
This is my life

@imsurroundedbyidiots553 / imsurroundedbyidiots553.tumblr.com

I am an open book, but I'm a really weird book. "I say this and you will accept cause you are a twat" - direct quote from @p3rs0nne icon by @evanbukley header credited to @btspackexo

knew this woman who used to be a gay man and when he was a gay man he liked ‘ironically’ referring to himself as she/her and so when he came out as a woman he decided the next logical step was to also switch his pronouns to he/him.


i just saw the tag “canon complicit” instead of “canon compliant” and im laughing its like “canon is a criminal act that i unfortunately support with this fic”

The Three Grades:

Canon Compliant: “This fic goes along with canon.” (Because I like it? Because I’m too tired to disagree by writing my own fic? Who knows? The author may or may not tell us.)

Canon Compatible: “Listen, I know it ISN’T canon, but think of it as Microsoft Office for Mac, it’s COMPATIBLE with canon, and that counts.”

Canon Complicit: “I have not died a hero, so I have become an accessory to the Villainy of Canon.”

Canon Compatible is a great term for when your fic is Probably Not What Tolkien Would Have Wanted but it doesn’t really contradict anything in canon either

Gwaine: Listen up, lads, I've got a great idea-
Elyan: No.
Gwaine: You didn't even let me-
Lancelot: No.
Gwaine: But I-
Percival: No.
Gwaine: *gasp* Et tu, Percy?
Leon: *grabs Gwaine by the tunic and points at the sign on the wall*
Leon: You see that? "It Has Been 27 Days Since Our Last Disaster." Three more days, and Guinevere will make us cake.
Leon, shaking Gwaine for emphasis: And - I - want - that - cake.

Getting really sick of all the "There's No Place Like Chrome" ads on youtube. There's Firefox. Firefox saves your passwords. Firefox autofills things if you want. Firefox also does things that Chrome doesn't like allow adblockers, and it does not mine your data and sell your information for advertising purposes. Google is really trying to push people to use Chrome so they can take as much data from users as possible in order to make as much money as possible and it's borderline sinister.

Anyway, download Firefox.


The irony of this is because of the ad blockers on my Firefox, I've never seen any such ad.

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