
Your Casual Trans-Masc Witch

@witchy-n--bitchy / witchy-n--bitchy.tumblr.com

Background not mine, icon is mine | Ollie | Teenager | Divination Witch + Witchling + willing to learn things that aren't closed | he/him or they/them

Own your magic, steadfastly and unapologetically. You are your own magic, and no one can take it from you. So be fierce and fearless.

(Lessons from Baba Yaga.)


How to Set Up An Altar:


Athame, Wand, Book of Shadows, Candle/incense holders, Playing or Tarot Cards, Cauldron, Small Jars. Ribbons, Bones (don’t kill anything and make sure it’s ok to pick them up though), Chalice, Boline, Altar Cloths, and Bessom.

The Elements: 

Air: Feathers, Smoke, Wand, Symbols, Candles, A Hand Fan, Bells, Pictures, of the Sky, Streamers, Spoons, and Art of Birds, Angels, and Faeries. 

Fire: Lighters, Matches, Candles, Incense, Cauldron, Athame, Symbols, and Fire Opal. 

Water: A Chalice, A Bowl of Water (it can be sun water, seawater, rainwater, etc), Seashells, A Mirror, Mermaid or Fish Statues, Symbols, and Blue Candles. 

Earth: Salt, Crystals, Herbs, Flowers, Dirt, Wood, Green Candles, Bones, Leaves, and Pictures of Trees and Nature in General. 

Gods and Goddesses: 

Have colors/animals/flowers/herbs that they’re connected to on your altar, leave them offerings, have a picture or a statue of them, have 2 sides of your altar (one for the god and one for the goddess), have prayer beads, and a god and goddess candle. 


Do what works for you, if you can’t have a huge altar with a lot of tools, thats fine. You make an altar out of an Altoids tin or a shoebox. 

You can make altars for sabots, the fae, your deities, or the elements. You can also decorate your altar for the seasons or the sabots too. 

If you don’t believe in any gods or goddesses, you don’t have to believe in them or put representations of them on your altar to be a witch. Personally, I’m secular and I don’t work with any deities/spirits. 

Take my advice with a pinch of salt. You don’t have to follow exactly what I say, these are just ideas. This is your practice and you can do whatever you want to. Don’t be pressured to do something just because someone told you to, this is your practice; not theirs. 

Thank you for reading this and have a magickal day! ❤❤❤


reblog if you agree that people should not use the Gods as an excuse to spread hate.

ive seen way too mch of this on tumblr- people using Aphrodite’s name to support their TERF bullshit. Way too many people using the Gods to justify their nasty hatred for others. TERFs have no place in our community.



An emoji spell to give LGBT witches a boost of firey confidence!

Likes Charge, Reblog to cast!



Emoji Spell to promote self love & self care💖 🌹like to charge🌹 💕reblog to cast💞


Emoji spell for calm healing tonight. Likes charge. Reblogs to cast.



Emoji spell to unapologetically follow your passions and lead yourself to success and happiness.

Likes charge ❤

Reblogs cast 🔁



An emoji spell to keep your blog clean of homophobes and TERFs.

Likes charge

Reblogs cast



Emoji spell to pass your exams

Like charges, Reblog casts.


🎵How To Do Shufflemancy🎵

a quick guide on my favorite type of divination, that’s simple and easy to do!

🎵 gather: yourself, your music collection, your question and a few moments. 


  • crystals to boost energy and clarity - amethyst and citrine
  • incense to light the mood for heavy divining

🎵 you may want to charge the device you use for music with magical intent. 

🎵 focus on your question, and come up with a number. 

🎵 the number can be personally important, or can be the number of letters in the question, or number of words, etc. 

🎵 go into a playlist, or your entire music collection, whichever you feel more appropriate.

🎵 hit shuffle, and then skip song the amount of times the number you chose

🎵 focus on your question and the divining energy during the skips.

🎵 listen to the song you land on, interpret the lyrics as your answer. 


🎵 like tarot and other divination forms, exact “yes” or “no” answers are harder to find. open ended questions are best.

🎵 if you create a specific playlist with only positive or negative songs, you may skew your results. shufflemancy can only work with what you give it


New Spell: Releasing magic

So I’ve had a little trouble connecting with my magic properly (read as: at all) lately. So I made a relatively easy visualization spell to help me release it.

You’ll only need bubble wrap.

When you have your bubble wrap, imagine your magic as a ball of light (any color is fine, but if you’re trying to do a certain spell, use color correspondences). Start popping the bubbles one by one and each time a bubble pops, imagine your magic bursting. Try not to twist your bubble wrap like a dish towel so you can save the bubble wrap for doing this spell at a later date.

