
Just Call Me Medi (No Longer On Hiatus)

@isthemedia / isthemedia.tumblr.com

UPDATE: With Hope...We'll Escape is on hiatus. Teams Are Merging, Just as the World Falls Apart-Reboot/Reux Arc 2 will be staring soon. Taking asks for both AUs.

Chapters: 62/?


So it was all Augustine...from the start?

He found the plans to the weapon?

He proposed the idea to Lysandre?

Oh, his dear Augustine

A/N: Hey been a while...I'm Moving! The place I was in for the past 2ish years was actually pretty toxic for my creativity. Ever since getting closer and closer to the move in day, I was hit with a HUGE amount of inspiration.
Arc 3 is almost done. Arc 4 is about 1/3 of the way down. Arc 5 has gotten some of the bigger plot points written out-or at least hashed out. And lastly Arc 6 has officially started getting outline.

It's eternally a little funny whenever I see someone say something along the lines of 'everyone in Strive is so happy now! Everyone's stories are getting resolved! It'll be hard to make a new game when everyone's retired and living peacefully and resolved their problems' and then there's a haunted semi-sentient mecha corpse in the corner constantly screaming from being trapped in limbo


I’m kinda in the mindset as it’s not actually Romeo but just a residual presence of him. The fact that it’s ambiguous in whether it’s him or not is one thing that’s both cool but also feels a bit like a cop out.

It probably doesn’t help that the two who faced him last have also been retired even before Strive-that being Venom and Robo-Ky. And I recall Daisuke saying that Venom’s story was done-when asks of if he was going to be brought into Strive.

Also also-doesn’t help that it doesn’t seem like we’re getting anymore after stories like before. I like to think it’s just just then “residual presence” idea cause Romeo deserves to rest. He accepted his mistakes and tried to atone for it.


Against the Kitchen Floor, a Captain Laserhawk song comic Characters: Bullfrog, Rayman/Ramon Song: "Against the Kitchen Floor" by Will Wood

Content warnings: language, aftermath of a shooting, drug use, vomiting (on and offscreen), non-sexual nudity


So worth the wait! This is IMMACULATE!! Honestly so beautiful and such a HUGE project!

(Gotta get my ass in gear after my move to finish my comics now)


@djsherriff-responses I know your post on Jade and Pey’J and you brought up with the “purity” aspect to Jade’s design:

“‘but Cody wears white too-‘Cody I don’t count because he’s based on a real celebrity and um”

I didn’t want to tack on added thoughts about Cody onto a Jade and Pey’J centered post. But mentioning the “purity” aspect to Jade being in all white-and so is Cody’s-it makes sense.

Hi wresting fan here and I did make a post on Cody before-and it does make sense for him too. Cody Rhodes maybe know as The American Nightmare but he’s an absolute sweetheart. But on top of that-the man doesn’t have a controversy around him. (Like not even in real life)

Not even a manufactured one for the sake of “wrestling storyline drama”.

It’s not the “purity” like it is in Jade’s case but if CLH wanted to reflect the IRL Cody it could have been interesting-him gaining this celebrity status in Eden and yet staying uncorrupted.

Definitely feel like he could have been a good foil to Dolph-similarly to how Jade could have been too.

Oh this is actually extremely insightful and if anything, actually solidifies my theory regarding the purity thing even more

Cody being a celebrity yet still "pure" in Eden is so interesting because Jade's career is specifically about reporting on criminal activity and injustice, so her remaining "pure" also shows how shes remained kind despite the cruelty she's witnessed

I like to think the main reason Cody there a fit over missing his match was because he promised a fan he’s be there.

He’s done something similar IRL for a fan too.

It would have been great to see their duality along Bullfrog’s vs Dolph’s pessimism.

It’s fun to think about what-if’s. I know Cody is probably not coming back-and it’s a bummer he’s kinda played off as a joke-but man it would be hilarious if he did-along with the other GHOSTS-and everyone is just floored that this loud wrestler is just a nice dude.


@djsherriff-responses I know your post on Jade and Pey’J and you brought up with the “purity” aspect to Jade’s design:

“‘but Cody wears white too-‘Cody I don’t count because he’s based on a real celebrity and um”

I didn’t want to tack on added thoughts about Cody onto a Jade and Pey’J centered post. But mentioning the “purity” aspect to Jade being in all white-and so is Cody’s-it makes sense.

Hi wresting fan here and I did make a post on Cody before-and it does make sense for him too. Cody Rhodes maybe know as The American Nightmare but he’s an absolute sweetheart. But on top of that-the man doesn’t have a controversy around him. (Like not even in real life)

Not even a manufactured one for the sake of “wrestling storyline drama”.

It’s not the “purity” like it is in Jade’s case but if CLH wanted to reflect the IRL Cody it could have been interesting-him gaining this celebrity status in Eden and yet staying uncorrupted.

Definitely feel like he could have been a good foil to Dolph-similarly to how Jade could have been too.


AtKF Update!

First thing to address: When's it coming out?

I'm avoiding giving a hard deadline because life circumstances can and do change, scheduling be damned, but the good news is that a lot has been achieved since the end of February, and I'm closer to getting this thing out for everyone to enjoy :D

That said, my calendar's telling me to finish it by the end of this month. I got a feeling about this.

Second thing to address: any plans following this song comic?

It's not likely that I'll pick up another Captain Laserhawk idea that isn't a fanwork until we get more episodes. I have plenty of things I could do in the Rayman canon/lore, and there's at least one thing I could do for Laserhawk, but I'm holding off on that until we get more episodes.

Are we getting more episodes? I hope so.

Thank you for your patience!


I believe we’ve been confirmed for a season 2 and the manga FINALLY released after it go pushed back.

But honestly I am loving all the fan stuff that has been coming out. Lots of character introspection and just fun little bits of just “trying to survive under big brother’s watchful eye” with hints of slice-of-life.

I know this is going to be phenomenal when it’s posted.


TikTokers are such pussies when it comes to ships. “B-but they’re not canon 🥺🥺🥺😭😭😖😖” honey back in my day we shipped characters from entirely different medias uphill both ways in the snow

We need to reintroduce crackshipping into the zeitgeist. We use to be a society damnit.

All of our ships 😂


TBH fandoms on tiktok come off as so restrictive. Like it’s almost ridiculous to the degree-it’s literally

It’s why I can’t pry myself away just yet from tumblr. It does remind me fandoms can be fun.

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