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high school is soo funny in hindsight. the entire time you're there thinking it's the most important period of your life and then the second you're out you're like well that was fucking stupid


So, I found a cool app that adds typewriter sounds to your keyboard and nothing strange happened :)


if you’re at a low point in life right now, consider THIS:

  • new people are coming your way with love
  • a huge success may be waiting around the corner
  • the possibilities are endless
  • you can always change your habits

“We’ll cross that bridge when you die on it.”

Our DM, after being asked about multiclassing, before revealing that we’re going to be playing Tomb of Annihilation.


god today I had to impart unsolicited wisdom to some girls bc I heard some lil freshmen talking about wanting to like, wear some sort of hair accessory and t-shirt and they were like “but then ppl will think we’re e-girls,” and I just had to pipe in I said “listen I’m 26, and I’m going to tell you now that because you’re women, no matter what you do, people are going to use it to label and make fun of you so PLEASE just having fucking fun with your friends I’m begging you as a stranger to just enjoy your lives”

and they were like “you know what. Yeah”


owo? mwister pwesident? what's this?


We the peopwe of the united states, in owdew to fowm a mowe pewfect union, estabwish justice, insuwe domestic twanquiwity, pwovide fow the common defence, pwomote the genewaw wewfawe, and secuwe the bwessings of libewty to ouwsewves and ouw postewity, do owdain and estabwish this constitution fow the united states of amewica.

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