

Celebrating All The Wonderful Sheith Quotes
Anonymous asked:

I know this event is over but I just found about it now and I just want to say that it's best and most creative idea I've ever seen. A week dedicated to all their quotes. Genius

Thank you! There are just so many good quotes for Sheith, we had to celebrate. 

Also, we’re glad to see that people are still getting to enjoy all the content that was made for this week.



@sheithquoteweek - Another belated contribution, my last submission for Sheith Quote Week 2017. This time using both the “beloved mentor” and “Nothing was worth Shiro’s pain” quotes as inspiration. This toys around with an NROTC/Navy AU.

Rating this Teen and Up - still safe for work (Sfw), but it insinuates some of the heavier elements of war (torture, imprisonment, etc.). I wanted to post a small warning for anyone who may be sensitive to such content.

With all of that said - enjoy! I had a blast participating, and hope to bump into you all again soon. Also posting this on Ao3 under my grasping4light account.

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Someone once told me: I should live instead of dying. Fight until the bitter end. Anything, but give in to the enemy.

And no was no exception. Nothing was worth it. Nothing was worth watching him suffer.

Nothing was worth Shiro’s pain.

Keith watched carefully and debated the options. There was always the choice of waiting to see what would happen next. His captain always had something up his sleeve. He had proved that much in his previous deployments, earning medals and badges of honor at an incredibly early age.

But patience was not in Keith’s skillset, so he went with the second option. React and charge in, blind and fighting, right into the stronghold of the enemy. It was enough to draw their attention and fire, but he was quick and quick-witted, and he dashed and bolted, kicking a gun to his downed comrade, which earned him enough time to escape. But that instinctive glance was enough to earn him a knock in the back of the skull with a rifle, and he swore he could hear his name swirling into the distance as the lights went to black.

“Wake up!” The voice was gruff, slapping him awake with a splash of frigid water. “Answer me!”

Keith groaned in response and winced – the room was spinning, and it was cold. Freezing, really; he preferred the heat. But from the gist of his surroundings – moss, covered walls and stained tile, he would have to live with where he was at. “Where’s Shiro?” He asked.

The guards looked puzzled, glancing at once another.

“Shiro.” Keith bit at his ropes, tugging against the binds in his chair. “Where is he?!”

“You’re captain?” Another man breathed over a cigarette, blowing smoke in the smaller man’s direction.

“Yes,” he wouldn’t be taken away. “Where is he?!”

“He escaped, with the others.” The man flicked the butt to the ground, stomping it out in a stagnant pool of water. “You, my friend, were the unlucky one.”

They escaped. It was all he needed. He wouldn’t change anything. They might see it as unlucky to be captured and taken hostage, but he would never want Shiro to be here. Not again. Not after everything he had been through.

“Now,” the tallest guard approached. He was boorish, unkempt, and his uniform was almost too tight for his massive body. “You need to tell us about your friends.” He pulled a blade and leaned closer. “Where are they hiding?”

The knife wouldn’t faze him; he’d been through worse, and Keith met the guard’s eyes. “That’s none of your business.”

“Oh,” another voice came from behind him. “This one has spunk!”

“Quiet, you,” the man hissed before grabbing onto Keith’s jacket, tugging him closer. It nearly lifted him from the floor. “You really want to take that attitude in this situation?”

“I’m not going to tell you anything.” They wouldn’t kill him; not if they wanted the information that badly. There was no way they would start with the knife.

And he was right – his comment earned him a hard slap, and he could taste blood, but the guard kept him stable, upright in his chair.

“That’s a warning.”

The young soldier spat out the blood pooling in his mouth, and met that intense gaze again.

“You’ve got another chance to answer me – where are your Seals hiding?”

