
My Little Cocoon

@prettylittlebutterflie / prettylittlebutterflie.tumblr.com

Andy here, a newbie so I'm still trying to figure out stuff here. I would love to support the stuff I've seen from here and share my own ideas since I have so much of it and I need an outlet. Feel free to comment and share your thoughts with me or ask questions, I swear I don't bite (。•̀ᴗ-)✧


I used to work for a call center and I was doing a political survey and I called this number that was randomly generated for me and the way our system worked was voice-activated so when the other person said hello you’d get connected to them, so I just launch right into my “Harvard University and NPR blah blah blah” thing and then there’s this long pause and I think the person’s hung up even though I didn’t hear a click

And then I hear “you shouldn’t be able to call this number.”

So I apologize and go into the preset spiel about because we aren’t selling anything, etc. etc. and the answer I get is

“No, I know that. What I mean is that it should be impossible for you to call this number, and I need to know how you got it.”

I explain that it’s randomly generated and I’m very sorry for bothering him, and go to hang up. And before I can click terminate, I hear:

“Ma’am, this is a matter of national security.”

I accidentally called the director of the FBI.

My job got investigated because a computer randomly spit out a number to the Pentagon.

This is my new favourite story.

When I was in college I got a job working for a company that manages major air-travel data. It was a temp gig working their out of date system while they moved over to a new one, since my knowing MS Dos apparently made me qualified.

There was no MS Dos involved. Instead, there was a proprietary type-based OS and an actually-uses-transistors refrigerator-sized computer with switches I had to trip at certain times during the night as I watched the data flow from six pm to six AM on Fridays and weekends. If things got stuck, I reset the server. 

The company handled everything from low-end data (hotel and car reservations) to flight plans and tower information. I was weighed every time I came in to make sure it was me. Areas of the building had retina scanners on doors. 

During training. they took us through all the procedures. Including the procedures for the red phone. There was, literally, a red phone on the shelf above my desk. “This is a holdover from the cold war.” They said. “It isn’t going to come up, but here’s the deal. In case of nuclear war or other nation-wide disaster, the phone will ring. Pick up the phone, state your name and station, and await instructions. Do whatever you are told.”

So my third night there, it’s around 2am and there’s a ringing sound. 

I look up, slowly. The Red phone is ringing.

So I reach out, I pick up the phone. I give my name and station number. And I hear every station head in the building do the exact same. One after another, voices giving names and numbers. Then silence for the space of two breaths. Silence broken by…

“Uh… Is Shantavia there?”

It turns out that every toll free, 1-900 or priority number has a corresponding local number that it routs to at its actual destination. Some poor teenage girl was trying to dial a friend of hers, mixed up the numbers, and got the atomic attack alert line for a major air-travel corporation’s command center in the mid-west United States.

There’s another pause, and the guys over in the main data room are cracking up. The overnight site head is saying “I think you have the wrong number, ma’am.” and I’m standing there having faced the specter of nuclear annihilation before I was old enough to legally drink.

The red phone never rang again while I was there, so the people doing my training were only slightly wrong in their estimation of how often the doomsday phone would ring. 


Every time I try to find this story, I end up having to search google with a variety of terms that I’m sure have gotten me flagged by some watchlist, so I’m reblogging it again where I swear I’ve reblogged it before.


But none of these stories even come close to the best one of them all; a wrong number is how the NORAD Santa Tracker got started.

Seriously, this is legit.

In December 1955, Sears decided to run a Santa hotline.  Here’s the ad they posted.

Only problem is, they misprinted the number.  And the number they printed?  It went straight through to fucking NORAD.  This was in the middle of the Cold War, when early warning radar was the only thing keeping nuclear annihilation at bay.  NORAD was the front line.

And it wasn’t just any number at NORAD.  Oh no no no.

