



Find the difference between these two pictures in which Chase squints his eyes.

If your answer is 'in the first one Chase is smiling and in the second one Chase is visibly angry' - you're right but only to some extent.

In the first one, Chase is having quality time with Omi, whereas in the second picture Chase is raging inside because:

1. He has just lost Omi in a showdown 2. Omi said something he didn't like lol. Why so grumpy? MaYbE beCaUse Omi WaS rIghT?

P.S. In "Finding Omi', Omi himself says that there is more good in Chase than he thinks. How to make an evil warlord angry? Just say he's a softie and his actions prove he's not that bad and actually he's capable of good things.

Omi you're a savage don't destroy the man.

As you can see Chase has two modes: 'I squint at you lovingly' and 'I squint at you disapprovingly'


animation i did for class again!! if something is too out of character, my only excuse is that they're drunk


woke up today and realized that tumblr entirely killed fuck ya life bing bong so here ya go again


Okay His magesty's dragon is the funniest book. Temeraire and Laurence are the perfect duo. Laurence is all about protocol and good manners when Temeraire has zero filters.


Like in the middle of the book where Laurence is trying to explain why other captains are going to the city by saying they are seeking "low company" and Temeraire just straight up say " How you mean whores" and praticly gives Laurence a heart attack. Just peak comedy.


when an artist whose work you love has both twitter and tumblr accounts but only posts most of their art on their twitter


It has come to my attention that there is a competition called the "Wisconsin Wife Carrying Championship" being held at a local 4th of July festival. Just look at the picture they use to advertise it....I am just imagining Geralt throwing Yen over this shoulders and taking off on the course while she screams at him..


I just want to add that this started out from an initiation. I think (so don't quote me) it was to get into a powerful gang or mob, in order it get into said gang the man in question had to steal a wife.

So imagine geralt "stealing" yen for whatever reason and just booking it. Arguing with vesimir? Stolen. To much Apple juice? Gone stolen by the white wolf.


I think what's wrong with me is that my dad loved making boiled peanuts but when you say "boiled peanuts" in a thick Mississippi Delta accent it sounds like "bald penis" and we were forbidden from acknowledging that

My dad, internally: "The children must be fed nutriment. I have in my possession a very large pot and a propane burner; I shall make a sojourn to the grocer's and procure peanuts."

My dad, aloud: "'Ey, y'all wansum bald penis?"

All of us, internally: "Ah yes, such a delectable summertime treat that will be."

All of us, aloud: "'Ey, shitchea. Daddy boutta bal up some bald penis!"

They take on a delightful texture similar to water chestnuts and get infused with whatever seasonings you put in the water. It is literally so fucking delicious and if you don't know about bald penis then you are Deprived. The food of the gods.

Honey, darling, listen to me. Would I lie to you? No, I wouldn't. If you ever find yourself driving around in the rural southern US, you simply must keep an eye out for one of these gentlemen:

For a very reasonable price you'll be provided a cup of absolutely delectable provincial delicacies that will surely equal any hors d'ouvers you might find on the continent. I promise, darling, it is the most délicieuse dining experience you're likely to find, and it will surely--as my dear departed grandmama used to say--"make yer tongue slap yer brains out"

This gentleman has spelled peanuts three different ways on his stall.


if you say you didn’t read that in a southern accent then your bull-face lying.


tui t. sutherland: anyways blaze is more surprised than anything about being the surviving sister, so

mike holms: but what if she was really miserable and crying as well 👀


It’s almost sad when you think about it. Blaze probably knew very well she was the weakest/smallest sister and that if it came down to a really fight she would die, most likely in a very painful way knowing her sisters and what they've done. So the fact that shes the last one alive out of the three was probably the biggest shock of her life, I’d even bet money that Blaze thought she’d be assassinated at the beginning of the war. (maybe its just me but i think blaze was really just a product of her upbringing/environment and really isn't evil but thats just my thoughts)  


can say a saint bernard would fit in with the golden retriever, only the robber would be found pinned under a 170+ pound dog. 


what tf unholy noise did i just hear outside my window


Best thing to do is open your window/door and make an equally unholy noise, just make sure your loud. Trust me I'm from the countryside.

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