He couldn’t count the hours or days – not in this blasted cell. But it had been too long since he had eaten, and longer since he’d had anything to drink. Keith gripped his hands onto the edges of the chair and winced as he looked upward. The skylight – some sort of drain opening – was the only source of light. And even then – it appeared to be under another light or building that obscured the rays of the sun. It was uncomfortable, unpleasant, and cold, but when he closed his eyes – he could see Shiro planning another ambush. Freeing another overtaken village, and it was all he needed to keep breathing.

The guards would keep coming – this time using the knives. Threatening him with small nicks and jabs, nowhere important, but enough to sting. And when the sting wasn’t enough, they brought in more cold. More pain, and Keith gritted his teeth through it all.

He had been through worse.

He had seen his friend suffer with loss and trauma, unable to discern what was real and what was fake after his first deployment. After he came back ask a prisoner of war, with PTSD, and nightmares, all of which were nothing compared to the look on his face when he came out of surgery. An amputation – necessary and risky – it would nearly cost him his life. But he had saved the others from the explosion. The crash. But he was a broken soldier. A man coming to grips with relearning how to live from square one. The prosthetic was realistic, but it was still fake – it still wasn’t him.

And that is what made it worth it to be here. To take his place this time around. They could come at him as many times as they needed, as many times as it would take to keep Shiro safe. And Keith glared back into the eyes of the man holding his jaw, interrogating him for answers.

“You little punk,” he growled. “You really think they’re going to come back and find you?” He gripped a bit tighter. “We’ve been holding you for over two weeks now. You’re basically a shell.” He leaned in closer and got quiet. “They won’t be here.”

But Keith could hear footsteps in the distance. Determine – four pairs of heartbeats, treading through the terrain, and he closed his eyes. And then he heard the tinker of bells, clattering down the storm drain.

“You’re wrong.” He breathed, just in time for the room to fill with smoke. A click and a beep, and an explosion rocked the room in the distance.

The man released him, cursed in a foreign tongue, and turned to the door. But he was too late – the metal was bending, breaking to the will of someone stronger, and it flew open with a clang. It was easy to take down the bodyguard, armed lightly compared to the professionals entering the room.

Keith could make just enough out of the smoke to see a familiar face approaching him. “He’s weak – I need an IV.” It was Pidge, looking into his eyes. “No concussion.”

“Get him out of here.” Another voice – warm and welcoming, calling in the distance. “Get him back to Coran and Allura, now.” Shiro. Leading the others like a professional. “Lance – did you get us cover?”

“You betcha,” his voice was clear over the radio. Still obnoxious. “You’re all clear to get back to the ‘copter.”

“Great.” Shiro was relieved, and he made his way over to Keith. “You did great.” That warm arm gripped his shoulder. “We’re here to take you home.”

“C’mon,” Hunk grinned, lifting Keith out of the chair easily. “You guys keep me covered – we’re moving out.”

Keith never thought he’d be happy to be wrapped in a standard issue blanket, lying on a cot, but it felt like heaven compared to that damp cell, and he watched the clouds of smoke fade into the distance as the helicopter lifted.

“Keith,” Shiro smiled softly, kneeling next to his comrade. “Why’d you do it?” He gripped onto his helmet, and the smaller man could hear the alloy give beneath his strong hand. “You could have been killed?”

“Shiro,” Keith managed, looking up at his best friend and beloved mentor. “I went with my gut.”

The man sighed and closed his eyes. “Keith.”

Nothing. Keith thought to himself. Nothing is worth your pain.

And Shiro seemed to understand when their eyes met again, and he leaned over his friend and whispered. “Let’s get you home.”



@sheithquoteweek - so sorry I’m late! Here is my belated contribution for day 6. Hope everyone enjoys! I’ll also post it to Ao3.

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It sounded so stupid when he said it aloud. How could he have done that?

The world was a blur as he made his way back to the dorm, running past excited seniors, eager to graduate and get the hell out of here. There was nothing he wanted more as he ran towards a safe place, his room, anywhere but here, out in the open. And Keith finally stopped once the door shut behind him, the lock clicking into place.