Terri remembers her dad had two phones on his desk, including a red one. “Only a four-star general at the Pentagon and my dad had the number,” she says.
“This was the ‘50s, this was the Cold War, and he would have been the first one to know if there was an attack on the United States,” Rick says.
The red phone rang one day in December 1955, and Shoup answered it, Pam says. “And then there was a small voice that just asked, ‘Is this Santa Claus?’ ”
His children remember Shoup as straight-laced and disciplined, and he was annoyed and upset by the call and thought it was a joke — but then, Terri says, the little voice started crying.
“And Dad realized that it wasn’t a joke,” her sister says. “So he talked to him, ho-ho-ho’d and asked if he had been a good boy and, ‘May I talk to your mother?’ And the mother got on and said, ‘You haven’t seen the paper yet? There’s a phone number to call Santa. It’s in the Sears ad.’ Dad looked it up, and there it was, his red phone number. And they had children calling one after another, so he put a couple of airmen on the phones to act like Santa Claus.”
“It got to be a big joke at the command center. You know, ‘The old man’s really flipped his lid this time. We’re answering Santa calls,’ ” Terri says.

And then, it got better.

“The airmen had this big glass board with the United States on it and Canada, and when airplanes would come in they would track them,” Pam says.
“And Christmas Eve of 1955, when Dad walked in, there was a drawing of a sleigh with eight reindeer coming over the North Pole,” Rick says.
“Dad said, ‘What is that?’ They say, ‘Colonel, we’re sorry. We were just making a joke. Do you want us to take that down?’ Dad looked at it for a while, and next thing you know, Dad had called the radio station and had said, ‘This is the commander at the Combat Alert Center, and we have an unidentified flying object. Why, it looks like a sleigh.’ Well, the radio stations would call him like every hour and say, ‘Where’s Santa now?’ ” Terri says.

For real.

“And later in life he got letters from all over the world, people saying, ‘Thank you, Colonel,’ for having, you know, this sense of humor. And in his 90s, he would carry those letters around with him in a briefcase that had a lock on it like it was top-secret information,” she says. “You know, he was an important guy, but this is the thing he’s known for.”
“Yeah,” Rick [his son] says, “it’s probably the thing he was proudest of, too.”

So yeah.  I think that might be the best wrong number of all time.

No okay THAT is adorable and I’m queueing this for next December.


Troubleshooting Your Dialogue

                Dialogue can be really tricky—mainly because as much as we want characters to appear realistic and relatable, characters don’t and shouldn’t talk like real people. Real people are boring, and dialogue is always full of conflict and dynamics and intention and reaction.

                We can usually pick out bad dialogue pretty easily. Especially reading it out loud can reveal where it falls short and where it soars. For those short-fallen times, I have some tips on how to fix common problems:

                Is your dialogue…

                Too on the nose? Think about character voice—what do they not want to say? What can be told better through what they hide? What is necessary for them to tell, and what can be worked around? Subtext, subtext, subtext!

                Expository? Consider what is necessary information, and if there are any other ways to tell that info without a character saying it out loud. Instead of your character explaining the city is overrun by gangs, have a scene in which they walk past an alleyway and witness that information—doubly effective if you utilize their reaction to clue readers into what’s normal in the world, and abnormal.

                Flat? Think more about your character’s intentions, and look for places in which their intention is repeated. When a character doesn’t initially get what they want, they change strategies. Characters, in attempting to achieve what they want, may go from demanding to pleading, to silence. Make sure there’s that shifting dynamism, and that it also reflects who they are speaking to (in terms of power, relationship, familiarity, etc.)

                Awkward? Read it out loud, double check your punctuation. Even sometimes an em-dash (AKA my favourite punctuation) instead of a comma can make a big difference in how it’s read. Rephrase, re-pace, reread.

                Generally, any dialogue that isn’t landing how you want it can be fixed through coming back to your character’s voice and intention. Who are they, what do they want in the scene, and is your dialogue reflecting that?

                Good luck!


Everyone in Infinity Wars gonna be complaining about how hard these last few years have been for them until Thor rolls up with no hair, no hammer, and one eye. 

Don’t forget “my planet had to be destroyed to keep my sister from killing like the whole universe so now me and all my people are refugees. But hey, Loki’s back, that’s good news!”

Peter(raises his hand in the back): “…My homecoming date‘s dad turned out to be my arch nemesis and a building fell on me!“

Thor (smiles and gives a thumbs-up): “Good for you! (aside, to Tony)…Who is that person? Do we know him or did he just show up?”

T’Challa: My dad died, too.

