
florizel studies

@florizelstudies-blog / florizelstudies-blog.tumblr.com

"i hoard books. they are people who do not leave."

When going back to school after winter break, it’s everybody’s resolution to be more productive and get work done!! With all the amazing resources right at our fingertips, here’s a collection of advice and masterposts on apps and extensions you can use to boost your productivity and make your 2017 a great year. 


  1. Apps to help you survive school by @erynstudies​
  2. My productivity apps (for iOS) by @getstudyblr​
  3. App masterpost by @studiyng​
  4. Studying apps megapost by @studentastic​
  5. The best studying apps by @joolshallie​
  6. Apps 101 by @mobilestudy​
  7. Study apps + extensions masterpost by @mujistudies​ 
  8. Apps I am using right now by @strive-for-da-best​
  9. Another “master post” of apps by @sundayscholar
  10. 20 apps for a new school year by @elisetheviking 


  1. Ten chrome extensions for lovely new tabs by @studyquill 
  2. Chrome extensions for studying by @zeldaneedstostudy
  3. Trendy studyblr extensions
  4. Must-have extensions for chrome
  5. Productivity category on the chrome web store
  6. Guide to dressing up your tech by @coffeeplanner 
  7. Chrome extensions that will boost productivity

App Reviews

  1. appadvice.com
  2. Mobile app reviews from pcmag
  3. Best productivity apps
  4. iOS app reviews from macworld
  5. 100 best iPhone apps for 2017
  6. The iphone app review
  7. Best productivity apps of 2016
  8. Top productivity apps for android
  9. Round up of apps for productivity

Enjoy the new year, and here’s to a new and more productive you!


things i’ve learned from this class on literary theory so far: - philosophy in literary theory is not like philosophy in philosophy :( - i do not know the difference between form and genre - books are weird - literature is not one of my strengths

i’m trying so hard to be open minded about this class but so far the only thing that’s making it worth it is my really rad TA. shoutout to my boyfriend for putting up with all of my complaining 😂

01.17.17 // 10:22 pm


A log a day keeps anxiety away 😂 am I right? Started the 100 days of bullet journal challenge, but I won’t post something everyday, more like twice a week :3 For those who asked if I had a studygram: yas I do now, cause one of you convinced me somehow 😂 my names allcutified_desi 🤗 Happy journaling everyone ❤

111516 – last week was rough. in light of the election: stay safe, keep your head up, look out for yourself & your people. remember difficulty is finite. good things that happened last week: the shows were a big success, made some wonderful new friends, & the ice cream shop i work at has pistachio toffee again. good things coming up: seeing my family for thanksgiving break, getting the book club up & running, reading more discworld.

An app that organises your time for you?!?!?

The app’s called Timeful and basically it organises your time for you. All you need to do is put in what you need to do by when, how long you think it will take you and when you’d prefer to do it (morning, afternoon, evening), and then the app schedules a time for you.

If you tell the app that you’re going out with friends from 6pm to 9pm tomorrow night then it’ll reschedule everything to suit that. Input your sleep times and your most productive times and it’ll reschedule everything to suit those too.

You can organise your to-do’s into one of six different colours, which helps you balance your life (like at the moment, I see too much green, which probably means I need to have some more “wellbeing” stuff on there).

(sidenote: I do the IB and I’m thinking of assigning a colour for Creativity, Action and Service, so I make sure I’m doing a bit of each every now and then.)




190916-011016 | 71-84/100

this is the periodic table, noble gas is stable, halogens and alkalis react aggressively; each period we’ll see new outer shells and electrons are added moving to the right (if you know where this came from you’re amazing) & o levels are officially thiS MONTH brb screaming


Printable: Weekly Planner

Decided to make printables again because it’s pretty fun and helps a lot of people. This one includes an overview of the week, top 3 priorities, expenses, and a daily habit tracker. Hope this helps you organize your week and hopefully spend your days more efficiently :)

Download in my studyblr dropbox or google drive or individually here:


Printable: Assignment tracker

Requested by @diyaanat

So, this one is for adding the assignments you do during the month, write down the due dates, fill the progress bar, include the grade you got and calculate how much of the percentage you have for every assignment and for the end of that month.

You can also give a color for each assignment and add the colors to the mini calendar on the right.

I included a little guide to use it on the subfolder.

I hope this one is useful!

Download in my requests folder in my dropbox studyblr folder.


Life Updates

  • The semester is finally over for me!
  • Getting ready to apply for an exchange program to King’s College London, I just took the TOEFL for that!
  • Christmas presents getting ready.
  • Taking a trip to Tokyo during the break, and making a list of stationery and makeup to buy
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