
the sound of rain and earth.

@thnndrarchive-blog / thnndrarchive-blog.tumblr.com

ring, brother, ring for me. ring the bells of hope and faith. ind. thor #thnndr

so i cheated and read the ragnarok plot spoilers on wikipedia. i’m massively happy with my move not to acknowledge the movie, but i feel very bogged down on here. this blog will be archived and moved to a new blog, everything will be spruced up, including a full timeline explaining how i’m bringing myth and mcu together.

alright alright alright, here’s the deal. i’m coming back to thor. i’m making icons and i’ll be updating the theme/pages as i watch the movies, but the focus of this blog will be on plotted interactions. i don’t have a great deal of time with my final year of university, but i miss my thunder son.
the more material comes out in relation to Thor 3: Ragnarök, the more likely this blog will become canon divergent. i’ll only make my final decision once i’ve seen the movie, but it’s pretty likely at this point i’ll be diverging completely from the MCU at this point.

based on the trailer that hit a few days ago, this blog will be going canon divergent. there will likely be a verse following the movie’s plot line as a separate au, but this blog will be canon divergent from now on.

real talk: as you’ve likely noticed by now, my activity has been non-existent here for the past few months. thor is still a character i love to write and explore, but the amount of personal strife and troubles i’ve been going through, as well as my own personal health, mental and physical. along with the ongoing situation i have living with my emotionally abusive mother and grandmother, i’ve also been monumentally stressed with university work and midterms to the point where i’ve been physically ill for the past month and a half. all this rolled together has meant i’ve not been active on any of my blogs for any length of time, but i am working towards actually getting better and now i’m back at university, things should roll out in a more stable fashion soon.
   Steve had always enjoyed parties. He liked to see people happy, and to see them in the throws of life. It was what he worked to protect, and in turn, it was something he didn’t often get to experience. He liked parties though, when he could stand by the sidelines and enjoy others enjoying themselves. He didn’t dance, and he didn’t mingle, but he liked the music and the anonymity that came with the lowered lights.
   And then there was the chance for conversation with those he did know. He had spoken with Bruce, and Natasha, and avoided Tony for the sake of his nerves. He instead spotted Thor by the assortment of too-small entrees that were always on offer. He smiled to the man, chin lifted in acknowledgement. It was a good time, a celebratory time, with high energy and happy vibes.
   “Hey, I’ve got a question – do Asgardians have a mythology? Like, old heroes, stories to learn from?”

Merriment’s anonymity had been a cloak well-worn upon the Thunderer’s shoulders; a faux smile with every joyous shout, warmth and light bled true in every inch of his countenance with every sticky-fingered grasp of Volstagg’s child at his clothes, his hands, the victorious cry as he relented and hoisted them upon his knee as though they were kings and queens of realms afar and he the mighty throne beneath. Only Heimdall had noticed the melancholy nursed beneath his bones, taking note of the hollow beast nuzzling the rims of his eye sockets and leeching all true joy gleaming and bright from the flash of his teeth -- oh, Óðinn had seen it in the early stages, narrowed bear’s eye and broad paw steering him towards Sif over Jane Foster, but the king of the golden realm had more to consider than the matters of his son’s bleeding heart.

All a matter of the past, an amicable parting -- perhaps, if Óðinn saw him now, the singular beat of a heart than had been fiercely enamoured with the dance of another, he would think the worlds righted, and the erratic drums of his heir’s incensed heart quelled to the tune of righteous truth.

The approach of a friend drew Thor from his cloak of shadows, a ready smile perched on his lips. Learned though he had become in the art of injecting humour into a grim visage, submerging himself in joy whilst showing none himself, Steven was owed the rich fibre of truth. Both knew well to appreciate attention diverted from themselves, but oft had Thor found in it’s absence was when they needed consideration the most.

“Ah yes, we do. In my youth I was told stories of my ancestors’ accomplishments and heroes of old -- I would often beg at my father’s knee for stories of his accomplishments in war.” Consideration flitted briefly across the Thunderer’s brow, sky-blue eyes turned to Steve. “Why do you ask?”


