


⋆ ˚。୨୧⋆˚。 i am very much a bad betch. how do you percieve reality? ⋆ ˚。୨୧⋆˚。

𝙋𝘼𝘾 ☿️ 𝙈𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙖𝙜𝙚𝙨 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙈𝙚𝙧𝙘𝙪𝙧𝙮 𝙎𝙄𝘿𝙀 𝘼

9.20.22 Mercury rx lessons, Spiritual updates, Where ur slacking, Advice + What u need 2 know. If u liked this reading cop a personal. Click here for part B.

PILE 1 Lessons It seems like this pile is learning either the worth of putting in hard work, OR you are learning to let things unfold. Especially in the Justice & Revenge category. I do feel like this pile has worn themselves out trying to force balance into place in certain situations. However, you need to step away and truly look at the bigger picture. Ask yourself WHAT can you learn from these experiences, what can you take away from it? How can you build yourself up again? Can this experience become a stepping stone in your life? Are YOU as balanced as you expect others to be? Really look with a critical eye at yourself and the way you interact with others. Do you talk about yourself more than you allow others to talk about themselves? Do you hold the same amount of space for your friends as they hold for you? Do you give the same energy others give to you, and don't just answer yes. Really take the time to think about ALL of your relationships. The dynamics over the years or past few months. However long you've known them. I'm also seeing some people in this group are starting to finally see some progress in their creative endeavours. Others are starting to feel re-encouraged to go after their dreams. You're being taught to let things end & focus on yourself. Explore without having to have a fire lit under your ass. Spiritual Updates You're being asked to put more effort into reconnecting with the core of yourself. Who are you really, outside of societal expectations, the preconceived notions you have of yourself. What defines you, what personality traits do you have? You guys are needing to get back in touch with yourselves! I was seeing feet in ocean water, so maybe someone should go visit the ocean or just spend more time outside in general!! Take it slow if necessary, I feel like you guys are coming out of this period of very intense grief and isolation. You're being given a burst of energy, and a lot of you especially those who might be newer to your spiritual journey are being given divine guidance! Lucky you. I'm seeing that for some your ancestors could start appearing to you in dreams. If you start hearing messages or having strangely intense dreams- well. I guess you know why now. Be open to changes, be open to pushing yourself further than and higher than you've jumped before. You are amazing. Where ur Slacking Alright, excuse my bluntness but to be honest you guys seem to be addicted to suffering in some way. It really seems like you guys have forgotten where you came from too. It seems like it's out of some level of shame. Like you're scared to face the past. This song "I am not a Robot" by Marina is playing and I was about to say that there are some of y'all who have friends and family that genuinely love you and want to be in your lives but you refuse to connect and the song was like "Never committing to anything, you don't pick up the phone when it ring ring rings, don't be so pathetic. Just open up and sing. I'm vulnerable, I'm vulnerable, I am not a robot" There's like this sense of feeling like you are not good enough, or like you're content with nothing. It really can tend to hurt other people to be honest, I also see that you don't really communicate with others & tend to just accept things as they are and never try to change them. I really do feel like this group feels like they're just supposed to suffer, and they can never be okay, or they're just complacent with loneliness and mediocrity when it's not even your purpose. So: Connect with your loved ones, get out of your head, start pushing to connect with yourself, free yourself from the confines of the box you've built for yourself. Communicate more often. Advice + What u need to know

There may be a grounding or seemingly well put together female presence in your life. Could be a friend or mother, you might trust this person or feel more stable around them. I feel like this person might be able to help a lot of this pile to balance out any situations that need delicate handling. They might be able to help you make the situation fair again, and allow both sides to speak their minds. On the other hand, this is also asking you to disconnect from the lack mentality and step into more of a boss bitch energy. You have the ability to take action, ground yourself, and create what you want in life. So start balancing shit out- because that will put you in a position of happiness. You will feel so much better to just get it ALL off of your chest. It's possible you have done something that was not alright, perhaps you manipulated people. Perhaps you orchestrated situations in the past, maybe you haven't come to terms with who you were vs who you are. It seems like this pile has a lot of repressed emotions towards themselves. Balance is coming, and quickly. If you want to keep things stable I suggest acting, and quickly at that. Best of luck Pile 1! Channeled song ☿️ I am not a Robot ☿️ Marina Channeled song ☿️ Trampoline ☿️ Kero Kero Bonito


