@malecstasy /

whither thou goest, I will go
Matthew reacting to Dom’s compliment :)

books meme: [1/12 series or stand alone books]

the infernal devices by cassandra clare

“They say you cannot love two people equally at once, and perhaps for others that is so. But you and Will—you are not like two ordinary people, two people who might have been jealous of each other, or who would have imagined my love for one of them diminished by my love of the other. You merged your souls when you were both children. I could not have loved Will so much if I had not loved you as well. And I could not love you as I do if I had not loved Will as I did.”

hey!!! i was just looking at the shadowhunters fandom map and wanted to say hi to the other few ppl on hawaii so !!! hi!!! sorry i just know like,,, no one on the island that watches the show so i wanted to say hi yeah which i said okay cool,,,, hope ur doing well and stuff!!!


hi omg youre from hawaii hello there what island I love seeing people from here


He was wearing that look she found so odd and compelling—that amusement that didn’t seem to pass beyond the surface of his features, as if he found everything in the world both infinitely funny and infinitely tragic all at the same time.


helen and aline— they were both dressed in golden gowns, golden thread glittering like starlight in aline’s black hair. they were both so happy, their faces outshone their gowns. they stood at the centre of the ceremony, twin suns, and for a moment all the world seemed to spin and turn on them.

for @blackthornhelen, who reminded me we need more heline!!

“His tastes are both exquisiste and… quite excessive”

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