
Let's Explore the Stars Now, Shall We?

@thestarsintheknight / thestarsintheknight.tumblr.com

Ameris' main acc she/they || 23 || multi always running on a queue

i love sports animes because the villain is always just some highschooler who is good at sports. but hes from ANOTHER HIGHSCHOOL. no he doesn't cheat or do anything unethical. hes just really good. treated with the same gravity and theatrical introduction as anime villains who want to like blow up the world


I truly hate the word “unalive.” There are so many other euphemisms that fictional Italian mobsters worked so hard to provide you with and you just ignore them.

Especially when we were given so many of them!

- passed on

- no more

- ceased to be

- expired

- gone to meet his maker

- stiff

- bereft of life

- rests in peace

- pushing up daisies

- his metabolic processes are now history

- off the twig

- kicked the bucket

- shuffled off ‘is mortal coil

- run down the curtain

- joined the bleedin’ choir invisible

- this is an EX-PARROT


this layoff shit is eerie. hundreds of people across industries and companies getting canned all at once, all the time, every day. my linkedin feed is full of people begging for work, more and more every day. companies who can definitely afford these people but wanna save a few extra bucks. who's gonna be left working?? what are we doing here

like just look at this. literally hundreds of people jobless every few days. double digit percentages of workforces at big companies, some of the biggest companies in the world who can surely afford to keep these people, just throwing them to the dogs. it's mind boggling to even wrap your head around. what is the end goal here.


Does anyone know that fairy tale where a woman keeps remaking her husband out of animal fat every time he dies? I think it’s from a far northern tribe in North America or Asia but I can’t for the life of me remember which one and Google isn’t helping any

My professor read it out loud to my fairy tale class last year and I never wrote down what book he was reading it out of and it’s been bugging me.

If I remember correctly she made him come back to life by rubbing her genitals on him and there was a several months long mourning period involved every time he died

Google keeps bringing up unhelpful websites no matter what combination of words I put in, unfortunately. I’m usually pretty good at using Google so my last resort is asking y’all. If you know what I’m talking about and have a lead about it I’d really appreciate it.

i definitely remember reading this story, or at least something v similar, and it took a while to remember where/when, but i think i tracked it down

it's in a collection edited by angela carter called the virago book of fairy tales, i think i read it first in an actual book from the library but i found it on archive.org here:

(carter credits it in the acknowledgements as coming from another collection called a kayak full of ghosts: eskimo tales gathered and retold by lawrence millman. so if this is the right story, ur professor could have been reading from either of these books.)

This is it! Thank you so much! I wanted to look into the source of the story so this is a wonderful help.

Those of you who think this is unusually weird have never looked into fairy tales and folklore that hard


As someone around for 9-11 and the "NEVER FORGET NUMBER #1 GREATEST TRAGEDY EVER IN HISTURY" response to it I am in thrilled and invigorated by the fact that younger people just make amogus memes and TikTok nonsense about it. A huge chunk of America cared more about it than any entire genocide and thought you would cry learning about it. They hoped it'd make every generation patriotically angry forever and ever and want to join the military. Instead you Photoshop the towers into squidwards house and shit. Never stop lol

I’m physically unable to take 9/11 seriously, entirely because my grade 9 english teacher was bizarrely obsessed with it. We basically had an entire unit on 9/11. We watched that documentary from those students that were doing a documentary of firefighters and wound up getting the only footage of the first plane hitting. We did a novel study of a book about some kid being in one of the towers for take your kid to work day and him and his dad squeezing past the wreckage of the plane to escape in time. We watched that Nic Cage movie of him being a firefighter during 9/11 that gets stuck in an elevator shaft when the place collapses. I am dead fucking serious, we had to make up fictional people that died in the attack, write an obituary for our 9/11sona’s, and then write and deliver a eulogy as their grief-stricken parent. At one point in the unit the teacher clarified that she hadn’t personally lost anyone to the attack, nor was she anywhere near New York when it happened. She never bothered to ask if any of us had actually lost someone in the attack, which kind of seems like a thing you should do before making us invent fictional victims to give eulogies for. The unit began with her demanding to know where we all were on the day of the attack and what we remembered, and she started crying when we told her that 1. we were two years old at the time and couldn’t remember shit fuck, the closest thing was one of the older kids kind of thought they remembered being very confused at adults freaking out over the TV but that could have been literally anything, and so this meant that 2. we were the last class she would ever teach that could possibly remember 9/11. Probably didn’t help that someone pointed out that we were the class born in 1999, so in two years she’d have students that hadn’t even been born during 9/11. That may have contributed to the teacher crying over the whole thing.

We’re Canadian.

That last sentence KILLED me. Jesus fuck.


most of the talk on this website about Game Changer is how Sam Reich psychologically tortures his contestants, but I want to make it clear to the uninitiated that he's actually extremely ethical about it

He sends out a company wide email and asks them to choose episodes based on a chili pepper rating system

meaning he doesn't put 🌶️🌶️ people into 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ episodes

they're also big on consent ie cast and crew have to be okay with it before they'll do nudity or something like that in an episode

it's like the bdsm of psychological torture. safe, sane, and consensual.

the contestants know what they're getting into, and they're full down

Brennan Lee Mulligan is enrichment for Sam Reich

it's a very efficient system

Kind of a dog heaven is squirrel hell situation

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