
@rcsemaiden-a / rcsemaiden-a.tumblr.com

Iɴᴅɪᴇ & Sᴇʟᴇᴄᴛɪᴠᴇ Mᴀʀɢᴀᴇʀʏ Tʏʀᴇʟʟ



I will be ARCHIVING Margaery Tyrell. I will be moving this blog to another tonight/sunday and re-starting from there. I haven’t been on Margaery in a few months and really focusing on myself  as well as re-reading ASoIaF and trying to get my voice back for her. 

I will be posting a better explanation as well as the new blog sometime late tonight . A lot of stuff has been going on in my life . 




I will be ARCHIVING Margaery Tyrell. I will be moving this blog to another tonight/sunday and re-starting from there. I haven’t been on Margaery in a few months and really focusing on myself  as well as re-reading ASoIaF and trying to get my voice back for her. 

I will be posting a better explanation as well as the new blog sometime late tonight . A lot of stuff has been going on in my life . 


ARE YOU ALL LOST??? I mean, really, when I started this blog I wasn’t sure anyone would care about this minor character GRRM so RUDELY killed off before the series even started, but now there are well over 500 of you following my valiant rascal, and words cannot express how much I love you all for that. Honestly, each and every one of you has made my experience here incredible, so even if we haven’t interacted I want to THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for sticking with me through everything. I’ll be making some form of giveaway to celebrate a little later, but for now I’d just like to give shoutouts to some of the people who’ve made this place so special. 

- T H E   P A C K -

Where would Brandon be without your muses, and more importantly where would I be without you incredible muns?? I’m not the most social person ooc but you have all reached out when I needed it most and made my bad days that much more bearable. You’re all INCREDIBLE people, and BEAUTIFUL writers, and  I consider myself very lucky to have met you. 

@halvbjorn - Brandon’s bae and one of my favorite people on tumblr. Jorya is so brilliantly developed and well written that I often forget she is in fact an OC. I love every single thread we have going (and all the ones we’ve discussed and have yet to write), and on top of being such a talented writer you’re also unfailingly patient with the fact that I take forever with drafts. I just love you, ok? Thank you for everything you do, and for Jorya, who never fails to put Brandon in his place. 

@ladyoftheneck - There are no words for how wonderful you are. You’ve been nothing but patient and kind in all the time I’ve known you, and it’s made such a difference, especially on my worst days. Plus you just… bring Meera to life. She’s such an incredible character, and so I really can’t think of a better compliment than to say you do her justice. You’re a brilliant writer and an even better person, and I could not be more grateful to know you. 

@nivallis - Probably the most underrated blog on tumblr, honestly. I love how unique your divergent Lyanna is - you’ve developed her into something truly remarkable and I absolutely love that I get the opportunity to write with such talent. On top of that you’re just one of the nicest, most precious people I’ve met here. I adore you, and consider myself so very lucky to call you a friend. 

@ofthewhitehands - Words fail me here, ok? Your entire blog is perfection, and beyond that you’re a marvelous person who has never been anything but kind and delightful. Some of our threads make me laugh and some of them make me cry, and honestly what more could I possibly ask for than that? Tumblr definitely would not be the same without you, just as Brandon wouldn’t be the same without his naive little sister. 

And the rest of you, who have each helped to make my time here so wonderful. Whether it’s through ooc support or sharing favorite threads, you’ve been EXCEPTIONAL, and I love you for it: 

- M Y   B I A S E S - 

Some of you have given me amazing threads and all of you are so TALENTED it hurts. I haven’t included everyone I follow here - even though you’re ALL seriously amazing - but these are some of the blogs that I could not do without seeing on my dash.  @akingslayerx@arthurxdayne@benjenstcrk@cerseilionesslannister@coldrancovr@crowncdcrow@fifthbornforrester , @foreignaccent@goldenngore @griffinshand@handofhonor@ircnbcrn@ircnvictory@keepfcith@kingwhocared@malleableking@mithraiic@oflegendaries@oftarth@thefirststorm@thelostwildwolf@mybigfatcock, @queenxfthorns@rcseheir@rcsemaiden@rcsethcrn@rhaegxr, @watcherandshield, @wildmoored @wintcrskiss, @worshipsonlydeath, @zaldrizotala

