
Ironstrange is the endgame


juls | she/her | 28 yo | italian
My soul belongs to marvel since 2008;
talk to me about ironwidowstrange
main: @myrxellabaratheon

I don’t usually discuss politics on this blog or on Tumblr in general but as many of you might know, I’m Italian and this is what is happening in Italy right now.

RAI is the national television (opposed to Mediaset which is the biggest private television broadcasting network, currently owned by Piersilvio Berlusconi, former politician Silvio Berlusconi’s son — if you are older than 20 and/or watched HIMYM in English you might be familiar with old Silvio) so knowing those things happened on those channels say A LOT about what’s the government’s general opinion on those things.

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Sam: Where did all these monsters come from?!

Peter: I can answer that!

Stephen: DON'T!

Peter: Mister Doctor Strange and I were playing Dungeons and Dragons with some of the novices, and he got upset when his level 17 Mage nearly got annihilated by a Homunculus.

Scott: I think I understood half of that sentence.

Peter: Anyway, he wanted to prove that he'd be able to beat one in real life as a true Master of the Mystic Arts, so he summoned every monster on our board so we could fight them!

Everyone: ...

Tony: Steph-

Stephen: I don't want to talk about it!


From Stephen Mun :

Hello everyone posting my kofi account here, where I upload my art and trying to raise funds for immigration and to fund my medical education. All tips and donations directly go towards my education and ensure I get become the next star ✨ female CT surgeon in USA.

My vision is not only to inspire but also help thousands to come by volunteering in global surgery, dealing with critically ill patients in the CT Surgery ICU and to continue to guide young woman and people from humble backgrounds to feel more confident about playing life bigger.... All big dreams and I'm taking baby steps towards them. All and any help is appreciated


From Stephen Mun :

Hey everyone I was wondering if you guys would be interested if I restarted with my kofi account, since I can't access any subscription or tip services in Tumblr due to current country of residence.

Would you be interested in seeing some random art here and there , all donations and tips are gonna go towards my education

I'm trying to get into post-graduation in the US , immigration and finances are a burden on me , I'm trying to figure out ways to get monetarily stable in these tough times

@ironstrange-is-the-endgame @salty-ironstrange-shipper @puppybaby15 @riverthunder tagging people I know, so they can spread the message.... Thanks guys

Some examples, there's more that I never uploaded


Hey can I give you a prompt?? Iron strange?

So here it is, early 2000's where tony and stephen are attending some gala and find each other attractive and decide for a steamy night the next day both are in hotel room having conversations about the news reels photo ing them

Like "Having regrets already?" "Nah, babe with a personality like you one can only hope and btw someone decided to take pics of us leaving the gala together thoughts?"


Prompts are always welcome! I take both IronStrange and Steter. That said, I do normally require that they be short. My goal is 100-300 words, and anything more than a single short sentence is usually too complicated for that. I almost sent this one back as too long. 

However, I decided that what you wanted here was really just the morning after conversation, not the entire set up. And I can do a drabble of a morning after. So here you go:


When Tony gets out of the shower, he finds Stephen eating the breakfast he ordered and watching TMZ with a blank expression. Tony’s heart sinks. There’s really only two ways this can go. Either Stephen wanted the media attention, and Tony is going to have to kick him out—attention seekers like that never go well for him—or he’s now considering the wisdom of ever being seen with Tony again.

“Didn’t take you for the TMZ type,” Tony says, because he didn’t, and if Stephen is going to leave he’d rather get it over with.

“I’m not,” Stephen says. “I was channel surfing and caught my name.”

Tony winces. “Shit, they identified you already?” It usually takes longer when it's not a celebrity.

Stephen snorts and turns off the TV. “I may not be famous in your circles, but I’m well known in mine,” he says. 

“Yeah, well, welcome to a different kind of fame.” Tony resists the urge to cross the room, to take a seat next to Stephen. He could still leave.

Stephen leans back in his chair, cradling a coffee cup in both hands. “You are brilliant, gorgeous, and spectacular in bed,” he drawls, eyes sweeping up and down Tony’s bathrobe clad form. “There had to be some kind of drawback. Now I know.”

A grin slowly stretches Tony’s mouth. “Most people figure the drawback is my personality.”

Stephen smirks. “I’ve been told the same. I thought perhaps they’d cancel each other out.”

Tony laughs and walks over to him. Stephen sets his coffee aside in time for Tony to lean down and kiss him. Thoroughly. 


Proof that Tony Stark is bisexual in the MCU

It is known that 616 Tony is bisexual. If you didn’t know – here’s the page from “Tony Stark: Iron Man (2018) #4”.

But is MCU Tony also bisexual? Let’s find out.

The Avengers:

0:43:10 - seems that Tony watched Rogers' movements at the end of his fight with Loki and liked what he saw.

1:10:08 - “Back off”.

2:08:30 – Sleeping Beauty.

Age of Ultron:

1:52:35 – Rhodey and Tony being a “couple”.

2:10:30 – Nat’s remark.

Civil War:

0:59:50 – huh?

Infinity War:

0:14:35 - Tony didn't know that was Levi.

0:17:08 – Tony noticed Strange’s hair moving.

0:19:15 - Strange's flirting and Tony's reaction.

1:18:50 – Tony and Strange are gazing into each other’s eyes and holding hands.

1:23:45 – again.


0:09:25 – Rogers’ face btw. Is he jealous here?

1:16:30 - Tony is staring at the America’s ass.

1:17:30 – Tony flicks Scott's butt.

1:20:00 – Tony is 100% okay with having a man inside him. Literally.

So what do we have?

  • He is comfortable touching men and being touched, even if he barely knows them. Even if it’s very gay.
  • He openly jokes about “gay” things.
  • He gazes into eyes of both Steves, Steves gaze back. Like, pretty often. Even Nat noticed this little habit.
  • He looks at men. Body, hair, ass. And he doesn’t hide it. That’s not so straight, I’d say.

Conclusion: Tony is bi. He is not latent, not really hidden one, just already in an established relationship with a woman and is faithful to her. He seems to be attracted to some guys though (we can see this towards Rogers and Strange).

Marvel shows it to us, and that’s actually the best we could get here. Because, unfortunately, the real international movie business is not yet ready for Iron Man to have a boyfriend. At least we can say he is canonically bisexual.

Community Label: Mature: Sexual Themes

POV: you’re a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, and you like arrogant wizards :]

Community Label: Mature

Sexual themes

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