
another little studyblr

@notesbyash / notesbyash.tumblr.com

for who among us have touched the foundations of the world and deemed them solid?
|| ash. xxiii. first year aero phd. ||

An Introduction:

Hello and welcome, you can call me Ash. A bit of info both above and under the cut for those interested. For a quick summary:



  • Freshly indoctrinated aerospace PhD student
  • Have done advising/mentoring for undergrads - dm's/asks are always open if you’re seeking miscellaneous advice.
  • Have also failed my fair share of exams/classes before but I'm on my way to a PhD so that must count for something.

(Tag Navigation + more under the cut)


college gothic

  • someone in your class mentions communism. they speak about it at length. you are in biology class.
  • you text your mother. she does not respond for 3 days. you text her again and then realize that it has only been 2 hours since your first text.
  • freshmen travel in packs. what are they afraid of.
  • your class is in room 153. the numbers start at 201. you cannot find the first floor.
  • someone is talking about communism. it is not the same person as last time. this is an english class.
  • your transcript says you have an A in philosophy 3310. you do not remember taking this class. what did you learn? what did you do?
  • you meet your elevator buddy. you do not speak. you never do. you ride in silence. one day, they are not there. you miss them.
  • your advisor refers you to the registrar. the registrar refers you to admissions. admissions refers you to both the registrar and your advisor. you have spoken to two people who do not exist and one who has been dead for ten years.
  • the boy who sits next to you wears the same clothes everyday. you think this is strange but when you mention it, he tells you that this is the first time he has worn this outfit. you realize that you have lived this day before.
  • you pass someone sleeping in the quad. he has always been there. stop looking at him.
  • someone answers, “communism.” it is not someone who has been previously mentioned. the question was, “what is an example of the art of ancient greece?”
  • you have a doppelganger on campus. you have never met them. they know all of your friends.
  • the seniors speak only to professors. their eyes are dead. they have given up the safety of the pack long ago.
  • the professor is talking about STD’s. your math class is very strange.
  • the powerpoint is in comic sans. you suspect that your economics professor is an extraterrestrial being after all.
  • “communism,” the man serving you lunch insists. wearily you nod. that’s what everyone says.

Official Time Loop Post


TV show of the year? Movie of the year?


About 4 months too late to this ask, so I'm substituting it with my best from this year so far. Managed to catch The Boy and The Heron in theaters and was absolutely enthralled - Studio Ghibli never fails to comfort and captivate me. I unfortunately don't keep up with TV enough to pick a favorite show of the year; time also tends to blur together for me. Safe to say I don't have one quite yet.

Anonymous asked:

As someone who also deals with huge calculations… Do you also know the pain of getting almost a page worth of equations and then realising you did a basic math mistake somewhere along the way and all of it is wrong now and you need to start all over again?

every day of my life

It truly feels like 90% of my average work day is fixing dumb lil calculation or code mistakes at this point. I am become the rubber duck. :/


absentmindedly connecting dots this morning and it seems that every single class that i've struggled with teaches deductively rather than inductively, which runs perfectly against how i instinctively process information.

that's the majority of classes. very cool


It’s crazy how low self-worth fucks with peoples lives

“What will I be if I don’t graduate/don’t get a promotion/don’t get my shit together/don’t make this relationship work?” You would be a perfectly normal human being who is inherently valuable and who possesses many talents and good traits

“What if I fail even when I tried my very best?” The world keeps turning and you will find many other things you will succeed at.


jungle exploration? computer programming? NASA engineering? House cleaning? Gaming? this sentence works for them all

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