Thor: I apologize for your loss, I know how it feels 

Thor: (To Steve) Who is that handsome man dressed like a kitten?


Starlord: My dad turned out to be this giant, planet eating god and tried to kill me so I had to kill him.

Thor: These things happen sometimes.

Thor: (to Banner) Are we just picking up strangers with sad family stories or…?


This is now canon, you can all go home, there’s no need to see infinity war

sometimes life is like that 

Somebody did beautiful fanart???? Of a post I contributed to?????? This is amazing????????

This is so fucking awesome xD

This is the plot of IW. Everything else can go back to the script.

Sticking some of my art stuff here!
I’ve put this on my main writing blog a BUNCH of times but my favourite ship for Marinette now is her and Damian, so have some MariDami / Daminette art!
Marinette is wearing a dress I actually own and I reckon she designed Damian’s suit as well so that’s my little HC for it?? 👉🏻👈🏻
Also this Damian is based off of the “Wayne Family Adventures” comic, which I am IN LOVE with, so you’ll be a seeing a bunch of it. ♡
And just under Marinette’s hair, you can kind’a see the MDC logo I made 😊

Come on founder/king of Athens, aren’t u gonna slay the Bull of Minos or not?




the side angle is important

I know y'all are probably sick of this post but... It really is the gift that keeps on givin this Christmas

Anonymous asked:

i don't really understand why you would be pro-zoo. like i understand nature reserves and sanctuaries where people can observe from afar, but it doesn't seem right to me when they're locked up in generally small confined areas for people to watch them do nothing all day. idk maybe i'm getting this wrong, and i still really respect you, i just don't understand this. like i interned at a zoo and felt uncomfortable with how small their living areas were and how they had no stimulation

Zoos don’t look like this anymore.

They look like this:

Good zoos do not keep their animals in “tiny spaces” with no enrichment.  I’m not pro-roadside zoo.  I’m pro-accredited zoo.  Zoos are incredibly important for conservation and education.


There should be way more pictures of modern zoos so i just add some more

Seriously zoos do so much important conservation work as well I hate when people shit all over zoos as if the animals are locked up and not looked after


The SF Zoo has two sea lions. Now, if you know SF, you know that sea lions are a Thing. They’re all over Pier 39 and various other beaches in N California. In fact, the zoo is near the ocean, so there are sea lions not 200 yards from the zoo entrance. So having sea lions in the zoo seems sort of superfluous.

Except the sea lions are blind. One was found as an adult after suffering a gun shot wound to the face that destroyed his eyes. The other was found as an adolescent, weak and starving because it had been blinded and unable to hunt. So they were rescued and introduced and the zoo built them a nice pool where they can swim and sunbathe and people toss them fish. It’s not the biggest exhibit, or the fanciest. But it’s a home for them, where they’re safe and well fed. Sea lions aren’t the most romantic of animals, but they’re a part of SF culture and a lot of us have a soft spot for the loud, bulbous things. And because of zoos, these two get to live long, happy lives.

Whenever anyone complains about zoos, I think about Silent Knight and Henry. 


I think it’s St. Louis zoo that is saving big cats in Africa. Scientists couldn’t figure out what was killing off the local lion population. They were dying off from Canine Distemper. The local unvaccinated dogs of the towns would spread the disease to other animals or have it themselves. When the lions ate the infected animals they would catch it as well. You know what that Zoo is doing to stop this disease? They are going over to those towns and vaccinating the dogs for free. The community loves it and people from other villages comes for miles to get their dogs vaccinated as well.

They also do work with camel populations because the local human population use the camels for food sources the zoos help monitor the camels health.

Another zoo, I want to say it’s the Oregon zoo but don’t quote me on that, is helping female inmates. The zoo works with the female prisons by encouraging the inmates to assist in the breeding and raising of endangered species of butterflies. They plant the specific plants that the butterflies and catapillars need, raise them, and release them. These inmates get noted in any scientific journals that get published. They are giving these inmates a sense of accomplishment and validation.

Zoos not only save species but bring together and assist communities in an effort to save the environment. Zoos, good zoos, are essential to the future and I will fight anyone who tries to say otherwise.

PS you don’t see PETA doing any of this.

