own lives for each other?
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