Lesson Heavy on self worth & realizing how talented & amazing & powerful you are in this pile. Also learning to be more balanced in love, there are honestly a lot of lessons in relationships & how you approach friendships, romance, etc. Learning where to put your energy & when to put it to certain things. I feel like this group could've struggled with prioritizing themselves or the most important part of their lives. I'm also seeing there was a major lesson of walking the fuck away from people who no longer serve you. I also see another lesson is rediscovering your strength as you revisit your most painful memories and experiences. I feel like not a lot can be revealed yet to this group as to where the lessons are taking them. Mostly because it's a really personal conclusion that varies from person to person. It's self empowerment, it's mending your wounds. I heard something about Mint Tea? Perhaps mint tea could help with your anxiety or some type of feeling of being drained? Overall, the main lesson is to keep your eyes on your future & heal the wounds of the past. To realize you power & quit putting up with what you don't deserve. Spiritual Updates So firstly, think of yourself like a diamond in the rough. You are going through immense heat & pressure in order to be refined. You are in the process of releasing and transforming, and it's an intense experience. Your guide want you to know they see how hard you are trying and they congratulate your strength & emotional stamina. There is some sort of manifestation likely dealing with money that is coming in slowly. You should know that you can actualize it in any way you want. The chaos is going to get better before it gets worse again I'd say, but it won't be completely horrific if you control your mind. You've worked hard to reach this point, you have ALL the tools you need. You will not require help to navigate this situation. Trust your instincts, this is a test, whoever is trying to cause harm to you- to hurt you with magick or manifestation is only doing it out of anger that you have left them behind. Continue on your journey. Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself. Where ur slacking I heard something about writing, you need to journal more or you're supposed to be writing something. I don't know? I also feel like this group has not been communicating often with their spirit guides. You can literally break whatever block is between you two through meditation. So, I def recommend doing that. You guys have also been slacking on grounding yourself and prioritizing grounding yourself it seems like. It also seems like you guys need to be resting more often, you can tend to be so fixated on trying to please other people you forget about you. Maybe that's the message your spirit guides have been trying to get across that you're not hearing. Though, be careful of victimizing yourself. I feel like this group needs to stop using masks so often. What happened to being yourself and not being scared of how people react to what you do? You've got this babe. Advice + What u need to know? Keep seeking balance, hold yourself accountable. Your manifestations are counting on it, keep putting that transmuted energy into a fruitful future for yourself. Keep developing a stronger relationship with yourself and continue to allow your victim complex & sense of discontent be destroyed. Take accountability for your life. You've got this, you've basically been doing all of this so I don't have much to say. Spend some time in the sunlight, have fun more often. Stop trying to force urself to leave situations that u play an equal role in. Connect deeper with your inner child and quit fixating on trying to put things into black n white categories. Things are more complex than that. Keep pushing for growth & completion. Channeled Song ☿️ Binz ☿️ Solange Channeled Song ☿️ Tears in the Typing Pool ☿️ Broadcast

PILE 3 Lessons You can't always rely on other people, expecting that others will be responsible for your growth and grounding is honestly really unfair and toxic. You expect people to be fully responsible and accountable for you & your emotional state. You have to take fate and your life into your own hands. That' a really big lesson for you here. I feel like there's not really a lot of depth to this lesson in general. It's mostly just having appreciation for what people do for you and taking more accountability. I feel like so much has happened to you guys, and there's a really strong sense of emotional instability & confusion as well as codependence. I really do sense that you guys need to learn to nurture yourself and heal those mother wounds. It's so hard, so please don't think I don't empathize with you because I really do. I'm so sorry for everything you've been through. No one, and I mean NO ONE should have to experience such horrible things. Unfortunately though you do have to come above those experiences and heal from them eventually. You have to learn responsibility for your experiences & pain & difficulties. There's a VERY clear distrust for others & maybe even going as far as stabbing others in the back before they can do it to you. I see that relationships & emotional connection is something you crave but the lesson is to nurture yourself and learn to rest. As well as to learn how to healthily engage in a relationship. It's important for you to develop emotional independence. Like I see that so strongly here. As for others, you are HYPER independent and need to learn to lean on others & allow people to give you kindness & affection. You are walking towards a better sense of stability & you will have more autonomy soon. Spiritual Updates So firstly! Your ancestors are absolutely there helping you through this period. I feel like you are being guided through transmuting the trauma you unfairly had to experience and heal from in this lifetime. I feel that a lot of spiritual dues are being paid to you. You are going to be given a lot more energy to put into logic & processing your energy. You are beginning a new cycle, and this cycle is going to be intense but you are going to have so much support. You're going to be putting a lot of energy into transforming yourself & transmuting energy. I feel like you are finally stepping into a period of release. Like you've been building up all this anger, all these realizations, and now these realizations are needing to become more self aware and personal. I also see possible room for improvement in relationships & connections. Possibly a bit of healing. A renewed sense of purpose. Where ur Slacking? Y'all have really not been connecting with yourself spiritually or emotionally at all which really sucks because you are very spiritually inclined people. Even if your spiritual path isn't completely cut out for you, you do care about your connection to spirituality & it has really shaped who you are. You should absolutely spend some time doing maybe spiritual baths or some type of spiritual self care. I really recommend a salt bath & getting a parasite removal if possible. I feel like there is a path that has been laid out for you which you were made aware of in a dream. It's really important you not keep brushing that dream off & pay mind to what your dreams tell you. Your spirit guides send you a lot of physical signs like videos on tiktoks & songs on spotify. For one of u it could be posts and angel numbers on insta? They want u to know they r there and that they love u. You have to build a sense of content and happiness for yourself. I think also any passed on ancestors could feel slightly neglected. Maybe leave out some water as an offering and talk out loud to them more often. They could feel like you are shyin away from them.