One of the local zoos in my area at one point rescued a bald eagle that had been shot and kept it in the zoo to let it recuperate until they freed it again. Some of the zoos in my state will keep injured animals there until they heal again.


Helsinki Zoo is the world leader in snow leopard and Amur leopard conservation, in their care these endangered species have managed to breed more than anywhere else in captivity and this in turn has enabled the re-introduction of these animals back to their native habitats. https://www.korkeasaari.fi/helsinki-zoo/

I work at a zoo that is instrumental in the California Condor recovery program (among dozens of other conservation projects). We went from 42 surviving individuals left to over 400, over 200 of whom are in the wild. We’re part of the amur leopard species survival plan with two young animals who are eagerly attempting to make babies. We host one of North America’s only bachelor troops of western lowland gorillas, preserving the social structure of wild gorillas. All of our bald eagles are rescues who would not survive in the wild. All our keepers participate in field research and conservation work in addition to a full time team of conservationists. We host the most genetically valuable male Masai giraffe in North America, who has sired 5 offspring with 1 on the way, increasing the genetic diversity of his entire species. If you’re against zoos, you don’t know what zoos do.


Super, SUPER important thread.


Also zoos tend to do a lot of breeding and conservation work with smaller, less charismatic species like invertebrates and amphibians. Those species are extremely important in the ecosystem but don’t get the same notoriety as the charismatic megafauna.

Also zoos are the reason that the Przewalski’s horse, one of the last if not THE last wild horse subspecies in the world went from extinct in the wild to merely endangered.


I recently visited the Denver zoo for the first time and was absolutely delighted by it. A wonderful reminder of the strength of accredited zoos. Just off the top of my head, they had an African wild dog with only three legs (he was born with a hip/spinal defect that led to one of his back legs being amputated very early in life) who was born in captivity, and a rehabilitated monkey who had been rescued from the pet trade. When I asked a volunteer about it, she said almost all of their zoo animals were captive born and a part of endangered species breeding programs. This was what I thought, but what’s important to note is that is what is most common for most accredited zoos these days. Animals aren’t being taken from the wild en-masse unless they have disabilities or injuries that would prevent them from thriving in the wild, or if they were already poached and are being rescued from the pet/poaching trade.

Another thing I saw at the Denver zoo? Their animal hospital. An absolutely fascinating space, they discussed openly all of the medical procedures they performed on their animals and how they took care of them. They even had a transportable wet table- for doing surgery on fish. I struggle to see how people think how accredited zoos are cruel and unfair to their animals, when here they are willing to do time intensive and expensive surgery on their fish- when your local walmart and petsmart routinely abuse their beta fish.

It’s actually possible to tell respectable zoos, rescues, and sanctuaries apart. Anyone can use those words- but there are organizations who do certify zoos and aquariums who can be trusted. This isn’t really the post to explain the difference between them, but there are plenty of resources out there.

Modern day accredited zoos are masterworks of conservation, science education, architecture, engineering, and landscaping. When they had to be closed during the pandemic, they were still caring for their animals. Please, support your local zoos and their conservation efforts.


My local zoo among reproductive programs also do other things featuring the sunbear. A rare bear that I remember as a child they had rescued one from a man who would let people pay money to see it. The cage was small, that the only movement the poor creature could do was move their head side to side in a swinging motion. This animal could never look after itself in the wild, and so the zoo homed them until their dead, and they had a giant enclosure, there were trees to climb and a jungle gym with all sorts of enrichment options and swings and whenever the poor bear was stressed, it would sit on a platform and swing their head back and forth, back and forth, as if they were in the cage again.

That made me so upset as a small child, but I’m glad the zoo was able to provide care and the choice to be a bear rather than a creature on display.


