A Life of Many Choices


The informal diary and memoirs of Marchelette DuCass, classic adventurer and long widowed Matriarch of the DuCass line

The History of Blackbay, Pt. 5

Year 32 ADP (May - July)


Blackbay returns to the newly renovated Swamp Castle as a hurricane descends upon them. During the storm, the Screaming Harpy is stolen.

The group is offered a job to serve as a decoy wedding party for a minor Lordæroean noble. They accept the job.

As Quai Mason and Brian Wellson travel to Redridge, they stop in Ironforge. Wellson notes that his old paper shop has been boarded up and its interim chief operations officer is missing.

During the mission, Blackbay is fired upon by an heavily armed ornithopter. After an intense firefight, the aggressors are neutralized. Malor’incan, Quai Mason, and Brian Wellson receive medical intervention at Westbrook Garrison.

Major Glenice Morcant of Special Investigations is supplied a redacted, confidential report and NOC list by someone buried deep in the Kirin Tor Offensive. 

Major Morcant takes the confidential information and confronts Monette Mason, Malor’incan, and Juniper Rose Blower in Westbrook Garrison.

The media breaks the story that Quai was not killed when Jinx was shot down, and reveals that ‘Lord Doctor Brian Wellson’ is still alive. Major Morcant issues an arrest warrant for Justine de Vitoria Grotius.


In Stranglethorn Vale, Justine de Vitoria Grotius and Juniper Rose have an argument about entitlement. Blackbay secures Screaming Harpy

Brian Wellson has a disturbing vision of Trin Llewellyn.

On the high seas, Blackbay repels a boarding party comprised of the bandits from Stranglethorn Vale. Monette Mason is stabbed in the stomach. Malor’incan loses his prosthetic hand. The boat sustains minimal damage.

The Shade meets Natania, a Kirin Tor deserter, who is sympathetic to her situation. Natania names The Shade ‘Death’. They begin to build their Dark Army.

En route to Swamp Castle, Screaming Harpy enters a minefield. Quai Mason and Brian Wellson defuse the closest mines; Justine detonates the rest in a chain reaction. During the ensuing chaos, Blackbay comes under assault. One of the attackers had been wearing a Kirin Tor necklace.

Monette’s leg is injured and infected. 

Wellson draws on his skill as a battlefield surgeon and saves Monette’s leg.

Justine has an extraordinarily vivid dream about her demise.


At Swamp Castle, Blackbay receives a message from the Kirin Tor Offensive to enter the Wetlands and recover a strange, fel-infused object. 

During the operation to recover the object, Quai Mason is rendered unconscious, and the head of Brian Wellson’s femur is shattered. Juniper Rose and Malor’incan devise a method to contain the fel object, while Justine de Vitoria Grotius and Quai protect a heavily sedated Wellson during a demonic counterassult.

Juniper drafts a health report and sends it along to the Kirin Tor Offensive. This report details the injuries – and their severities – that each member of the team has sustained.

Gwen O’Connell emerges from the Wetlands, and becomes quick friends with Juniper.

In light of the team-wide physical trauma and their dwindling munitions, Monette Mason sends Justine, Gwen, Juniper, and Malor’incan to Ironforge to repair and reëquip. Meanwhile, Monette, Quai, and Wellson take a room in Menethil Harbor.

Following an assault on a roving Kirin Tor peacekeeping patrol, The Shade and her partner, Natania, capture a prisoner named Samantha. Sam agrees to help them after The Shade nearly beats her to death.

During his convalescence, Wellson is invited to a baroness’s masked orgy. He declines. The next day, a horse head mask – along with a photograph of a showering woman wearing it – is left at his room’s door.

Once they have reassembled in Menethil, Blackbay’s skeleton crew, led by Monette, is tasked with the transfer of Horde prisoners. During a routine inspection of the prisoners, Malor’incan brands one of them in an attempt to extract information. He does not understand what he has done is a war crime. Tensions between Malor’incan and the crew begin to escalate.

When Blackbay returns with the Alliance POWs, one of their charges dies; a chemical weapon had been placed inside his chest. Mustard gas floods the dock. There are no serious injuries, save the dead man.

Kyara Grey joins Blackbay.

Following the acquisition of a new team member, Blackbay receives a commission to move cargo to the Broken Front. Along Khaz Modan’s western coast, they come across a razed sin’dorei cargo ship. As Blackbay recovers crates from the wreckage, a submarine fires torpedoes at them. Justine shoots a phosphorous flare into the water to cover their escape.

Unable to resist the call of the fel any longer, Marchelette DuCass packs a small bag, and writes a farewell note. She joins the battle at the Broken Shore.

Marchelette DuCass leaves Blackbay for the Broken Shore; her status and whereabouts remain unknown.

Blackbay stops at a supply dump off the coast of Eversong Woods. After investigation, Justine determines the manufacturer of the munitions Blackbay had recovered from the wreckage of the sin’dorei vessel, and rules out a particular rifle scope. Kyara Grey obtains vital information.

Several members of Blackbay enter the anchorage. They confront a kal’dorei priestess who has mesmerized a group of Sentinels. After a short, non-lethal confrontation, the mesmerist’s hold is broken. The Sentinels at the anchorage detain her for questioning.

Quai and Wellson trek into Eversong, pursuing a lead that could lead them closer to the Binding Stone of Cær Darrow, a key to ending the threat posed by Rìona.

Upon hearing intelligence that the mesmerist had escaped, Blackbay sets sail – laden with war supplies – along with the rest of the fleet. During the night, they double back to search for the priestess. Blackbay is ambushed by several Dark Rangers. Malor’incan’s seemingly incoherent questions antagonize the situation, but the Rangers have an interest in capturing the priestess, as well.

Even as the situation between the Dark Rangers and Blackbay deëscalates, they remain high in the squad.

"You see dear I am not nearly as spry as I used to be but I found it is some thing of a trade. For my youth I gained knowledge, for my innocence I gained power, for my heart I gained many wonderful years of peace. Now this is the important part so do pay attention dear.. for my sacrifice, a sacrifice one does not speak of in polite company as you can imagine.. I gained my children.. Yes dear even the blue one.. and you.. you made the mistake of hurting them.. So before we begin I want to apologise profusely.. for what we both know you are going to make me do to you."
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