
Just Another Nialler Girl

@lia-is-in-love / lia-is-in-love.tumblr.com

I'm Lia, I'm 26 and this is my One Direction blog. I literally have not updated my blog description in 4 years so cheers to that lads. Probably not gonna do more than change my age (finally) and add this sentence cause I’m lazy as fuck. I love all of the boys so much, but Nialler holds a special place in my heart. I'm a total Narry shipper
I'm always here if you ever need help or advice, or someone to support or encourage you, or someone to talk/vent to, or if you just need a friend. Seriously, I'm here if you ever need a friend, so please message me ♥ You are worth it! I promise!

I really really don’t understand people who are still obsessed with and fangirling over musicians and celebrities who have just completely fucking ignored the literal genocide going on and refused to use their platforms to do the bare fucking minimum of calling for a ceasefire. Like honestly?!? How can you possibly respect let alone adore someone so privileged and selfish that they would rather willfully ignore the suffering and massacre and fucking genocide of tens of thousands of people than speak up. And don’t give me the ‘oh they’re worried about career repercussions’ bullshit. That’s not a fucking excuse to be a shitty ignorant selfish vapid uncaring person. Fuck all the way off, most of these celebrities and athletes have enough money they can do what the fuck they want. And even if they don’t? Well it’s not solidarity if you don’t have something to lose.

so yeah, you bet I sure fucking lost all respect for all musicians I previously idolized. Because silence during a genocide is complicity and that is despicable

but I just truly cannot understand the people in fandom spaces who don’t care that their idols are shallow self-serving and complicit in genocide through their willful and intentional silence. How the fuck can you all support and spend ridiculous amounts of money on concert tickets and merch and drawing and writing fan art and fanfics? How the fuck can you respect these people?????

to be clear, I’m not saying people can’t enjoy fandom spaces. I’m just questioning how the fuck people still respect these bullshit celebrities enough to want to spend money and time on them when they are obviously okay being complicit in genocide. like isn’t that a major fucking turnoff for people??!?

Anonymous asked:

hi!! read your post and wanted to tell ya that louis and niall are both working with some charities and idk if you have seen that, but louis literally flipped off an israel flag

Yeah that’s really not enough. I still lost all respect for both of them. If they can’t publicly call for a ceasefire and use their enormous platforms to do so, I have zero respect for them

Free Palestine 🇵🇸

Anonymous asked:

Zayn signed The cease fire ask and Niall is working with a Charity that gives food and water to people in Gaza

huh well that's good to know. i didn't include zayn in my post because i figured he was probably doing something minimally since he's supported palestine publically in the past (and also because he hates one direction and doesn't want to be associated with it, so i don't consider him part of one direction anymore, as that is his own wish lol). but niall and all of the rest of them, including zayn, could and absolutely should be doing more. they have huge platforms that they could be using. it's not enough just to work with a charity or sign a public letter. those are the bare fucking minimums. they could and should be more vocal -- everyone, every single fucking celebrity and every single human being on this planet with a heart should be.


usually don't post about non-fandom stuff on here but just wanted to take a quick moment to say that what's going on in palestine is not war, it's genocide.

what the israeli government is and has been doing to the palestinian people is disgusting, and if you support israel, i don't know what to say to you.

  • they've been taking more and more of their land since israel was established (originally 56% of palestine's land, now they have over 80%)
  • bombings (israel bombed that hospital, they keep changing their narrative but they did)
  • over 4000 palestinians have died so far in this conflict. these are civillians
  • palestine does not have a military. israel, on the other hand, has a military with about 20 billion usd in funding every year, plus billions in aid from other countries
  • israel cut off energy and water for gaza. why do they have power over another country's electricity and water supply? and why this collective punishment of all palestinians for something a terrorist group did?
  • bombing hospitals, places of worship, and collective punishment are all war crimes and technically illegal, but most countries and journalists are turning a blind eye to that
  • banned chemical weapons are being used in gaza on civilians

if you are human, please try to spread awareness. many foreign journalists aren't even allowed into gaza as israel is controlling access to palestine. thousands of palestinians have died, and many governments and media sources are supporting this genocide.

the more we keep spreading the message, the more people will know, and hopefully we can help in some way.


do you ever put one direction on shuffle for the first time in a while and you're like. wow. younger me was 100% right their music really is something else. one band one dream one direction always in my heart etc

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