“You’re here early,” Lance, his roommate observed briefly, before returning his attention back to his game.

“Don’t you have a final to take or something?!”

“Did ‘em all online,” Lancing grinned. “Now if you’re going to stay,” He leaned with his fighter, to the left and to the right. “Don’t ruin my streak!”

Keith rolled his eyes and slid to the floor, glancing up at the ceiling as he tried to catch his breath. There had to be another place he could hide. Shiro knew where his room was, after all, he was the RA. The library? No, he’d have to cross the campus again, and Shiro was probably on his way here. The chemistry lab? Pidge was working, he could hide in her lab. The cafe-

“Keith?” his voice came, heavy from outside, knocking on the door. “Keith, open the door!”

“Uh oh,” the smarmy grin returned to Lance’s face. “What’d you do this time?” The buttons clacked loudly as the boy continued to duck and dive.

Keith growled, not wanting to give away his cover, but there was no escaping now. If he didn’t answer the door, Lance would, and that would only make things worse. They could always be worse. “Yeah,” he dusted himself off and stood, opening the door.

“C’mon, cadet,” Shiro didn’t hesitate, pulling him outside by the wrist. “We need to talk.”

“Don’t keep him out too late!” Lance called as the door swung shut.

He was gripping onto his wrist; it was painfully tight. “Shiro! Shiro!” Finally, the man stopped, and Keith pulled his arm back to his control.

“Sorry – I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“It’s fine. Just – can we not talk out here?” A small flush of color spread over his cheeks, and he looked down at the floor.

Shiro nodded and made his way toward his bedroom. “We can talk in my quarters.

Snow fell softly outside, gathering in soft piles on the windows and terrace, and Keith watched as they made their way down the hall. Some students were gathered outside of their doorways, carrying laundry baskets and cheap boxes filled with their personal effects. The seniors were dressed in their fatigues, smiling as they discussed their upcoming deployment.

And it reminded him of how he got here in the first place, and he swallowed thickly as the door shut behind him, and Shiro turned to face him.

“Keith,” he began, “What happened out there … “

“Is there any way we can just forget it?” He dug his fingers into his palm, and looked down at his shoes.

“I don’t think that’s going to happen,” the older man moved past him, making his way to his bed. He sat on the edge and motioned for Keith to sit in front of him at the desk. “I want you to tell me what’s going on.”

Keith looked up and met the eyes he knew so well; they were just as determined as ever, and he knew he wouldn’t be leaving any time soon. Not until Shiro was satisfied that he had the truth. So he made his way to the chair and sat down hard with his arms crossed.

“Keith,” Shiro smiled softly. “Don’t make me pull rank.” Their eyes met again, and the younger man relaxed, sitting up straight in the chair, with his hands placed more appropriately on his lap. “Thanks.” The room was quiet for a minute, the wind whistling through a small gap in the window. “So, what happened out there?”

It was embarrassing to keep reliving it. To keep thinking about it. “You know what happened out there.” Keith spoke softly, looking toward the wall. Shiro’s uniform hung clean and pressed on a coat hook, and he tried not to think of what the man looked like in his dress blues. “Are you really going to make me say it again?”

“I’ll ask you as many times as it takes,” Shiro smiled softly, looking toward the uniform. “You still haven’t told me what is going on.”

Keith looked back toward the ground, and then back at Shiro. There was no getting out of this. He knew. He had to be honest, and just do it quick, rip it off like a bandage. “I told you I loved you, okay?” In front of his classmates, too. He wasn’t angry – he just had to get it out there in the universe. He couldn’t do it softly, but he didn’t expect Shiro’s response.

It was soft, steady, as though he was still taking it in. And he finally spoke. “So it wasn’t a fluke? You didn’t say it by accident?”

He thought it was over, “No.” He was firm. “I meant it.” He looked back toward the window again. “I didn’t want you to leave without knowing that.” The heat was intensifying, weighted in his cheeks.

