


blm | acab | 3w4 | entp | gryffindor

Right now Oregon and California are experiencing one of the worst wildfires to date. The sky is orange and everything smells like a campfire and I'm bad at articulating but it's really serious. Thousands have had to evacuate and lost they're homes in the process. I don't like talking about topical stuff on the blog v often but I'm in the midst of the evacuation zone in Oregon and shits scary. I'm afraid of losing my home and I'm afraid for my family and friends.

Idk what the point is of this post but I feel like not many people outside of the northwest know how bad it is rn cus it's bad. The moment I find donation links I'll link them to this post but I haven't found any yet. And if you're in the northwest rn, please be safe.


All from a gender reveal btw

It's not ALL from a gender reveal party, there are many fires burning simultaneously, many of which were started by lightning strikes during a mostly dry lightning storm that hit almost three weeks ago. The gender reveal party fire is specifically the El Dorado fire.

The sky has cleared up in some areas (like the bay area where I lived) but ash is still littered everywhere and the air quality is bad... It’s even more disturbing this time around than it was 2 years ago with quarantine going on


I cannot stress how important it is to be intersectional about your feminism. listen to black women, listen to trans women, listen to disabled women, and please acknowledge the fact that there are different types of women who go through different types of struggles than you


Unfriendly reminder that Breonna Taylor was killed three whole months ago, and they're only now deciding to fire one of the three criminals. This is not justice.


all i’m interested in lately is love, laughter, my personal health, growth, and becoming an all around radiant soul.


“I have a hard time accepting diversity as a synonym for justice. Diversity is a corporate strategy. It’s a strategy designed to ensure that the institution functions in the same way that it functioned before, except now you have some black faces and brown faces. It’s a difference that doesn’t make a difference.

Diversity without structural transformation simply brings those who were previously excluded into a system as racist, as misogynistic, as it was before.”

Angela Davis

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