
I'm a Super Queer Super Freak


I'm not a child nor am I friends with bigots, so if you could all resist the urge to condescendingly refer to me as your girl or your boy or your darling, that would be just peachy.

Image: A funeral boat, set on fire and adrift in a river. The tumblr logo is the burning corpse set atop it.

Anonymous asked:

wait are you really leaving permanently??? nooo we’ll miss you!!! :’( anyplace else we can find you?

Pillowfort: Xenolalia

Dreamwidth: Zenolalia

Twitter: Zenolalia

Sharesome: Zenolalia

Discord: Xenolalia#0940

FurAffinity: Zenolalia

Fanlore: Xenolalia

I’m still trying to find a federated platform that I like.

I want both the whole viral microblogging thing (retweets/reblogs), and also allows for tagged organization, which is apparently hard to fucking do or something. So if you know something, feel free to share with me.

Pixelfed is supposed to be launching with a tumblr clone in January, so maybe there?

Anyway, I’ll be keeping my fanlore account up to date for the foreseeable future, so I guess you can always check back there as well.


My contact information for tomorrow and onwards. See you all on the other side.


It’s fucking fanfiction. 

Write whatever the hell you want.


But make sure it’s an appropriate trope to write or don’t write it at all

Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah….


This sentiment is exactly what drove me to make this post. Please do not try to police other people’s creativity by getting into their heads with statements like these.

Whether something is appropriate or not is relative. I’ve gotten rude reviews on a mlm fic that wasn’t anywhere near explicit. Yet the relationship is what they had an issue with.

When I made this post, it was because someone was being huffy about names I had chosen.

As I went to post, I thought about making some disclaimer. But what would I write? We can’t always have happily ever afters. Conflict and problems must occur for character growth and development. Writing about pain in the real world may help process and heal. So can reading about it.

Does that mean everything written should be published? No.

The creative process should be free within someone’s own mind. We should be giving each other confidence to learn and grow our own personal boundaries, to play. That’s what creativity and imaginations are for. There should not be roadblocks to overcome that hinder someone from even trying because they are worried about what’s appropriate or not.

Let each person decide “appropriate” for themselves - both in creating and consuming.

Write what you want.


Trolls also hang parasitic evergreens from doorways, but people meeting below it are expected to vie for dominance. The first year on the meteor Dave loiters ironically under some and Karkat decks him.

Kanaya is a bit concerned about Dave lingering under the Aggreenery and is halfway through explaining the significant differences in their cultures when Karkat shows up and clobbers him.

 Rose, who had already been informed of this tradition, made sure to catch the whole thing on video.

This got a note out of nowhere and hey, it’s the holidays.


I don’t know if it will truly be the “Tumblr-Pocalypse”, but still, here are my twitter links:

My Personal Twitter - Retweets everything from my EGS Twitter, too)

EGS Only Twitter - EGS-related stuff only. No tweets about Fallout 3 here unless it’s somehow EGS relevant!

EGS After Dark - Less SFW Twitter, though anything super risque would be posted somewhere else, like Tumb–wait. Um… Deviant Art?

That noted, yeah, I guess I also have a Deviant Art that might see more things posted there.


Not in this one.

“But nothing heals the past like time

And they can’t steal

The love you’re born to find”

- “Be Alright” by Dean Lewis

I wanted to make something happy after the s8 ending… But uh… I made myself cry instead. What the hell. S8 really hurt my feelings. But I’m already off to ao3, reading some good old fake dating fics, working on some christmas sheith. Because I really could use something happy now.


Can we talk about this guy for a second? I feel like he doesn’t get enough credit even though he played, arguably, one of the most important roles in Mulan. For those of you who don’t know, this is the Chinese soldier stationed on top of the Great Wall at the beginning of the film.

After his helmet is knocked off and he sees the Huns throw grappling hooks up onto the ramparts, he calls out to the person who is supposed to be on top of the tower to light the signal. We don’t know where that person is supposed to be, but given the fact that several Huns come out from the door in this shot, we can assume they likely killed him.

But does that stop this guy? No. He judges the situation and reacts accordingly. Despite being swung at by a Hun with a large sword and being forced to pull himself up onto the tower, he doesn’t even stop to take a breather. He just grabs the torch and is about to light the signal himself when something stops him.

This guy. Shan Yu is already on top of the tower as this soldier is about to light the signal. Now, Shan Yu is already a scary mf, but I think it’s important to see how our soldier reacts to seeing him because it tells us an important detail that many people may overlook.

Look at his face. This soldier isn’t just stunned because there a massive Hun waiting for him on top of the tower, but because he recognizes said Hun. Or at least he knows enough about what Shan Yu looks like to put two and two together and assume that this is him. He knows this man and his reputation. He knows exactly the kinds of things Shan Yu is willing to do to people who stand in his way. And what does this soldier do? Does he beg for his life? Does he try to escape?

No. This bamf just looks Shan Yu right in the eye and does his duty. He lights the signal, knowing full well that doing so will likely get him killed. But, he does it anyway. And immediately after lighting the signal, he looks up the the Hun leader with this expression.

This is a man who would look Death in the face and say “Fuck you!” He knows he has maybe a few more seconds of life left and yet he stands tall. And why is this important? Because this one act of valor led to this.

The signals are being lit. All of the people of China are being warned of invasion and now they can properly prepare for the war to come. And it’s all thanks to this one brave soldier who doesn’t get nearly enough credit for his service.


Hermione smugly presenting the findings of the international symposium that declared Pluto not a planet as final proof that astrology is made up.

But it turns out that’s what’s been throwing off everyone’s readings so a lot of divination quickly starts becoming more refined and accurate when they take that into account.

Hermione is hailed as a divination savant and that’s what she’s most known in the history books for.

this is some Arthur Conan Doyle shit

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