Advice + What u need to know?

Know that you have the strength to power through and process all of this grief. I feel like a lot of you could be stuck in toxic relationships or situations with people who are not worth your time and energy. Take you time, be patient and loving with yourself. You are just going to have to allow things to unfold and go at their own pace without completely giving up and just letting whatever happen to you. You deserve happiness, you deserve good things. I see that there will be a sort of period of isolation and just- like a literal culling of a part of yourself and a lot of truth will come out of it. Perhaps there will be an acid or shroom trip that kickstarts it.

This is not for everyone, but some of y'all really need to do a return to sender. If you've been having really weird luck & been suspecting someone cast some shit on you it's possible it's true. Put up protections, watch who you share information with. People are weird out here man. I see that there's someone in your life who actively define and opposes you & causes you so much pain. This person is quite literally blocking your path & they have done it in SO many lifetimes. Please walk away, as soon as you can. I also see that this person could have a lot of secrets right now that you aren't aware of. I heard something about maybe a secret phone? I also am seeing that this person gets up to a lot of mischief spend time meditating and answers and visions will be revealed to you. Believe your intuition when it comes to this person because they're a fucking real. If you feel scared to confront them or like they're covering their mess really well do a return to sender and watch it all come pouring out. Best of luck pile 3. Channeled song ☿️ Black Lipstick ☿️ Chicano Batman Channeled song ☿️ Shades of Blue ☿️ Lana Del Rey


my paid tarot readings (●’◡’●)ノ』

heyoo c: i know i'm mostly known for astrology observations but i decided to open up paid readings on this account for you guys so let's have fun! these readings are done using tarot, intuition and oracle cards. this the link to my kofi and my paypal.

༊*·˚ what services do i offer?

╰┈➤ i offer love readings, career readings & 'self readings'!

╰┈➤ i do not offer health, death, 18+ (yet), idol or celebrity readings! i have the right to refuse any topic i feel uncomfortable doing.

╰┈➤ keep in mind that i specialize in love readings so they'll be the longest written ones!

⋆·˚ ༘ * questions/topics you can choose from:

for love readings, you choose the topics and who you want your reading to be on. you can choose between your soulmate, future spouse, last lover (the person you'll end up with), current partner, crush, or next partner.

love reading topics/questions include but are not limited to:

  • how you'll meet them
  • where you'll meet them
  • your first impressions of each other
  • what you/you'll mean to them
  • how they'll treat you
  • how they feel about you
  • their personality
  • your relationship dynamic
  • how they'd be as a bf/gf (before marriage if this is fs)
  • what they think of you
  • how people will perceive you as a couple
  • how your/their in laws will view either you or them
  • what your/their parents/family will think of you or them
  • how you two bond
  • where your relationship is headed
  • how your married life will be
  • possible appearance
  • what's coming for you in love (choose month(s)/year(s))

↳ 'self' reading topics/questions include but are not limited to:

  • you as a partner
  • the romantic partners you attract
  • what your higher self wants to say to you
  • what your guides want to say to you
  • what you need to hear right now
  • what you need to do to heal and grow
  • your best and worst qualities
  • what people like/love about you
  • what people dislike about you
  • what you need to work on
  • what secrets you need to know about
  • your shadow side
  • what stage you're at in your soul contract
  • your life in (choose how many months/years)
  • what's coming for you (choose time)

career reading topics include but are not limited to:

  • which careers best suit you
  • what's coming for you in your career

┊͙ ˘͈ᵕ˘͈ prices to choose from:

love readings: $25

a pack that includes 3 questions. every additional question is $10.

career readings: $15

a pack that includes two questions. every additional question is $7.

'self' readings: $20

a pack includes 2 questions. every additional question is $10.

if you're not interested in these packs, one question is $5 each. you can ask up to 2 questions.

ੈ✩‧₊˚ how i format my readings/what they include:

my spreads don't have a card limit so i use as many cards as spirit wants to give me.

each question will be a page long so the reading could range anywhere from 1-4 pages depending on how many questions you choose/ask

you can ask questions other than the ones included on the list but keep in mind that i can refuse them if they make me uncomfortable!

my readings include: your choice of questions, channeled songs, oracle cards, channeled messages & sometimes possibly astrology placements (if applicable and if asked)

your reading will either be in pdf form or google drive (you can choose)

ofc i will try to make it as aesthetically pleasing as i can :3

my readings can take anywhere from a week to a week and a half to do.

i try to deliver them as fast as i can but if you are not the patient type then you might want to consider another reader.

i do not offer refunds!

ೃ⁀➷ how to book a reading:

please dm me here on tumblr if you're interested!

then please state which reading you'd like and send your name/ intials, pronouns, your astrological big three (if you know it) and something about yourself so i can connect with your energy better.

do not send me the money until your spot is confirmed.

after i confirm your spot, you can send the payment through my kofi or my paypal. please send a screenshot through my dms of your payment!

once i get your payment i will start on your reading and i will let you know. it will be delivered in one week (depending on how many questions you ask for the reading).

i will deliver your reading through your dm or through your email (you choose)

make sure to leave feedback after it's delivered! it is compulsory and it really helps me stay motivated!


