
my horror game can't possibly be this dark

@goblidae / goblidae.tumblr.com

shelby | she/her | queer | autistic | system | vegan | chronically ill & disabled | i love @elfbirdkid & @nightmarelane | icon by @chemicataclysm

Everyone: Omg listen to this amazing podcast!!

Me, a person who can’t pay attention to anything that doesn’t have visuals for more than 3 minutes without being bored/distracted:

Hi! ADHD kid here. I know this feeling well! And because I’ve thought about it a LOT, I have some suggestions

In order not to get bored, I have to have four conditions met

  • Visual engagement (interesting to look at)
  • Audio engagement (interesting to listen to)
  • Mental/critical engagement (interesting to think about)
  • Tactile engagement (interesting to fidget with)

Sometimes a medium will fulfill all of them!

Video games are great because they’ve got their own visuals and music, they’ve got little tasks for me, and you operate them with the buttons or joysticks or keys or what have you. That’s all four boxes checked!

Some activities are NOT great. They miss boxes, or only partially fill my meter for engagement in some categories.

Sitting in a classroom at school requires me to sit still, and unless the teacher/professor has a good powerpoint there’s not much to look at. And maybe the lecture is review so it’s not even that mentally challenging. At least, not much that won’t distract me. But then you can add little tasks in to fill the gaps — if I doodle in class while I’m taking notes, I have something for my hands to do and something I like to look at! And it’ll fill up the rest of my interest in the “thought” category.

I almost never listen to podcasts without doing something else.

Podcasts for me are like lectures; they fill up my audio meter, and most of my interest meter. But I’m still lacking visuals and touch. Personally, I find that drawing can actually take away from a story unless I’m really just doodling little flowers or something. But here are some things that have worked for me!

  • Gardening - digging, prepping soil, weeding, picking out the rocks from the dirt, pruning, watering - all the gardening tasks require a lot of visual and tactile engagement, and a relatively small amount of focused attention.
  • Knitting, crocheting, embroidering - VERY tactile and visual activities, and unless you’re following a difficult or unfamiliar pattern you can just kinda do it. You maybe won’t make a tapestry, but a simple striped scarf or beanie hat will be alright for this.
  • Coloring books! I have this book of mandalas to color in, which is great for doodling while listening to a story
  • Video games! As long as they don’t have dialogue or things to read. I couldn’t play Bloodborne, or hit a story milestone in Skyrim, but like, the dungeon crawl part of Skyrim, or a game like Journey where there’s not much text, is great! I listened to the TTAZZ episodes while clearing Dwemer ruins
  • Taking a walk, if you’re somewhere you’d feel safe walking with headphones. If you don’t feel super safe walking alone, maybe get a couple friends with a similar issue together and have the hiking/podcasting equivalent of a silent disco

And a final note of things to avoid

  • Text or reading, as mentioned above - I can’t scroll Tumblr while podcasting because the language processin part of ya brain can either read or listen not both. Can’t read a book, nor write, cant hold a conversation without missing things
  • Watching tv, or generally trying to take in another story. I can only focus on one story at a time
  • Chores, homework, paperwork. For me, cleaning my room mostly means sorting through a lot of old papers and drawings, and it distracts me and often, again, involves reading. I’m better off listening to music while I do these things

Now go forth and listen to some podcasts!!


another thing you can do is lots of podcasts have transcripts that you can follow along with! i struggle with processing things auditorily too so not only does this check the visual box (looking at words) but it also checks the fidgety box if you scroll along with it and make the words bounce


this is the mood for 2018




When it is extremely difficult or even impossible for an individual to engage in sexual / romantic / sensual etc. activities due to them having issues with sensory processing. For the use of autistic individuals.

Coined by: unknown. Flags designed by: @neurogender. These flags are both for diffi-, just two variations of them.

Colours taken from two autism pride flags.

[I don’t know who created those; one is red and white with a white neurodiversity symbol in the middle, the other is dark grey, yellow, blue, white, blue, yellow, dark grey with the neurodiversity symbol in the middle. If you are the creator of either of those or know who is, please lmk so I can credit you/them!]


I've said it before and I'll say it again: students should have unlimited possibilities to retake their failed exams. you didn't do well on ur math exam? retake it as often as u need until you understand the material. ur essay wasn't coherent enough? no worries, just hand in ur improved version. passing an exam after 5 failed attempts shows just as much if not more eagerness to learn and understanding of the subject and that SHOULD BE what education is about. learning stuff.

but instead school and university use a limited series of pass or fails that say very little about someone's intelligence and discourage deeper understanding of a field of study, preferring an oversimplified systematic assessment of individuals with very different learning curves. education ain't about actually learning stuff and that's very, very problematic


when u create too many ocs and dont have the time to develop them all equally and ur brain just wants u to focus on one or two at a time but u keep making more and more and u feel like ur abandoning the ones u havent done anything with for a while


If you mention you don’t get along with your father to people, they usually understand because we live in a culture where fathers are seen as emotionally or physically distant but if you mention you don’t get along with your mother they immediately assume it’s your fault and you’re just too hard on her. Not all mothers know best, giving birth to a child is a bodily function and not a magical source of spiritual enlightenment. Don’t naturally assume every mother is as kind and dedicated as your own.


In case you were wondering these brands on the left are companies that test on animals and the right shows cruelty free companies! It’s really important to not buy from companies that test on animals, because once enough people speak out against them and stop using their products our point will get across and they’ll stop harming innocent life forms that can feel just like us, yet can’t cry out in pain and must endure it. Imagine if these companies used your beloved pet as their samplers, doesn’t that break your heart? Both lists are updated to 2016! Please guys please let’s make the animal abuse stop.


My gender is whatever the fuck my dog is rolling in in the front yard

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