


three thousand people commit suicide every single day that’s about one every forty seconds, so by the time you finish reading this and scroll down a little more someone else will have committed suicide it is believed by 2020 in just four years that number will go to one person every twenty seconds every twenty seconds someone is about to get the news that someone they love just ended their life if you are 15-24 years old suicide is the 2nd most likely thing to kill you and everyone else in the USA that age overall it is the 10th leading cause of death nearly 45,000 americans died last year because of suicide and the rates have doubled for teen girls since 2007 an increased by 30% for teen boys this number is not going to stop rising if we actively refuse to do anything to combat it talking about suicide is seen as taboo or weird or difficult but i promise you it’ll be 100 times harder to talk about someone who’s dead because they couldn’t see any reason to stay and the pain was too much if you think talking about causes of suicide is uncomfortable imagine having to look into the face of a mother of a child who just killed themselves because society refused to talk about it and we refuse to talk about it because it’s sad and heartbreaking if you think it’s too sad to address or speak out about i think you should try to look into the eyes of a child or a sibling or a parent or a friend as they cry over the body of their dead loved one because people refuse to address the core issues involved and by refusing to say it out loud we are saying that we would instead let rates rise and do nothing about it because they are going to keep rising did you know 90% of suicides are caused by mental illness’ that is treatable but just like the word suicide no one wants to talk about mental illness or mention it people are so scared to say the word ‘depression’ or ‘mental illness’ or ‘suicide’ and they act as if saying it will summon voldemort and a tall man in a dark cloak is going to attack them and take them away well, the dark man isn’t going to come after you he’s going to go after the people that we don’t talk about the people we shove under the rug because they are struggling he’s going to get to them and take them away because we couldn’t bear the thought of admitting there’s an issue that needs to be solved and while someone who is feeling that way should get help it’s so incredibly hard to do that for a person to swallow their pride and admit they are breaking and that they need some help because it’s shown as weak to confess to being sad or depressed or god forbid suicidal if you think it’s easy to get help and that it doesn’t make you feel even more worthless then go and tell someone you are sad and have dark days and that maybe you need help if someone chooses the end their life i promise it’s not out of the blue there were signs, and there were warnings that people couldn’t read because we aren’t taught how to suicide is 100% preventable, and i stand by that statement we need to stop making it appear weak to get help because it is not it is not weak what is weak and even cowardly is refusing to talk about it or think about it until it affects you because it makes you uncomfortable and to the people who are struggling with the sadness who are fighting off their demons each day who feel trapped and suffocated wishing nothing more than to go and who wake up full of pain and going to bed the same but nonetheless wake up yet again you are strong and beautiful and one day it will be okay but until that day reach out get help you are not weak you have just tried to be strong for too long and there is nothing stronger than someone who is still here despite wanting so painfully to not

for gracey, courtney, and every one of the 1,000,000 people who end their life every year  (via


For Autumn, and every time I nearly lose her.

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