
Miss Robin

@missrobinswritings / missrobinswritings.tumblr.com

miss robin | 18 | writeblr my work | about me | tagged list

what can happen in two years

if you had walked up to me two years ago and told me what life would be like for me today, I'd laugh in your face. two years ago today I was awaiting to see my boyfriend in person, as he lived 300 miles away at the time. if you would have told me that I now work with him, we live together in my parent's house and are moving into our first apartment together with one of my best friends, I think I would have called you nuts.

if you would have told me my mother's leukemia was actually life threatening, that it would get so much worse, I don't think I would have believed you. "No, it's true," you'd say. "She had to start using her walker again. She started using a wheelchair and was put onto oxygen. She had to go to treatments and bloodwork two times a week each. Eventually, it no longer worked." I'd just say they told us it wasn't life threatening. what do you even know?

oh, and while all this is happening you've been in a global pandemic for over a year now. you were stuck in your house for six months. everyone wears masks, including you at work. speaking of work, you are now an assistant manager at a different location.

I'd walk away. but, alas, every word you said would have been true.


POV: you did the dance of Italy


wait people sleep with their doors closed????

okay now im curious. reblog this with where youre from and if you sleep with your door open or closed

I sleep with it open slightly but with a lil bandana wrapped around the knob so the wind doesnt shut it, I like my cat to come sleep with me :)

that is of course when he’s not trying to attack the beans in my weighted blanket hah.

(also from PA)


Memento Mori

I know I haven’t been on here in a long time, but I felt like the death of Unus Annus warranted a revisit.

I started watching it for fun because my friend showed it to me and I thought the videos were great and hilarious. Then it slowly became a regular thing for me to watch. It helped me a lot during quarantine and it gave me something to take my mind off the pandemic. They were a part of my daily routine when I wasn’t at work; I’d play games and watch Unus Annus

I stayed up until 3AM EST last night just to watch them hit delete. I watched them gush to each other about how proud they were of each other and the channel. I had hoped that the clock would start rewinding, that they wouldn’t delete it. But once it was 3, the channel no longer existed. The year had ended. Death had come.

Thank you for such a wonderful year, Ethan and Mark.

Memento Mori.


Me: okay, we got stuff to do today, let’s go!

My body: sweet! we’re out of energy btw

Me: ??? I just woke up???

My body: yeah uh well you see we kinda,,,, forgot to make energy


My body:


My body:

Me: you FORGOT-

every goddamn morning


To My Mother

I’m not sure why you insist on judging your daughter Telling her she needs to eat less Saying she’ll never make it out on her own

I’m not sure why you insist on being unsupportive Telling me things to scare me into not moving away Saying I’ll never make it out on my own

I’m not sure why you insist on thinking That I, your daughter Cannot make it on my own


I promise I’m still alive I just have no motivation for writing for some reason. I love all of you who decided to stay and I will be back ❤️


I watched the stress in my father’s eyes grow progressively, as it always does when my mother’s in the hospital. It never bothered me, really –– it was the same routine every time. She’d be in pain, she’d go in, be there for about a week and then she’d be discharged to go home.

No one expected it to last this long.

Five days after she was admitted, I left with my father to see my boyfriend. We set up the house before we left as if she’d come back without us being home. We left the mother’s day flowers and presents on the coffee table, and we left a cake that read “Happy Belated Mother’s Day” in the fridge. Her mother was going to take her back home and my older brother would look after her until we got back. We were only gone for the weekend.

Sunday night was when we got back; 10:30PM. My mother was still not home, and that day was one week since she’d been in.

I fell asleep around 11:30, and I was skipping classes the next day to get some rest. I woke up to the sound of my name and a knock at my bedroom door –– it was my older brother. He never comes into my room; especially at 4:30 in the morning. “Call your dad,” he says to me softly. “It’s mom, something happened at the hospital and he said we should be there.” I nodded and rolled over to face my phone. A text from my dad read “Call me.”

“She’s having emergency surgery,” is all I could remember him saying in my half-asleep state. “It’s better if you guys were here.

My glasses were nowhere to be found, nor were my keys. “They’re in my suitcase in the other car,” I said to my brother, picking up the spare keys from the kitchen. “I have no idea where my glasses are though.”

When we got there, my father was in the family waiting area and caught us before we went to her room. “They already took her back for surgery.” We sat in the operating waiting area for a while, my grandparents and other older brother shortly joined us.

I watched my dad leave the area several times to “take a walk” to calm himself down. The older brother I drove with took several smoke breaks; more often than usual.

As the weeks went on, today being the third week, I saw more and more coping mechanisms. My father began to drink more often than usual. Nightly drinking turned into day and night drinking. My brother smoked twice as much, but I was never really around to see it after that. I stared at the walls. I stayed up later than usual to avoid overthinking. I binge-played video games. I impulse-bought many things. I started framing out my boyfriend’s graduation present rather than finishing things for my own graduation.

I’m tired of coping.

I’m tired.


it’s funny to go back to find old messages, pictures, anything from when we first began talking

it’s funny to go back and remember what it was like eight months ago when I saw absolutely no end

it’s funny to go back and remember the feeling the absolute longing for you

because now I’m writing again not to vent, but to finish our story

I’m writing again because you cheered me on I’m writing again because I love you

it’s funny to go back - 04.30.19

thank you for believing in me my love


me when i get my student loan


this is the money cat. reblog in 30 seconds and you will find yourself with more wealth

and it has its right paw up! the correct paw for this. and from the markings on its ears, it looks like it might be a calico cat. which is the luckiest kind!

extremely lucky cat


I don’t even care if it actually works, I’m mostly reblogging because it’s freaking adorable.

cute cat and need money, good post, 10/10

in case anyones interested in the other versions

Source: blindbee
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