It was quiet again, and the wind rattled snowflakes off of the window. He wanted Shiro to say something, anything, so he wouldn’t be kept waiting.

“So what’s going to happen next year?”

“What do you mean, next year?” Keith looked over at Shiro. “You’ll be deployed, right?”

“Yeah, but what does that mean for you?” He was standing now, moving closer. “Will you still be able to focus and train?”

It was a stupid question. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

Shiro kneeled before him, and Keith looked into those dark eyes. “I don’t want you worried about me when I’m out there.”

His heart was beating hard in his chest. “Okay – I promise I’m not going to be pining over you.”

“Keith.” He reached out and brushed his hand over his cheek. “I’m serious.”

“Shiro,” Keith moved back in the chair, unsure of what was happening, “What are you-“

But he was too late to move, to hide from it. Shiro was moving closer, pressing his lips against his own. And he closed his eyes as he returned the pressure, soft and gentle, relaxing into that warmth against his skin.

“I’m not trying to make you angry,” the older man whispered, looking into his eyes. “It’s not going to be easy for me to be away from you.”

“What are you talking about?” Keith whispered, still trying to catch his breath. “You’ve been deployed before, that’s how you …” he stopped himself and gripped onto the arms of the chair. Shiro was still sensitive about his prosthetic.

“I wanted you to tell me because I’ve wondered for a while now.” He was so calm, direct, and he looked – happy, for the first time that Keith could remember. “You were so upset when you found out that I was leaving before, and you missed your finals because of it.” He laughed. “You’re not going to get held back another year if you find out I’m in the hospital again, are you?”

“It was worth it!” Keith bit back, that fire in his eyes. “They wouldn’t let me see you! And you –“

“Keith,” Shiro brushed his thumb over those lips, and he whispered. “I know.”

“Then why are you,” Keith gently pulled that hand away, and Shiro laced their fingers together. “What does this mean?”

“Take a guess,” the older officer laughed. “You have to have some idea.”

And he did, but he was too scared to say it. Too scared to breathe the thought out loud, that Shiro might actually love him, too.

“Keith,” he whispered, urging the boy toward him. “I’ll just keep asking.”

“I love you, Shiro,” he answered.

“I love you, too,” his mentor answered, pulling him down from the chair, on top of him, on the floor. “I love you, too.”

And Keith couldn’t help himself as he landed. He wrapped his arms around the older man and held on tightly, letting their mouths meet again. Shiro smiled and chuckled against Keith’s cheek. “You think they’ll let me stay another day if we’re snowed in?”

Keith laughed, “We can dream.”

“So we have the same idea?” The kisses were playful now, trailing across his jawline.

“You get to tell Lance.”

“Deal,” Shiro pulled Keith to him again and tugged on his ear. “Whatever it takes to keep you here.”

Keith lifted Shiro’s face gently, and pulled it toward his own. “Then don’t let go.”

“I don’t plan on it.” He breathed, “Not any time soon.”


Don’t have the right colors to finish this, but goodbye to sheith quote week! I had a lot of fun. Hope you all have a merry Christmas 🎄 Now that this is over, I’ve got another little Christmas project I’m going to start, and continue on my vintage set. It was really nice seeing all of the art and stories (and other things) people made for this week. I found a ton of other sheith shippers in this fandom, too. But it’s getting late and I really should get to sleep. 💞


Day 7 of #sheithquoteweek! “Beloved Mentor” I really loved participating in SheithQuoteWeek. I only picked 1 of the 2 quotes per day so I will be posting more photos for sure later. A huge Thank you to @ace.of.trades for taking pictures with me! I love how all of these turned out so I can’t wait for us to collab again. ❤️♥️❤️ 📸 by @roartruemajesty (at Downtown Salt Lake City)


Sheith Quote Week

Day 7: “Beloved mentor”/“Nothing was worth Shiro’s pain”

The battle wasn’t supposed to end up the way it had. It was supposed to be a simple mission in and out. Nothing major about it.

