

Child of God
“1. If he doesn’t answer, don’t keep sending texts. If he wanted to talk to you, he would’ve responded. 2. People will make time for you when they care about you. If he says he’s too busy or constantly cancels his plans, he doesn’t care. People fight for you when they care. 3. Don’t let him touch you on the first date. If he tries, he’s not there for the same reasons you are. 4. You can tell a lot about a person by their favorite book. 5. If he can stomach more than ten straight shots without feeling a thing, he drinks too much. 6. Ask the uncomfortable things. When was the last time he was so high he couldn’t speak? What does he regret the most? Does he drink to remember or to forget? 7. Don’t send pictures unless you want to. If he has to talk you into it, don’t do it. If you hesitate, don’t do it. If you do take a picture, don’t include your face. Keep yourself safe. 8. If you can’t laugh when you’re having sex with him, maybe you aren’t sleeping with the right person. Sex isn’t about tricks and tips and routines. 9. If he hurts you, cut him out. He’s gone, he isn’t coming back, and you don’t need to prolong the pain. 10. Don’t be afraid to open up again. I promise not everyone will love you with a knife behind their back.”

— Boy advice from someone who made the same mistakes too often (via guiseofgentlewords)


do u ever smell weed and wonder where that chill person is


people who can’t handle all black outfits are weak


my favorite albums from the last years.


a girl can respect herself and still take booty pics wtf y'all talkin about


i have this weird self-esteem issue where i hate myself but i still think that im better than everyone else

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