My favourite placements/aspects in my natal chart ;)

pisces venus 1st house

taurus mars (2°) in 1st house sextile ascendant

uranus conjunct ascendant

medusa (20°) 1st house

lilith (1181) conjunct pisces ascendant

black moon lilith square ascendant

pluto 10th house conjunct mc

jupiter 7th house

mercury sextile venus

sun sextile pluto

moon trine mars

leo moon (29°)

aquarius mercury (0°)

my placements make me feel like that bitch

slayy, I like the asc conj. lilith you have and the moon conj. Regulus!

bruhh whose keeping count??

🧚🏻‍♀️When it comes to dominant planets mercury dom people have got to be amongst the most common😳 which makes a lot of sense as human kind seem very logical, talkative & opinionated.

🐰Aries Venus I often see get into cheat scandals or at least still have wandering eyes whilst in a relationship.

🦖Capricorns get easily upset most of the time whether in a calm or angry manor, ofc the mars and moon placements play roles but they get disappointed in people quickly.

🦋Mercury-Venus aspects sound so pleasant esp. Conj. and you can often talk to them if you want to just hear someone who sounds good 😅.

🦧Mercury-Mars aspects🤝Prone to voice cracks.

🐄Taureans with heavy gemini placements are more easy going I often see than Taurus & Aries/Heavy Mars mixes also they're more mellow.

🍓Conjunctions to saturn is sorta hard to carry as it literally can restrict/challenge/deplete whatever planets it's conjunct to, also starting to notice how saturn could indicate injuries relating to whatever depending on the placement moreso specifically TW: c*ts🔪 ex: Venus conjunct Saturn you may have a cut or scratch on your neck and be picky in relationship or even self-hating.

🦮Contrary to what people assume, cancers often seem to be dog owners.

🐅The shape of your chart goes a lot in depth about you as a person yet people new to it may not navigate it well, lets say you have a splash chart & you feel like your good at tackling most tasks at a frequent pace, or the opposite and you feel like you could be all over the place, bowls are interesting also because of the planet(s) that is opposite of the chart usually super significant.


Astrology Theory

I'm starting to think the 4h synastry is deadass hit or miss, like a lot of 4h synastry ends badly like the relationship could start really well but end super bad the rzn being ppl have to work through ish together, I realize often the 4h symbolizes family related subjects however it is still a water house notice the 8h is often negative synastry (but not always) same with 12h so it isn't far fetched to assume the 4h isn't always a good synastry indicator🌊but IDK what's your opinions??


hey guys, i really need answers or messages right now. can anyone use their intuition to give me anything coming though? thank you (i’ll delete this later)


astro notes pt. iv [beauty & fashion edition]

most people with upturned catlike eyes have mars aspecting their ascendant ex: megan fox (mars conjunction ascendant) cardi b (mars square ascendant) jordin sparks (mars semi-square ascendant)

ladies with jupiter aspecting their ascendant & taurus/libra inner placements are blessed with an alluring hourglass/opposing triangles figure ex: amber rose (jupiter trine ascendant + libra sun) christina hendricks (jupiter sextile ascendant + taurus sun) peggy lee (jupiter semi-sextile ascendant + taurus venus + libra mars)

simple soft glam makeup look lovers probably have venus in earth signs aspecting the ascendant ex: jamie chung (taurus venus + venus trine ascendant) charlize theron (virgo venus + venus conjunction ascendant) sza (capricorn venus + venus semi-sextile ascendant)

aphrodite (1388) aspecting venus can make you look very photogenic ex: cindy crawford (venus conjunct aphrodite) noah mills (venus conjunct aphrodite) naomi campbell (venus trine aphrodite)

every moon in aries/1st house went through a red hair phase ex: janet jackson (aries moon) rosé (aries moon) gloria estefan (moon in the 1st house)

an aspect that can contribute to having fairy/elf like features is a hard aspect between neptune and the asendant ex: sylvie testud (neptune square ascendant) rami malek (neptune opposite ascendant) kate bosworth (neptune inconjunction ascendant)

females with a gorgeous tringale/pear shaped bodies usually have pluto aspecting their asendant & leo/sagittarius inner placements ex: beyoncé (pluto conjunction ascendant + leo mars) christina aguilera (pluto trine ascendant + sagittarius sun + sagittarius venus), rihanna (pluto inconjunction ascendant + sagittarius mars)

people who have deep attractive voices oftentimes have mercury-pluto aspects ex: mark strong (mercury conjunction pluto) laurence fishburne (mercury semi-square pluto) alan rickman (mercury inconjunction pluto) or pluto in the 3rd house ex: martin luther king, emma stone & laura prepon

having neptune aspecting the ascendant can give you downturned doelike eyes ex: paul mccartney (neptune conjunction ascendant) sylvester stallone (neptune square ascendant) grimes (neptune semi-square ascendant)

celebrities known for their famous hairstyles tend to have fire venus combined with moon-venus aspects ex: audrey hepburn (aries venus + moon semi-square venus) whitney houston (leo venus + moon trine venus) farrah fawcett (sagittarius venus + moon opposite venus)