Shiro sighed as he barely dodged the red laser barreling his way. When does something ever go as planned when it came to war? Honestly, they should just put somewhere in their team plans to have a backup one. The man could only list on one hand the amount of missions that went off without a hitch. This was obviously not one of them.

“Lance!” He shouted as the sharpshooter took out another sentry with his rifle, “On your left!”

The teen turned just in time to shoot three more down just as Shiro jumped away from the laser’s path again. Shiro tried to keep track of where the other three were as he fought. He saw green and red in the corner of his eyes and noticed that the two shortest were fighting back-to-back. It made Shiro smile that Keith was starting to trust this team enough to have his back. Hunk was off to another corner, trying to figure out how to take out the laser.

Honestly, they had only came for prisoner information for Pidge, but they had found out about a new laser gun that was being tested.

“Whatever you do, don’t let it hit you. We’re not completely sure what it does, but we don’t want find out on you paladins.”

Well, this wasn’t how they had wanted it to go. Shiro turned to burn a path through one of the robots near him.

“SHIRO!” The shout came just as something plowed into his back. Twisting as he flew through the air, he landed on his back just in time to see a red glow surround Keith. His scream echoed as the light grew too bright to look at. Shiro was reminded of when Keith had been bathed in purple light at the Blade trial. Except this was more evil, and Keith might not be making it out of this.


At that moment, Shiro had a flashback. Barely fighting to stay alive in his lion as Black didn’t respond. The others floating in their equally unresponsive lions as the dictator rushed at them with his staff. Shiro’s worry as he couldn’t hear Keith. The burst of blue light that smashed into Zarkon before rebounding to hit the castle. The same cry from Allura’s lips as the paladins watched on with fear hitting them at the thought that the castle was gone.

His vision tunneled. All he could see was bright red. Just as it faded from sight, he heard a loud and wild crunch from the large weapon.

“I got rid of it,” Hunk stated from the link just as Pidge piped up with, “And I downloaded the blueprints for it, and wiped them from the whole system. They hopefully won’t be able to make another.”

Knowing Haggar, they would. Shiro chooses not to respond as he races to the spot Keith had been. His heart throbs in his chest as he gets there. Right where his best friend was is a…cat?

“Meow,” it looks at him with a tilted head, and Shiro has no idea what to do. Was this Keith? He’d been turned into a cat? A ridiculously adorable feline, but then, the man was biased. He loved cats and Keith…Now that Keith was a cat…

The cat was fairly small for its age. It was skinny so its legs were like literal sticks, but Shiro could see the tough, lean muscle beneath. It reminded him of that cat from that one movie Keith and him would watch back on Earth. Bolt. Except this cat was all black with a few streaks of scarlet and violet. Dark purple-grey eyes stared at him.

“Room’s all clear!” Lance shouted as Shiro stared back, “We gotta go!”

Shiro quickly muted his link before he carefully approached the cat who seemed to recognize him to some extent.

“Hey, buddy,” the cat rubbed its head on his hand as he held it out, “Let’s get you back to the castle. We’ll get you back to normal in no time.”

Turning his helmet back on just as he held the cat in his arms, he called to the others as they all raced for their lions.

“I have Keith,” he held the creature closer as if he would drop him and have to leave him behind, “Let’s go.”

As he got into Black, he asked him to get Red to follow them back up to the castle.

“Oh,” Hunk stated slowly as he glanced from Shiro to the cat, “That’s what that did. At least it didn’t hurt him. And he’s so cute!”

Keith’s eyes narrowed as a strange huff exited his mouth. Rolling his eyes, he proceeded to curl up on Shiro’s lap. Said man just smiled at the cat’s actions. So like Keith…

“He is kinda adorable,” Lance agreed with a grin before it fell, “Can’t believe I just said that about mullet…So, is he as soft as he looks?”