                                     ( )        //    @thnndr

  ♢ ♦ ♢ ♢ ♢
    how unexpected , the COLOSSAL before her stood akin to an enterprise.     bleach flesh was mullified as in the entranceway to the ABYSS they stood     bored over with shadows from real looming fortressed to greedy misanthropical     BEASTScarmine painted flesh parted to allow a SLIM glance at pearls , packing     back , a breath was let out. Coin hue took in the figure before LOCKING onto similar      tone pools. the caverns of her mind was a swirl , more than NORMAL , so she spoke      one plain retort.                                  ❝ ━━Oh ? ❞ 

The minds of Miðgarðr were many and few, uniting upon a similar cause or exploring the far reaches of sanity, armed with but a toothpick to scale a crevasse and carve their name upon the world. Gotham’s business had no impact upon Manhattan, for true, but it was the nature of the storm to encompass all; the weight of nine worlds upon his back, beached to his shoulders like loving whales, was no foreign chain, no unknown tear gleaming in the eyes of kith and kin. The Avengers were concerned with worldly affairs, awaiting the next portal to the far reaches of Ginnungagap with bated breath, but Thor had sworn an oath noble and true.

I will protect the Nine Realms with my last and every breath, but I cannot do so from that chair.

“You are the Harley Quinn, yes?” Manners had no place in preserving the worlds; tone civil and inviting to truth, Thor could only hope the unlikely saviour would relinquish her thoughts as she had her sanity. “I require knowledge of what happened here. The incident with the Enchantress.”

            ‘  what’s our PLAY here? there’s too many for a SOLO strike.  ‘

     “They will not anticipate a joint assault.” Dense in the mind and focused on singling each hero out alone, their foes knew little of the bonds to unite the Avengers. “Their formations belie their intent -- they expect a pincer movement or a reckless charge. Perhaps we should surprise them.”

        he was probably going to regret ever asking.  your eyes are blue as the ocean and i’m lost at sea; you must be a hell of a thief for having stole my heart across the room; are you a magician because whenever i look at you everyone else disappears; i should call you google because you’re everything i’m looking for; is your dad a preacher because you’re a blessing; i’m no organ donor but i’ll gladly give you my heart; can you touch me so i can tell my friends i was graced by an angel━━━ ❜  they finally paused, inhaling deeply, as they exclaimed each phrase with a single breath, then touched the tips of each finger together with their thumbs.  i have maybe fifty more at the top of my head. you’re quite the source of inspiration. 

Quite the litany of compliments Thor had not expected, ranging from the childishly humourous to the poetically inclined. Had he been a younger god, built of scuffing boots and dirt smudged on the high plane of ruddy cheeks, he may have blushed, reciprocated in his own way with burning ears and a charming smile, but his was the role of a parent unto their child.

Better was it to coddle a child than face the raging onslaught of another human’s great displeasure.

“You have quite the gift,” he surmised, brows raised in modest encouragement. “Perhaps Earth should consider hiring you for their greetings cards, lest your talent be squandered.” A pleasant smile graced bearded lips, ripe with the bright teasing light favoured by youth. “I would not recommend your deliver these unto Stark though. His ego would surely rival Valhalla should it swell anymore.”


things to consider: the avengers going into schools to teach children about stranger danger, road safety, anything that requires an outside voice coming into talk.

steve excels at teaching regarding stranger danger. tony handles all matters of cyber bullying -- stark tech doesn’t think it’s cool and neither should you. steve and thor are champions of consent. thor or another avenger always travels with wanda so she’s not so overwhelmed being on her own with countless children. tiny children who look up at their heroes all wide-eyed and attentive, who listen to the lessons far more than if the school called in pc peacock to impart the lesson for them.

things to consider: the avengers undertaking impact hero work ( as luke cage put it here and here ) and not just sitting around waiting for the next alien invasion.

        wow, had he never had someone flirt with him? that’s unbelievable.  how about this one then? ━━do you have a band-aid? ‘cause i just scraped my knees falling for you!

A slow smile crept upon the Thunderer’s face, crooked and crafty with understanding. “Aha, yes, that is a good one. Do you have anymore?”

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