hard sun-uranus aspects can cause asymmetrical face ex: ryan gosling (sun conjunction uranus) paris hilton (sun square uranus) angelina jolie (sun sesqui-quadrate uranus)

people who have their sun/moon aspecting lilith have dark intense attractiveness ex: taissa farmiga (sun trine lilith) ben barnes (moon trine lilith) mia wasikowska (moon square lilith)

the looking bizarre but in a sexy way aspect got to be uranus harsly aspecting the sun ex: anya taylor joy (sun square uranus) benedict cumberbatch (sun square uranus) gemma ward (sun semi-square uranus)

saturn aspecting the asendant & aries/capricorn inner placements can give the individual model qualities ex: miranda kerr (saturn square ascendant + aries sun) gigi hadid (saturn semi-square ascendant + aries venus) vanessa paradis (saturn inconjunction ascendant + capricorn sun)

most of bold heavy makeup lovers have fire venus in the 1st/10th house ex: dua lipa (leo venus in the 10th house) chungha (aries venus in the 10th house) katy perry (sagittarius venus in the 1st house)

psyche (16) aspecting the sun people have an astonishing beauty ex: diane kruger (sun conjunct psyche) monica bellucci (sun trine psyche) aishwarya rai (sun semi-sextile psyche)

famous for their iconic curly hair they got earth moons with sun/uranus aspects ex: andie macdowell (taurus moon + sun square uranus) corbin bleu (virgo moon + sun sextile uranus) keri russell (capricorn moon + sun inconjunction uranus)

having cosmetic surgery to enhance what they got aspect is sun/asendant/midheaven semi-square venus ex: lana del rey (sun semi-square venus) hailey baldwin (asendant semi-square venus) jennifer lawrence (midheaven semi-square venus)

narcissus (37117) conjunct/trine/sextile sun folks are in love with their reflection spends a lot of time in front the mirror and take mirror selfies

big fans of bodycon clothings mostly have venus in a fire house ex: selena quintanilla (venus in the 1st house) famous for her signature looks with bodycon jumpsuits, khloe kardashian (venus in the 5th house) loves bodycon skirts/pants, kim kardashian (venus in the 9th house) most of her wardrobe consist of bodycon dresses

most people with round captivating eyes have moon aspecting their ascendant ex: zooey deschanel (moon conjunction ascendant) dakota fanning (moon square ascendant) marion cotillard (moon semi-square ascendant)

women with a graceful rectangle/banana shaped bodies could have mercury aspecting the ascendant & virgo/aquarius inner placements ex: charlotte rampling (mercury conjunction ascendant + aquarius sun + aquarius venus) zendaya (mercury trine ascendant + virgo sun) mitski (mercury sextile ascendant + virgo venus)

the majority of people born with red hair have got aries/taurus in their big 6 with sun/mars aspects ex: jessica chestian (aries sun + aries venus + sun semi sextile mars) domhnall gleeson (taurus sun + taurus moon + taurus mars + sun conjunct mars) toby stephens (taurus sun + aries venus + sun sesqui-quadrate mars)

water signs individuals like to put on blue eye contact lenses


Astro notes #26 ig 😅 shortish post

🐙 Pisces suns often have a thing against eating seafood wether it's squid or octopus maybe sometimes crab, if it used to be a live and from the ocean they may find it weird to eat

🏡 if your 4h ruler is being aspected to 12h ruler or 4h ruler in 12h it could mean your family hiding something from you

🖤 Moon-Lilith aspects could indicate having some extremely messed up emotions like doing stuff that's just wild in a fit of rage moreso hard aspects 👀

🦀 Cancers often have some big ol' round heads 🌝 they'll often have big eyes to match as well

🌿Virgo with heavy Libra placement may often fit the archetype of "innocence" as opposed to purely Virgo or mix with leo

🦛Speaking of mixes people who have a mix of signs for ex: Leo & Libra will get along very well with someone who is a Libra with heavy Leo often when this occurs in synastry it seems like they're super in sync

💞When Venus is transit your 10h you may start to notice more people liking you as opposed to 1h which is when your likely to notice more venusian qualities about yourself

👻 your worst fear often is shown in the 8h so things involved for ex: let's say your have pisces 8h with Jupiter there, your 8h also is at the 21° whilst you just so happen to have Thalassophobia🌊

😮‍💨🌿I often see Neptune in mutable houses in terms of ppl who do dr*gs even 5h💊 (3H/6H/9H/12H)

🐈 Virgos are often strongly attached to Animals, 6h Leo could indicate a liking for cats

😛Mercury at Aries degrees say the wildest things it's absurd, whether it's taboo or just hella funny

🐎 I think people seem to look like cultures they're not or cultural appropriate have some jupiter or sag placements


𝙰𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚘 𝙾𝚋𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚟𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝙿𝚝.𝟺

since i'm feeling much better i've decided to finally put out another astro observation post for y'all! thanks for supporting my blog, i'm grateful to all of you <3 here are my other observations: one, two, three ;*