Happy Casting!!


tarot/oracle spread: snake

[image description: a series of rectangles, spaces for tarot cards, are arranged in a squiggly line on a pale yellow background. from one end of the line to another, the cards are labelled: “their intentions, their motivations, their emotions, their situation, possible negative outcome, possible positive outcome, your ideal actions”. at the top is the title SNAKE, with the subtitle ‘for when someone is gossiping about you’. the creator’s tumblr url (peiskos-witch.tumblr.com) is in the centre. end image description]

i made another spread?? if y’know someone is gossiping about you, this is both to help understand why they’re doing it and figure out what you can do.


Sunday Spreads time!

Alright so I know these spreads are pretty basic BUT I really needed some straight shooters today for a very specific situation I wanted to ask about.

Anyway, I think some of you will find these useful. I’ve found the ‘Wires’ spread to be particularly useful in that sometimes it’s good to know where the other person thinks you stand, because that helps you determine if there are any misunderstandings between you.

I’m also thinking of making graphics for the spreads I’ve found while digging through the tarot forums (with full credit to the original creators of course). What do you guys think?


A 31 Day Tarot Challenge for The Month of October, Inspired by The Major Arcana.

I’m bringing this challenge back because it did a lot of good for a lot of people.

If you participated in the past, I invite you to participate again, with the intent of helping you see how much you’ve grown.

If you’ve never taken this challenge, I believe it will provide you with a great amount of personal insight and growth.

Each question has been written with the hopes of helping you gain greater insight into yourself, and the world around you.

Remember, each question may be answered with as many or as few cards as you feel are required. Some answers will easily come from one card, some may require several cards.

I encourage you to photograph your cards and journal your answers with the tag,


1. As I begin this journey into self, where would it be best serving for me to initially focus my energy?

2. What can I expect to creatively manifest within the upcoming days ahead?

3. In order to have prosperity, and a nurturing love for self and others, where should I focus my energy?

4. As I gain greater stability and balance, what should I remember to guard myself from?

5. Is there anything I am considering that I could perhaps make a better decision on later?

6. What is it that my soul craves the most right now?

7. As I draw my focus outward, what do I need to keep in mind in order to maintain a positive outlook?

8. I wish to conquer my fears and live within a state of harmony. In order to make this my reality, what should I focus upon?

9. I will allow myself a day of rest, retreat, and sanctuary. As I remain within quiet refuge, what shall I let be my mantra?

10. What do I need to do I order to be released from that which no longer serves me?

11. At times it can be difficult to find a balance between our desires and our needs. What is it that I desire, and what is it that I need?

12. I release control, and in doing so I am rewarded with new perspective. What is the first thing I notice?

13. How can I be more prepared to deal with loss?

14. In which ways do I connect to my higher self already? Which areas have I yet to venture upon?

15. The journey of healing requires dedication and an open heart, what is the first step I need to take in order to allow myself to heal from the past.

16. Fears flourish within the darkness, what is it that my fears have to reveal to me?

17. That which I do, is that which will come back to me. How can I remember to always keep this in mind?

18. Through the moonlight my intuition radiates, what is it I am not seeing?

19. What are my daily allowances to refresh my body, rest my mind and nurture my spirit?

20. A mirror reveals more than just my reflection. How might I be a negative influence to myself?

21. Have I achieved things in the past year that are in accordance to my life plans? Am I on the right track for success?

22. Change is upon the horizon, what does the future hold for me?

23. How can I use that which the future holds to strengthen myself through the unknown?

24. As a being of peace, and serenity, I make the choice to know only love and light. How can I best maintain this outlook?

25. How do I feel about my image and how other people respond to it? In which ways am I setting examples for people to follow?

26. My shadow self is an extension of my inner layers; how can I begin to peel through to reveal the source of my pain?

27. What ignites my desire to look beyond that which my eyes allow me to see?

28. The veil is thinning this time of the year, what message do my spirit guides have for me?

29. What should I look for in order to connect better with other people?

30. In what ways can I best inspire others around me?

31. I wish to look upon my world with a new perspective, and feel a greater sense of connectivity. In order to make this my reality, where must I focus my energy?

These questions were written by @leelahel, @thecacklingmo0n, and @tarot-dreams.


Hey babes! My valentine for you this year is a simple Self-Love tarot spread.

1. Something to love about myself. What’s so great about me? What am I getting right in life? What makes me special? What can I love about myself right now?

2. Where in life can I be more patient with myself? What am rushing myself to do? Where am I in such a hurry to grow that I need to take a breath and slow down? In what areas of life am I too much of a perfectionist?

3. Where in life can I be kinder to myself? Do I treat myself the same way I treat others? What unimportant stuff have I been beating myself up about? How can I treat myself better?

4. Energies and strategies to draw on. What energies can I bring in, and what strategies can I use to foster a better relationship with myself?

This spread can also be used to review and improve relationships with others. Just ask all the same questions about your relationship.

Wishing you all a happy Valentine’s Day! Much love!

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