And again to every single blog that follows me, THANK YOU. I adore you and hope to interact with all of you one day. <3

//i’m always gonna be here, Kenzie. ♥ You can always hop on discord and I’ll be here to talk to you.

okay Kara. do you know that you’re like the light of my life??? How much I adore you??? Seriously. You’re always so sweet and kind and just I love you so damn much. I’m probably going to have to make a Kara appreciation week sometime soon just to get it all out there??? Literally you were one of the first people who just we clicked and I don’t know what I would do with my life if I didn’t have you there in it to show me awesome things and rant and just do us. 


Hello Babes. 

so. most of you know the situation I am in. I’ve reblogged it. Talked about it once in a while. I am currently though getting phone calls at work from my dad’s side of the family, mainly my aunt and she had an old email that is currently being blown up by her as well as dick heads gf. I have been laying low because of that. I don’t want to deal with it. It honestly gives me so much anxiety that I had to take xanx when I got home after getting the call at work. I’m a bit afraid she’ll come up and make a scene, which I have advised her quite forcefully that the police are literally 2 minutes not even from my work. 

so this is like a formal apology for being a complete and utterly horrible partner. I’m really hoping that in the next week or so they’ll give up. My mom keeps getting unknown callers as well as my sister. I don’t get them because I have a new number. I just have them blowing up what little they can on facebook and instagram and every other social media site.  A long time ago like a year?  my fathers gf and horrible woman extraordinaire found my tumblr and showed it to my family where I had talked intimately about my family problems because It’s chapter than going to a therapist. 

I hope you’ll excuse my absence and when I am able to return within the next few weeks to my normal two accounts...my partners will still be there to write with. 


update. just an update because I never updated this dash and i’m a putz. okay so I now have a car. I have one last car payment to make to my incredible neighbor. My dad’s gf stalked my personal blog so I will no longer be on that (which is why I have been away from tumblr just because she causes me anxiety) and I changed all my email addresses and what not. bascially my life is so much better. Sure i’m a bit poor atm because cars cost a lot and this one needed it’s window fixed, but i’m happy. 



because of some things going on in my life. I had to get a new phone and number very quickly the other day as well as now I need to find a car within the next week or two and i don’t have good credit because of student loans. I am stressed. Writing is not fun at the moment. while my life in real is kind of going up in flames. No car means I have to find a way to get to work 17 miles away. No work means no paying student loans…but not paying student loans means bad credit and that means definitely no car.  I’m hoping to get a used older car from someone my moms friend knows. Hopefully that will help my credit score and i’ll be able to apply for a credit card later on to help incase that as well.

on top of it i’m also coming down with something. I will still be around on d/iscord as well as on IMs, but there won’t be any writing  or answering starter calls or writing out start calls this week or until next friday. For those who don’t know the situation. this is pretty much most of it.

7/25/2017 - 8/4/2017


H E A D C A N O N: Margaery Tyrell hates romance movies. why? because most romance movies feature a girl either striving to gain the affections of a boy who doesn’t know she exists or she’s already in a great relationship and has this big torrid emotional affair. There is always tons of miscommunication. She doesn’t understand the appeal of watching a girl leave her perfectly good boyfriend on a hunch that this new guy could be ‘the one’. She also doesn’t believe in the one.



@rcsemaiden hearted for a smol lyric starter
Glory – Bastille
“Stories told to me and stories told to you  —— Did you ever feel like they were ringing true?”
“All their words for glory… well, they always sounded empty.”  

Margaery had found companionship in the sweet princess.  She was always filled with light and lovely words and thoughts. 


“ glory leaves us with nothing. there is always a price for glory. our families and the wives of westeros will pay it for those who seek it...but do not fret over it. Instead, think on it and learn how you may better your country when you are of age,” she smiled.

I am the worst sucker for reincarnated loves like I am the WORST TRASH FOR THAT SHIT
That thing where they first meet again and that expression of confusion bc ‘I know them’
and then they struggle with getting closer for no damn reason but just?? t h e m
Or one of them does and they have to stare into that other person’s face every morning knowing they’ll never understand how much they love them
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