"our flag means death what we do in the shadows and good omens should be the new superwholock" WRONG our flag means death black sails and pirates of the caribbean should be the new superwholock except now they're all pirate media with canonically queer people in them. like I cannot BELIEVE how soon you people forgot that jack sparrow is literally canonically gay divorced

like okay to elaborate on this obviously they couldn't go super explicit because this was disney in 2003, but in the original idea for the film jack and captain barbossa were like. confirmed as having been in a relationship and while a lot of it was obviously cut what you need to know about the original pirates of the caribbean set was that it was like. almost lawless so some of that did make it through to the film like for example this line

and just in how the two of them interact with each other like in this shot for example

and we see more of this in the later movies like this bit in at world's end

and this bit in on stranger tides

sorry for the long post I'm just very passionate about this and literally no one talks about this for some reason. like my darling tumblerinas gay pirates have been real since 2003


@curiousstrawberry how does it feel to be this hilarious


listen as much as i love this idea op is just making shit up akjhfadhg


I think we should all act like they were canonically gay divorced anyway though


i’ve been doing my homework on how to break into a writing career and honestly. there’s a Lot that i didn’t know about thats critical to a writing career in this day and age, and on the one hand, its understandable because we’re experiencing a massive cultural shift, but on the other hand, writers who do not have formal training in school or don’t have the connections to learn more via social osmosis end up extremely out of loop and working at a disadvantage. 

like, i didnt know about twitter pitch parties!! i didnt know about literary agents and publishers tweeting their manuscript wishlist, in hopes that some poor soul out there has written the book they really want to read and publish!! this isnt some shit you learn about in school! you really need to know the ins and outs of the writing community to be successful! 

for anyone interested, here’s what i’ve learned so far in my quest for more writing knowledge:

1. Writer’s Market 2019 is a great place to start– it gives you a list of magazines and journals that you can send your work to depending on the genre as well as lists a shit ton of literary agents that specify what genres they represent, how you can get in contact with them and how they accept query letters. this is a book that updates every year and tbh i only bought it this year so i dont know how critical it is to have an updated version  

2. do your research. mostly on literary agents because if you listed on your site that you like to represent fluffy YA novels and some asshole sends you a 80k manuscript about like…gritty viking culture, you will be severely pissed off. always go in finding someone who you know will actually like your work because they’re the ones who will try to advocate for you in getting published.

3. learn how to write a query letter. there are slightly varying formulas to how you can write an effective query letter. you’re also going to want to get feedback on your query letter because its the first thing the literary agent will read and based on how well you do it, it could be the difference between them rejecting you outright and giving your manuscript a quick read

4. unfortunately, you’re gonna want to get a twitter. Twitter is where a lot of literary agents are nowadays, and they host things like twitter pitch parties, where you pitch your manuscript in a few sentences and hashtag it with #Pitmad #Pitdark, some version of pit. a lot of literary agents and publishers will ALSO post their manuscript wishlists, which is just the kind of books they’d like to represent/publish, and they hashtag this with #MSWL (it is NOT for writers to use, only for agents/publishers)

5. connect with other writers, literary agents, publishers at book events. you will absolutely need the connections if you want to get ahead as a writer. thats just kind of the state of the world.

Important info is important -.-

UPDATE: so i just got signed by an agent bc of twitter pitch parties. for any aspiring writers, you dont HAVE to go the twitter pitch party route, its just another way to get noticed a bit faster 

Rebloging for my own benefit, but anyone else who wants to be a writer needs to know this too.


Hey did you know I keep a google drive folder with linguistics and language books  that I try to update regularly 


I have restructured the folders to make them easier to use and managed to add almost all languages requested and then some

Please let me know any further suggestions

….holy shit. You found the holy grail.


….. is this a DIFFERENT person keeping gigabytes worth of language books on google drive? Holy crap.


This. This here. Is why I love Tumblr.❤️❤️❤️


Update from OP:

UPDATE because apparently not everyone has seen this yet the new and improved version of this is a MEGA folder: https://mega.nz/folder/kQBXHKwA#-osWRLNCXAsd62ln8wKa8w


Holy shit. OP you are a wonderful human being.

O.O Linguistic Holy Grail…


listened to Bohemian Rhapsody today… i’m so very sorry

If this post gets 100 notes I’ll recreate the entire song through memes

OK so I’ll do my best to get this done soonish–it may be a week or two, but I’m doing it

My masterpiece… is complete.

op did not put in this much work for 160 notes

I don’t know who to tag… This is a fuckign masterpiece

World Heritage Post


POC blush tutorial

Feel free to repost, but please credit me

OP included people with vitiligo!

OP included people with vitiligo!

I’m just happy about this, okay?


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