

@pegasnow / pegasnow.tumblr.com

[26 ~ she/her ~ elise]

I think "they don't even have X" is one of those memes that's actually funnier in its original context than in anything that's been done with it subsequently. Like, in its original context, this is a joke about a man who has lived his entire adult life alone in a swamp cold-reading the atmosphere of a corporate workplace and deciding that appealing to the receptionist's sense of working-class solidarity is going to get him in the door, and it fucking works.


Like, sorry not sorry, but the idea that "sometimes trans people get a little overzealous/awkward about encouraging cis people to transition and make them feel alienated due to pressure" and "we live in a world in which the norm for everyone is to be aggressively and even violently coerced into cisness, and in which trans people face constant pressure to detransition" are somehow equal evils is just insanity. You people are so determined to go to bat for transphobia and for what? So your buddy Kyle who's been told his entire life that trans women exist solely to be a sexual fetish and only just learned that they're actually ordinary human beings never has to feel embarrassed because someone told him he acts kind of like she did pre-transition? Get over yourselves.

If someone had egg-joked me when I was 14 I absolutely would have been weirded out and uncomfortable. I don't think anyone is denying that being overeager and pushing people into things they aren't ready for can do more harm than good. But nobody has ever died because a trans girl got a little too excited about her cis guy bestie experimenting with crossdressing. Nobody's ever been killed by some chick named Violet letting go of her blahaj long enough to type "lol sure ur cis :3 i thot that too for a while". The same cannot be said of all the people who went their entire lives without ever hearing a single voice, no matter how tactful, telling them to be different.


PSA: Sometimes a cis person is going to decide to experiment with their gender and realize that they're trans. This is no less valid than the people who realize they're cis but just like having a mullet. Don't let Tumblr tell you otherwise!

Iokaste (AN: Laios's name after transitioning) cannot be a man because she's way too autistic to go through life without ever deeply contemplating her identity and how she relates to the gendered world around her

It's important for every trans friend group to have at least one trans person in it, to show that they aren't gatekeeping queerness


the current trend of "tumblr users embarrassing themselves by proudly announcing why they don't listen to any music made by black people" is really astounding.

i cannot help but think this is a direct result of liberal White Guilt and how people have interpreted "anti-racism" as form of cultural self-segregation - the kind of person who thinks trying to cook chicken curry is cultural appropriation, or sends white people anon hate for wearing a kimono (yes, this kind of discourse happened). like, "oh, no, i could never participate in this culture, i'd get my evil white hands all over it! it would be more Progressive if I only did White things."

if you're a poc you've seen this, i'm sure - this deer-in-the-headlights stare you can get from white people when you play music / show art / share a story / anything that is Racially Coded, this total refusal to actually engage with it out of fear that it is in some way Wrong for them to have any opinion on it. because they read somewhere that it's bad to use AAVE but the only lesson they actually learned from that is "gotcha, white people are not allowed to interact with other cultures as punishment for my White Crimes. this helps to fill up the gaping pit of my white guilt and makes me one of the Good People." this transforms their discomfort around non-white cultures (black culture, especially, i should add) into a kind of virtue

anyway if you are white and reading this. go listen to some fucking haliu mergia. ethiopian jazz. will knock your dick right off. go listen to rap or reggae or bollywood and have a genuine reaction to it - like, an actual, from-the-heart reaction. you are allowed to not like some of it. but you will definitely like at least a little. yes, you can compare it to lemon demon (or whatever) if that helps you get into it and that's your only point of reference. maybe don't say that part out loud. but don't, like, separate yourself from it, like you are seeing it in a museum and the only polite thing to do is go "ahh, huh, very interesting, so much culture here."


me at any place or event: where are the trannies why arent there any trans women here answer me now i will kill you

look not to be a bitch i guess but this post was about my continual frustrations of encountering queer spaces where cis gay/bisexual ppl, transmascs, and cafab nonbinary people (who of course i love and adore very much) but theres almost never someone else like me and if there is they are too sad and scared to go out and open up and let themselves be seen. this was specifically about my experience as a transfeminine individual seeking a community of people with similar bodies and experiences. i am almost desperate for it.


You don't need everyone to like you. I understand this can be an overwhelming trauma response to being neglected and otherwise hurt as a kid without the comfort and reassurance of our parents. But please try to remember that your worth is not dependent on how many people can love you. You have something much more important and worth protecting-- your heart and soul and mind and spirit. Not everyone you meet in this world is gonna resonate and vibe with you on those same levels. You've got to get comfortable with the concept of being misunderstood or feeling out of place-- and, rather than fawn to fit in, take that as a sign to find the spaces and people who can better appreciate you for it.


i feel like one of the weirdest realizations you (or at least i) eventually have a few years into transitioning and being mostly around other trans people, is that moment where u notice that like ur brains mapping of like specific voices to specific genders is just kinda gone. like it rly is just all social constructs programmed into u by society, and living outside societies idea of gender just kinda melts that shit away, and it's not just voices, like other traditionally gendered attributes also suddenly don't matter anymore*

*except for myself of course, i am obviously totally failing at being a girl but everyone is doing it perfectly, dysphoria is so awesome lmao

the real deep message here btw isn't just about gender, but about the general ability of the human brain to shed off bad socialization and habits if we change the environment we're in for the better and i feel like that's massive

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