so haunt me

@horrorgay /

heath, 26. just some guy with a horror fixation. creator some of the time. spnblr is @enochianribs bc i live there now

On April 30th while reporting on the Students Revolution at Columbia University, CNN anchor Kasie Hunt made reference to Hind Rajab as 'A Woman Who Was Killed in Gaza." Hind Rajab was six years old.


turkey halted trade with israel.

for context: trade between the two was worth 6.8 Billion dollars in 2023

KEEP SPEAKING, KEEP PROTESTING. push for your government to also cut ties with israel. this is what we need


Iranian photographer Hossein Fatemi, offers a glimpse of an entirely different side to Iran than the image usually broadcasted by domestic and foreign media. In his photo series An Iranian Journey, many of the photographs reveal an Iran that most people never see, presenting an eye-opening look at the amazing diversity and contrasts that exist in the country.


I'm still not over her trying to say she was a farm girl. A Christmas tree farm. And your house had pillars.


Taylor swift album days are good for the ecosystem if only because its like luring prey animals to the waterhole and then there's the. crocodiles about to have a great day


Don't let the media make what's happening with Israel, Iran and Jordan into some "middle-east problem" again. This was entirely orchestrated and encouraged by the US and the UK. Israel initiated every attack against Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, and Iran. Israel KILLED, targeted, the children and grandchildren of Palestinians political leaders. And the US could've stopped all of this by simply not giving Israel money and weapons bu they didn't.

The Western media has constructed this narrative that countries like Iraq and Iran are the problem and the western nations are the antidote keeping their 'terrorism' at bay. No, they have always and at all times started the conflicts, or worsened them.

Because they want the land, they want hegemony over the resources of that region and that is it. And they've demonstrated already by killing over 33,000 people that they'll do anything.

Stop joking about World War 3 and take the loss of lives and the horror of what is happening seriously. This cannot keep escalating


"No sugarcoating the Palestinian cause to make it palatable for Westerners. We don’t want peace—we want freedom. We don’t want to live side-by-side, we want the settlers to leave our land. There’s no conversation to be had. The demand is clear—we want to return to our home. We don’t negotiate with terror!sts. Long live the Palestinian revolution. ✌🏼🔻🇵🇸"

from sbeih.jpg, 01/Apr/2024:


An elderly woman breaks down as she speaks in the north of Gaza as she mentions how 2 of her kids in this genocide were killed and another in a different bombardment.

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