
What is this even?

@limabeanbabiesforthewin / limabeanbabiesforthewin.tumblr.com

I love stuff and I'm tired

The problem isn't simply that shit is getting more expensive. If clothing is made ethically, this is how much it actually costs. (if not more.) The problem is that money rarely gets to the people actually making the clothes & y'all haven't gotten more money to buy the shit that's more expensive.


Rise!Leo: *Makes a dumb pun in the middle of a tense situation*

2012!Mikey: He's just like me fr.

2007!Mikey: He's just like me fr.

2003!Mikey: He's just like me fr.

1987!Mikey: Wow, he's just like Raph!

All Other Mikeys: *Turns to 87 & just stares*


U ever have any container or appliance that you only ever put water inside you catch yourself thinking 'i only put water in this so I won't need to clean it very often'. That is the devil talking. Clean it. Or you will summon the Ooze.


such a huge relief that hillary’s so ahead in the polls and trump has such a small chance of winning, right? WRONG. DO NOT GET APATHETIC OR COMFORTABLE. DO NOT DECIDE YOU DON’T NEED TO VOTE BECAUSE YOU’RE SURE HILLARY WILL WIN. the only way trump can win now is if so many people expected to vote for hillary don’t show up to the polls. because you BETTER believe ALL of his supporters will be at the polls.

brexit passed in the UK because young people grew apathetic because they were sure it wasn’t going to pass. and it did, because old racists and xenophobes showed up in DROVES to vote.



People, people, don’t pull the same shit that was done in 2016.

In 2016, people didn’t like Clinton so they either didn’t vote, protest voted 3rd party, or straight-up voted for Trump.

Look what that got us. 4 years of a literal dumpster fire.

in 2020 we united behind a candidate that might not have been our favorite but he wasn’t Trump, and we booted Trump out.

For some goddamn reason we are having a replay of that election - a felon (Trump) is running for the presidency, he has FLAT-OUT said he’s going to be a dictator on day 1, and has plans to completely eliminate a LOT of rights people take for granted and have fought for for years.

We need to unite once more behind Biden. Not because he’s your favorite (he may well not be), not because he’s perfect (he isn’t), but because if we DON’T we may never have another election in this country. It will be a major defeat for basically anyone who isn’t white, male, and evangelical.

Rally the troops. Stand up again like you did in 2020. Get out the vote. We’ve got to make this happen.

A battle was won. The war is far from over.


“If you have time to watch Netflix you have time for a side hustle” my side hustle is relaxing so that my body and brain can heal from by this nose-to-the-grindstone bullshit. I refuse to feel guilty for being a human with the need to relax sometimes. my side hustle is no.

whenever i hear about hustle culture i always think about this post on r/antiwork


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