𖡎 leo risings love giving their friends/lovers all kinds of gifts whether they're handmade or even giving free readings to them

𖡎 cap or sag in the 11h may attract older friends or act like the oldest in their friend group when they might be the youngest

𖡎 if you wanna know which year was or will be your worst check the sign of your 8h in your natal chart. then check to see if that sign is the same for your ascendant in your solar return chart that you thought was the worst year. if you feel the year hasn't happened yet, check your future solar return charts to see. then check to see where the ruler of your 8h is in your natal chart. for example, my friend said her worst year was in 2017 bc of school. she has an aqua 8h and her solar return chart ascendant was in aqua. the ruler of her 8h was in the 9h which has to do with school

𖡎 for saturn in 4h natives, most people will think they're very closed off and private as a first impression (which they are to some degree), however once you get to know these people, they have a habit of making people feel super comfortable and welcome. they are the sweetest people with the hardest childhoods

𖡎 people with major libra placements, like a stellium (with little to no water) tend to be very insensitive towards others feelings and problems. i've noticed that most of these people have sympathy but lack empathy

𖡎 i feel like uranus in 7th individuals prefer low maintenance friendships bc they value their independence and don't always like someone constantly texting them (especially if they have a ton of air placements)

𖡎 moon in 6h natives have a huge soft spot for pets and animals but sometimes they'll hide that fact if their moon is in scorpio or capricorn. i've noticed these signs tend to take awhile to open up to their pets

𖡎 cancer & taurus placements are super cranky when they're woken up by someone. it's like they turn into a different person and if you don't want that side of them then don't interrupt their sleep !

𖡎 on the other hand, if a cancer/taurus placement doesn't get mad when you wake them up then you must be really special to them

𖡎 earth in 3rd house natives tend to sound super blunt and almost mean to others despite their mercury sign

𖡎 same thing with mercury-saturn natives. they tend to be very blunt and straightforward. perhaps they had to learn many lessons about the way they speak to others and how they come off because it can be viewed as rude even if they mean well

𖡎 people with earth or fire in their 2nd or 3rd house tend to have deeper voices

for example: i have aries in the 2nd and taurus in the 3rd and my voice is pretty low/deep

𖡎 venus transiting your 5h could mean you'll meet someone you'll be in a relationship with soon. this could also apply to sun, moon, jupiter or mercury but make sure there are atleast two planets transiting your 5h

𖡎 gemini, virgo & aqua placements are the most observant people ever. they watch your behavior and mannerisms as if they're studying you. i've also seen scorpio & cancer placements (esp if cancer placements have air placements too) do this as well.

𖡎 taurus and libra moons are the ones that sign and dance when they eat/get food they like

𖡎 libra moons are always online shopping

𖡎 having virgo in 2h is like going to the mall, picking up all the stuff you like and then when you get to the register you start putting stuff back bc you think its too expensive and ending up buying 2 things at the end

𖡎 aries/pisces/1h placements tend to have really nice or pretty eyes/eyelashes

𖡎 leo moons have such pretty hair and i noticed when they have curls (which they usually do) they're big curls or their curls are very defined

𖡎 saturn in gemini in the 4th natives/saturn in 4th/chiron in 4th/cap in 4th/mars in 4th (sometimes lilith) all grew up far too fast during their childhood. their parents were most likely abusive and/or narcissistic. they've left the native with an obscene amount of trauma to deal with as adults and most don't know where to start or heal from it. their problems were never taken seriously or even heard and parents often never let the native stand up for themself or criticize the parent without punishment. these natives were silenced and often felt alone or invisible

𖡎 the biggest lesson for mercury-saturn aspects especially conjunctions is to think before you speak. naturally this aspect forces you to do so but with the conjunction it causes people to become very blunt to the point where it may hurt others feelings. saturn here tries to teach you how to speak in a way that's efficient but won't hurt others feelings

𖡎 venus-saturn aspects may love vintage clothing especially now that it's trending more. they're also fond of old movies or just old vintage things in general

𖡎 the 8h is opposite the 2h of self esteem and self worth so i feel like the ruler of your 8h is where you get disrespected the most. for example, 8h ruler in the 7h? you might get disrespected in relationships. 8h ruler in 4h might get disrespected by their family the most.

𖡎 2h ruler is where you may feel appreciated the most bc it rules your self esteem. 2h ruler in the 6h may struggle with liking their bodies for awhile but as they grow up, people may compliment their bodies more or they may become meow accepting of it. 2h ruler in the 2h may start to appreciate themselves as they grow up (depending on the planet in the 2h) and start liking their voice more. 2h ruler in the 5h might appreciate their talents more or become more accepting of their romantic side.

𖡎 i've noticed a lot of 8h placements (specifically saturn or stelliums) tend to get bullied when they were younger!

𖡎 aries venus (males) usually are so direct when they like people and you'll always know it but when you're the one being chased by an aries venus i noticed that they tend to stop chasing once they feel they "got you". you stop being a prize for them to win and so they start to get bored or become uninterested in you. it's almost like you have to keep being exciting for them to stay. if you want to keep an aries venus, be unpredictable and play hard to get! (this usually only works on guys tho)

𖡎 if you have an aries 5h or gemini 5h you may attract younger partners! this may also apply to mercury in 5h people or your ruler of the 7h in the 5h!

