
Snitches End Up In Ditches


🏳️‍🌈Pansexual🏳️‍🌈 🤎POC🤎
I’m a Wattpad writer hiding
in the world of Tumbler

Hello gals, pals, gays, and theys!!!

So I’m fairly new to tumbler as I’ve mainly used Wattpad for all my writing and I’ve been thinking about moving some of my work here!

In the meantime I thought I’d share my Wattpad link in case anyone wanted to read my work


Y/N: I don’t even flirt that much.

Ron: Oh really? *Stands up,* Raise your hands if you think you’re dating Y/N.

Draco: *raises hand*

Theo: *raises hand*

Pansy: *raises hand*

Hermione: *raises hand*

Ron, side eyeing violently: Hermione Granger, what was that?


Y/n: I've finally found you

Hermione: Just say what you want to say to me, I'm not in the mood

Y/n: Oh? You don't want to play today?

Hermione: No Y/n I don't.

Y/n coming closer to Hermione: Who's upset you?

Hermione: What?

Y/n: Someone's upset you, and only I can do that, so who did it?

Hermione: Ron…

Y/n: Splendid, I was dying to torture him anyway…


Y/n: Do you think when butterflies fall in love, they feel humans in their stomach?...

Draco: y/n. Darling. Honey. Love of my life. What the actual fuck...


Theo: you know, we should really just appreciate the small things in life..

Draco: (picking up Y/N) you are appreciated.

Y/N: I’m gonna smother you in your sleep


James: I’ve got a question to ask you

Regulus: as long as it’s not “will you marry me”

James: *silence

Regulus: wait

Regulus: was it?

Regulus: was it “will you marry me”

James: Well I’m not going to ask now

Regulus: no! Restart!

James: moments gone

Regulus: then bring it back!


Severus Snape hurt others as a coping mechanism because he was abused, neglected and never got help to deal with it.

James Potter hurt others because he enjoyed the power he felt when he did so.

Severus Snape called his best friend a racial slur then went off to join a cult that wanted to kill everyone like her

Jame Potter was a teenager who realized he was acting like a dick and changed for the better

No actually, James Potter never realized he was acting like a dick or changed for the better, because we have confirmation from Sirius that James continued bullying behind Lily’s back. If blood status = race, then James Potter is a rich white boy who “relentlessly bullied” an impoverished mixed kid because “he exists, if you know what I mean”.

Meanwhile Severus Snape called his friend a slur right after being sexually assaulted by said boy, and I should not be having to explain how lashing out (often at people trying to be helpful) after being violated is normal, nor should I have to explain the effects of internalized prejudice or how very likely it is for someone who has been impoverished, abused, bullied and isolated to turn to literally anyone who offers them acceptance. As it happens, Severus Snape did change to the point that he called people out for using that slur when he could and actively fought against that cult and died doing so.

I see your tags there and you know what? I can’t stand it either. I can’t stand seeing people working against causes that they act as though they support.

Why is there so much debate over who was the better man? They were both idiot teenage guys, that made 2037348472 mistakes, who ended up being good men.

Because there are literally thousands of posts with thousands of notes going on about how wonderful James is and how horrible Severus is, separately and together. Also because the two of them just aren’t equivalent. James was rich and Severus poor, James was a pureblood and Severus a halfblood, James had unconditional love and support and Severus had none, James was popular and Severus isolated, James wasn’t abused or neglected while Severus was. It’s because there’s a difference between causing pain and humiliation for fun and falling in with a bad crowd for lack of anyone else to turn to. It’s because there’s a difference between hating and physically hurting someone simply because they exist and being bitter and angry because people have always hurt you just for existing. It’s because Severus had mitigating circumstances and James had none.

They may both be jerks but they’re just not the same.

Also, the majority of the fandom wanks to how James saved Snape (as if Sirius putting Snape’s life in danger wasn’t enough to get the Marauders to lay off Snape, certainly wasn’t enough to stop James from publicly stripping him), but once you point out that Snape actually saved tons of people (Katie, Lupin in DH, Draco, “Lately, only those whom I could not save”) they either deliberately ignore it or treat it as though it’s no big deal.

Draco: Do you think I don’t like you? I do. I would kill for you.
Draco: Ask me to kill for you.
Harry: First of all, calm down.
Harry: I want to kill that fucking rat but make it seem like an accident
Draco: Say no more, leave it all to me
Auror: Looks like the killer casted the killing curse and placed a banana peel by his feet
Draco: Could you ever see us being more than friends?
Harry: Yes! I’m so happy you asked!
Draco: Really? because I-
Harry: I can totally see us as animagus!
Draco: ¿?
Harry: Hang on, let me find the picture I drew!
Harry: You’re the dragon and I’m the lion :)
Draco: Anyone wanna get into an argument with me?
Blaise: Fine, Potter is overrated
Draco, taking his wand from his pocket: I was kidding but you know? now I’m gonna kill you. Run.
Draco: I just think my instincts about people are better than yours, Harry
Harry: What? How?
Draco: Well, I picked you
Draco: You, on the other hand, picked me
Eddie: im at the store, do we need anything?
Eddie: btw i ate those brownies you left in the fridge
Eddie: they were great did u bake them urself?
Buck: u ate them? all of them?
Eddie: i was feeling snacky
Buck: damn good luck
Eddie: what do you mean ‘good luck’?
Eddie: buck what does that mean
Eddie: BUCK??
*12 hours later*
Eddie: well my soul has finally stopped astral projecting from my body and i can no longer hear colours
Eddie: i also have no clue how i got home from the store, where my child is, or why theres a lawn flamingo on my couch
Buck: so the brownies were good?
Eddie: you’re dead to me
Eddie: (pls tell me u have the child)
Buck: fair
Buck: (i have him)

Strauss: You need to hire a professional tech analyst for your team.

Hotch: *sees a scented homemade pink stationery resume written in glitter ink*


Hotch: That one. I want that one.

“Sensitive people should be treasured. They love deeply and think deeply about life. They are loyal, honest, and true. The simple things often mean the most to them. They don’t need to change or harden. Their purity makes them who they are.”

Kristen Butler

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