The Cuban reached out his hand to pet Keith’s head when the cat whipped around, hissed, fluffed up, and scratched him. Lance yelped as he pulled his bleeding appendage away.

“What was that about?”

Keith stopped as he backed away from the others just as Pidge stepped closer. Ears flat to his head, tail between his legs, and eyes wide, he looked frightened. Shiro’s own eyes went wide as he realized what was wrong.

“Buddy, it’s okay,” he coaxed, “You’re safe. Lance wasn’t going to hurt you. You know them.”

Keith stared at them before snuggling up on Shiro’s shoulder. He nearly laughed as he felt the warm mass of fur near his ear as the feline started to purr.

“How do we get him back to being human?” Pidge asked curiously as they stared at Shiro who shrugged.

“Well,” Coran messed with his moustache, “I have seen something similar to this once. In fact, my grandfather-”

“Before you go on a rant,” Allura interrupted kindly, “I think it would be best to figure this out.”

Shiro couldn’t agree more.

“I think he’ll be back to normal in no later than a few quintants.”

“I’m taking him to my room,” Shiro stood up before noticing Keith had fallen asleep, “That must have taken it out of him. I’ll see you guys later.”

Making sure the cat didn’t fall from his shoulders, he sat him on his bed. Shiro did loves cats.

It took three days to get Keith back to normal. As soon as it happened, Shiro pulled the other man into a hug which he accepted right away. After precious minutes, he pulled back to watch him.


The raven-haired boy looked back at him with a confused expression. Shiro was not going to let him get away with this.

“Keith,” he sighed softly as he put his hand on Keith’s shoulder, “You can’t keep doing this.”

“Keep doing what?”

“You can’t keep risking your life like that,” Shiro felt his concern spike as he continued, “What if it had killed you?”

Keith muttered something that Shiro couldn’t hear. Shiro leaned closer, “Keith?”

“I…um…” He glanced away before staring straight into Shiro’s eyes, “I said that I couldn’t not do something. You’ve been gone two times, and I thought you were dead. I can’t lose you again. Enough has happened to you, and nothing is worth your pain.”

“Oh, Keith,” he wrapped him up in another warm hug as he whispered into Keith’s ear, “Nothing’s worth your pain either, Keith. I can’t lose you. I’ve already been forced to be away from you twice. I can’t handle another time.”

Keith laughed bitterly as tears collected on Shiro’s collarbone, “You know I’ll still do it.”

“Then I’ll just make sure it’s not an option,” Shiro felt the tears gather in his own eyes at the fact that they were pulled apart so often, “Like you said…nothing is worth our pain.”

Keith’s laugh brightened, and Shiro cracked a smile. He loved that laugh even more than he loved cats. And he loved the person he was holding much more than that. Soon, he promised himself…

Soon, he’d tell Keith exactly how much he meant to him.


Personal Sheith Quote Week Masterpost

Day 1:

#Shiro Loves You Baby / #He’s Looking At Keith

Day 2:

#Your Friend Desperately Wants To See You

Day 3:

#Ninja Mullet Finds His True Love

Day 4:

#Patience Yields Focus

Day 5:

#If It Wasn’t For You, My Life Would Have Been A Lot Different

Day 6 and 7:

#Guiding Light / #Beloved Mentor


sheith quote week entry 3

@sheithquoteweek although this is a day 2 prompt, i hope you guys accept this anyway! this is my take at your friend desperately wants to see you with a twist. the twist being, theyre not friends and its shiro whos looking for keith. also couldnt help but tag @arahir for her kind response to my comment on her fic. you keep being my inspiration.

the family-friendly, long-anticipated (its been a week) prequel to the phenomenon that is mr mysterious (got me so serious) is finally here! read now and youll get an exclusive wiev into shirogane takashi’s head. try to crack the mystery that is keith kogane along with the protagonist and maybe youll manage, because he sure doesnt!
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