𖡎 people with sun-mercury conjunctions always talk ALOT especially if it's in a mutable sign!

𖡎 saturn in water houses causes the native to be afraid or reluctant to open up to others. these people tend to be afraid of vulnerability. saturn acts as a lock and key in these houses so the natives have trouble expressing the themes of the houses to others when asked to and it's almost as if their lips are glued together.

𖡎 taurus moons/ lilith in 2h can struggle a lot with eating disorders or may have a difficult relationship with food. ex: in jennette mccurdy's new book she talks about struggling with bulimia and she's a taurus moon. if these natives also have moon-jupiter aspects they could be prone to eating their feelings away.

𖡎 leo moons can sometimes have daddy issues, as in, either their father wasn't in their life or they don't acknowledge them at all

𖡎 i noticed that some leo placements (especially if they have 6h placements/cancer placements ) tend to do favors for other people but always expect you to do something for them otherwise they'll try to hold it over your head and say "well i did this for you so why won't you do this for me?!" they're generous but expect that generosity to be returned.

𖡎 4h, 6h & 8h people often become peoples personal therapist bc they lack the boundaries to say no to others. they enjoy helping people but it leads to them becoming very drained and tired and so they may take time to themselves or just disappear from friends for awhile. you guys need to learn how to stop feeling guilty for not being there for others and instead you should choose yourself! don't help others at the expense of your mental health!

𖡎 ik i wrote this while answering in an ask but virgo venus's either have people that criticize them (their looks) or they critize themselves to the point where they can't recognize their beauty which is why a lot of virgo venus celebs like bella hadid, kylie jenner, kim kardashian and others get plastic surgery. pls virgo venuses learn that your natural beauty is perfect <3

𖡎 virgo moons are probably the hardest moon signs imo to get to know on an emotional level bc they're so careful with their words and don't like oversharing at all. if they do end up oversharing, they feel embarrassed after (i noticed this manly in men tho... specifically aqua men)

𖡎 pluto transiting your natal 6h or being in your solar return chart can cause major health changes. i've noticed it causes health problems or a sudden development of a health issue. it can also cause your weight to fluctuate

𖡎 an 8h in your solar return chart can make you constantly second guess if your ego is getting in the way of your plans. it's a major ego death and really makes you aware of it's influence. you'll notice that you'll be more aware of "putting your pride aside" to make decisions

𖡎 i think this is obvious but leo stellium people are SO loud and act like literal little kids in front of their loved ones but i also noticed they take really good pictures of their friends or people they care about fr. they give a ton of compliments too (definitely love this ab them bc i'm a leo venus <3)

𖡎 one thing i noticed about aqua suns is that you can never really tell when they're joking through text bc they naturally have a serious tone or demeanor especially through text like you'd imagine them texting in a straight face

𖡎 if you have a stellium in your chart you may find yourself constantly attracting important relationships with others that have stelliums in their chart bc it's said that people with stelliums are "more powerful" since there's more focus on the specific sign the stellium is in or house

𖡎 having your natal rising in the same sign as your solar return rising sign can make you feel more like yourself during that year

𖡎 having a 10h stellium in your sr chart (especially with venus in it or venus conjunct the mc) could mean you'll get a promotion that year

𖡎 pluto in 2h in a solar return chart could go two ways: either your financial situation changes a lot or your self esteem changes a lot

in my case it was both bc my financial situation got better and my self esteem increased so much that i feel like my 12 yr old self would be so proud :,)

𖡎 having jupiter in the 4h of a solar return chart could mean you get a new addition to your family like someone might move in or a new child might be born in your immediate family. it could also mean you may move from your house

𝚂𝚢𝚗𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚢 & 𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚎:

𐀶 having lilith in the 1h of a composite chart can either cause high sexual compatibility or cause you two to slowly resent each other

depending on the lilith sign you can see how or why you resent each other. for example: gemini lilith may resent each other bc of the way one talks to the other (constantly calling names or petty arguments)

𐀶 having an a fixed sun (i specifically observed scorpio & taurus) in a composite chart shows you two will be in each other's lives for a long time.

𐀶 having an aries sun or aries 12h of a composite chart can show that the relationship may end just as fast as it began.

