
here be shenanigans

@ginkgos-of-spring / ginkgos-of-spring.tumblr.com


OK but who would win in a fight, jar jar or c-3po


Considering that Threepio’s arms are fused at the elbow and Jar Jar’s a pacifist (”meesa hate crunchen”), I feel like they’d just shuffle about in circles, waiting for people to lose interest.


JarJar would go in for a hug right after a nice swim, get some important wiring wet in threepio, and cause the poor dear to completely shirt circuit.

while backing away c3po would accidentally pull down a set of curtains, which would knock over a bottle of space olive oil on the table below. as jar jar ran towards him, his ears would flop, and the spray of water would hit a serving droid, causing it to spark. the sparks would, naturally, ignite the now oil sodden curtains. anyway, after less than an hour of rube goldberg slapstick comic relief, the city would be in flames, the planet would be at war with itself, and jar jar and threepio would stumble out of the ruins, both wailing and miraculously unharmed

artistically singed, and either outraged at each other or best friends


I must not mock Gen Alpha. Mocking Gen Alpha is the mind killer. Mocking Gen Alpha is the little-death that brings total generational solidarity obliteration. I will engage with Gen Alpha lovingly. I will permit them to be cringe. And when they grow up I will turn my eye to their accomplishments. Where mocking has gone there will be nothing. Only generational solidarity remains

The Kids are indeed Alright.

We must teach them the Lore of things,

like piracy, and how to find stuff at the Library, and Unions, and what it's not legal for job applications to ask you.


when i hear complaints about the boomers, i say "was it not boomers getting shot by cops while protesting against the war in vietnam? Were not boomers the ones who insisted that banks would no longer require a cosign from a husband or father for a woman to open an account or have a credit card? Did they not literally take us to the moon?"

When i hear complaints about gen x i say " did not gen x bear the brunt of AIDS and the creation of the 'inner city'? wasn't it gen-x marching for queer rights and women's body autonomy and a change in corrupt banking policies in some of the largest protests in the country's history?"

when i hear complaints about millennials, i say "have not millennials fought against and lived through so many 'once in a generation' disasters they should by all rights have given up by now? Are not millennials those who rally against the status quo? the industry killers, the cop protesters, they who live through unending hardship as the economic noose tightens, leading the charge for sustainability and socio-economic reform?"

when i hear complaints about gen-z i say "hasn't gen-z gotten involved younger, and been involved stronger, in the continuance of these noble traditions? Are they not living without even the broken pieces of the promise given to the generations that came before? haven't they had their childhoods derailed by the imminence of consequences for actions they were never even present for?"

when i hear complaints about generation alpha i say "HOW DARE YOU. How dare you malign these souls who will have to fix so much that they did not have a hand in ruining... or else die of these mistakes made before they were born. How dare you do the work of our shared oppressors and alienate our fresh blood. You are not to mistreat and mock the youngest soldiers in this fight, no! you point out to them the best targets, you share your rations, you show them how to stay alive, because anyone in the trenches with us is our brethren, our sistren. Our safety and our strength."

don't let the worst kind of stand up comedian tell you other generations are terrible. Don't let the worst kind of headline convince you each generation is against the other. Don't let the worst kind of oppressive force keep us divided along lines that mean nothing real. Because that is how they win.


Concept: A gender reveal party but AFTER the kid is born.

Like when the kid is 6 or 12 or 18 or 24. When the kid has decided what their gender is or isn’t.


This is so fucking beautiful that I have no words.

I will always reblog this.

“Tidy your room’ dmkzmsksmdksm

Every time I see this I feel extremely fragile about ‘loving you is the easiest thing in the world’


I always find it hilarious when more recent adaptations of Sherlock Holmes makes Holmes the dreamy heartthrob/attractive one (not that he’s not a total catch) because my dudes, Watson is right there. He is literally like a Victorian wet dream, he is everything that classic Victorian period would find appealing- adventurous, fought for his country, learned, has groomed facial hair (legit that was like the equivalent of being 6’ tall today), polite. He’s got just enough “melancholy” (depression) and rakishness (gambling) to still be a gentleman but like a bad boy gentleman. A real Romantic (both romance how we think of it today and like Romanticism) archetype. If anyone is the heartthrob here, it is Watson.


IN THE BOOKS holmes legit goes “you gathered all this information but you could have used all that hotness to flirt for MORE information?? what’s the point of being so hot if you don’t use it for detective work??”


one thing in particular I hate more than your ordinary run of the mill historically inaccurate costuming in movies (and find far more unsympathetic tbh) is when the leads are dressed to appeal to modern fashions and beauty standards but the the comedic or villainous characters are styled in period accurate clothing to make them look bad or silly by the contrast. like oh okay so we Could have done period clothing. the understanding was there. And Yet.


Image of a text that reads: In conversation with some coworkers, today, one of them said that homeless people should have to work for their meals just like the rest of us.

I said, "Okay, I know a man who is homeless. He'd be happy to work. He's got a business degree. He would be happy to come clean your house, do your yard work, or help you with your filing, walk your dogs, babysit your kids, or just about any office job. What time tomorrow should he come see you?"

They all just looked at me.

I said, "Mind you, he's homeless, so he hasn't showered in a while and the only clothes he has are the ones on his back because he lost all his stuff last week when ge got picked up for vagrancy and they wouldn't let him go back for his bag. It would be a few weeks before what you are paying him is enough to get shelter and such."

And still they stared at me.

I finished, "See? It isn't that easy. He can't get a job because he's homeless with no access to hot water or clean clothes. He can't get access to shelter, hot water or clean clothes without a job. You want him to work for his meals? Give him a hand out of the vicious circle. Stop pretending that all he has to do is get a job."

Unhoused people are not intruders into our communities, they are our communities’ failure to take care of their own.


hey, i've been homeless about three times, depending on what you count as homeless. And there is something else very important that people need to realize.

you know those studies that show that if you don't physically touch a human baby it will die even if it has everything else it needs? And the ones that show that as an adult being ignored by everyone around them can drive a person mad?

When you are homeless, no one ever touches you except in an abusive way, and the only people that don't pointedly ignore you are usually treating you negatively.

Being surrounded by people who treat you like a pariah is like a form of mental torture, and it breaks you down mentally.

It only takes a few weeks of that before you are doing things like having imaginary conversations out out loud. Being homeless will take a person with a normal mental deficiency like high stress or mild depression (you know, things you are likely to feel if you become homeless) and it will tank them all the way down into delusional or dissociative etc in a pretty short amount of time.

(incidentally this is why so many homeless people wind up drug addicts. You do ANYthing to escape your situation, and it's not the physical situation you are trying to escape, it's the mental one)

the point is, when you see a homeless person doing something like screaming at an empty park bench, you don't know if they are homeless because they were already crazy, or if being homeless is the thing that drove them crazy.

Every time i see a discussion about homelessness that asks what to do about the mentally ill people on the streets, i never see this point addressed, and it's an important one.

Either way, they need help. You can't just say something like "they should have to work for their dinner"... often that's not even really relevant to the situation. If you help them regain their sanity and stability enough, yeah, a lot of homeless people would actually prefer to work for what they have, be a normal person and live a normal life, but behaving "normal" just isn't possible for most of them in their current state.


Y’all I can’t believe the “whistleblower assassination” and “literally falling apart in the sky” company is being represented by a man named Rich White

You could not call a character this in a movie because everyone would say “that’s not realistic” and yet!

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