𐀶 stelliums in composite charts are important whether they're house or sign stelliums because it means that you'll both impact each other's lives a lot

𐀶 however, a composite chart with a mutable stellium (i've mostly observed a virgo and gemini stellium) and barely any inner fixed planets (specifically the sun or rising) will likely not last because mutable placements aren't really stable but the relationship will atleast be flexible enough for you two to grow in it

𐀶 check to see if any of your natal planets conjunct your composite chart planets and that'll show you how you act as an individual in the relationship or how it affects you specifically. ex: i had a composite gemini stellium (moon, venus, mars & saturn) with someone and it was conjunct my natal mercury. needless to say, i needed a lot of mental stimulation in that relationship otherwise it wouldn't work

𐀶 on that note, having a lot of air in a composite chart shows you two both need a lot mental stimulation so texting or calling may be important to you two

𐀶 having a lot of water in a composite chart shows you two need a lot of emotional vulnerability or that it'll be a focus of the relationship

𐀶 having a lot of fire in a composite chart shows that you two will experience new things together and likely travel a lot or laugh often

𐀶 having a lot of earth in a composite chart can show that you two need to be physically with each other a lot or that you two need financial stability together. it could also indicate needing stable roots with this person or wanting to settle down with them. this could be a composite chart with someone you're with for a long time

𐀶 chiron in the 1h of a composite chart can either indicate a lot of healing or wounds resurfacing and being too hard to deal with

𐀶 neptune in 1h of a composite chart can make the relationship feel like a dream with the other person. you both feel like the other is your ideal person. the same applies to synastry that has a lot of neptune aspects such as neptune conj ascendant/moon-neptune or venus-neptune

𐀶 having inner pisces placements in a composite chart (especially moon) can really create a telepathic connection between the two people involved. i had this with someone and i swear i always knew how he felt or what he was thinking before he even said anything

𐀶 a relationship that will change you the most usually has a 8h placements in the composite chart or even an 8h stellium. it'll be the relationship you never forget and this could apply to synastry as well

𐀶 having gemini mars in composite means you two may like sexting or phone sex lmao

another observation of this placement is that the two of you may call each other names and it may really offend one of you even if the other meant it in a jokey way. this placement could indicate petty fights but they get dispelled pretty quickly

𐀶 hardly any moon aspects in synastry to your moon could make the relationship feel very dry and likely superficial

this especially applies to moon-saturn aspects in composite (specifically conjunct or square). since the moon usually rules the woman (if it's a heterosexual relationship) then she'll most likely feel empty or lonely in the relationship and it's hard to create an emotional bond

𐀶 mercury overlaying someone's 8h in synastry (if you're the mercury person) makes you literally spill all your business to them.

this can also apply to mercury in the 4h of a composite chart bc you feel "safe" enough to tell them

𐀶 having a leo rising/leo placements in a composite chart makes such a fun relationship/friendship with someone like it's just constant laughing

𐀶 having innner 6h placements in a composite chart show that you two can live with each other well and it shows you two may talk everyday or have some kind of routine you do together that's in harmony

𐀶 however, having a planet like pluto in the 6h in a composite chart can show you two don't like living together or it could be very difficult like you may hate some of their habits

𐀶 having chiron in the 8h of a composite chart can be a healing placement for your deepest wounds. it can cause both of your trauma to surface but together, it's easier to sort it out or talk about it

𐀶 besides venus in 5h being a great placement for either composite or synastry, i noticed in a composite chart it shows that you two enjoy indulging in the others hobbies and you two probably love doing similar activities

𐀶 having north node in the 1h in synastry or composite (or conjunct the composite ascendant) shows that you and the other person were meant to meet in order to move each other's lives forward. some are meant to stay and others are short lived just to get you in the direction you need to go

𐀶 having mars in the 2h in a composite chart might mean you two spend money impulsively or you just spend too much too fast


Wanted to do a lil redraw of this pic from the comics~

I’m so excited to see more of Kirby Howell-Baptiste as Death. I love a goth queen~ 💀😎


☾*✲⋆. “𝑯𝒐𝒘 𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝑰 𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒇𝒆𝒔𝒕?”

You create your own rules so you can manifest in whatever way you want. This post is for my beginners & those who want a sense of direction. 🌙✨


1. Decide on what you want to manifest.

Eg. 20/20 vision. (Choosing this example because it makes an interesting case for ignoring the 3D)

2. Accept that you already have it in your imagination. Assume it is done. The second you decide you want something, it is yours. No power on earth or in heaven can stop your manifestation from coming to you.

Know that you have 20/20 vision and think as if you already have your desire. Affirming = Thinking. So just think thoughts like, “I have 20/20 vision. I can see clearly. I have perfect vision in both eyes.”

Remember, you’re not manifesting your desire. You are simply reflecting what you are: which is the assumptions that you have accepted to be true.

3. Ignore the 3D. The 3D doesn’t matter because it isn’t real. Consciousness is the only reality so dwell in your imagination & know that the 3D will conform regardless of your circumstances.

If you wear glasses and your vision becomes blurry when you remove them, tell yourself that it doesn’t affect your manifestation in anyway and you have perfect vision in your imagination so the 3D will conform no matter what since it is THE LAW.

Don’t worry about changing the 3D. Instead change your 4D or your imagination & the 3D will reflect your new reality to you.

4. Persist. Persist. Persist.

💌 — Hold the assumption that regardless of what you do, your desires always manifest super quickly. You can cry. You can be depressed. You can have intrusive thoughts & limiting beliefs. You don’t need to have a perfect self concept. You don’t even have to believe in your manifestations. This will not affect your manifestations at all. Nothing, I mean absolutely nothing can stop you from getting what you want.

Hope this helps. Kisses xx 💋

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