


Leo, 20, queer, she/her, ranger’s apprentice and brotherband, ranger 56!

Hi, I'm here to talk about something people don't usually realize is a problem, and I'm counting on Tumblr's ability to actually give a shit about things sometimes to actually pay attention.

So there's this thing called Celiac disease. A lot of people have it, me included, and it's an autoimmune disorder. The way it works is simple:

I eat gluten

My body screams and eats my intestines in response.

Not a good time, as you can imagine. As a result, people with Celiac have to avoid gluten at all costs. It's not like an intolerance where you feel sick but will recover. If you have celiac and are exposed to even the slightest amount of gluten, it will cause lasting and sometimes permanent damage to your body. It's a genuinely serious disorder.

Now here's the big issue. No one gives a shit about how careful we have to be. The tiniest amount of gluten can be enough to trigger a reaction.

I cannot kiss someone who has eaten gluten recently, or else I risk cross contamination.

This isn't some gluten free fad. This isn't some diet I can cheat on, or just an intolerance that isn't serious. I can develop cancer from eating bread. Literal. Fucking. Cancer. And just the tiniest amount of gluten is enough to trigger an immune response.

People with Celiac can rarely trust any food they haven't prepared themselves. Even food labeled as "gluten free" isn't always safe. Social gatherings where people bring food are a minefield. Restaurants are a huge risk each time.

I'm a college student, I have to eat in a dining hall. I'm terrified that I won't be able to eat anything other than salad, and even that's a risk because someone may have used the crouton tongs on the broccoli.

So please, if you work in food service and someone asks if things are gluten free, please be careful and please be honest. We're putting an insane amount of trust in you just by asking for food. Use a different cutting board, make sure to wash the knife. Little things like that can save us so much stress and pain.

It's like someone being diabetic and asking for the sugar free soda instead of the regular. We're not doing this as part of a fad diet, we're being so careful about what you serve because we don't get a choice.

Thank you.


Recently I had the amazing opportunity to go to De Grijze Jager Dag in the Netherlands, which is like a renn faire just for Ranger's Apprentice in an amazing open air museum!! I got to meet so many of my favorite creators and friends, and it was totally worth the trip all the way from America. Anyways, I rarely do pics on this blog, but I thought it would be fun to tag all the people who I met on this fine day. @ailsa-iris, @redrose-arrow, @ranger-melany, @uselessranger, thanks for being so welcoming and lovely!!

Also shoutout to @forgedroyalseal for being another insane American to show up for this event I was NOT expecting to meet you at all. Your candles breathe life into me fr fr. (Photos below the cut!)



So the newest wave of bots seems to have

  • plausible tumblr usernames (words or a phrase, not real names or number)
  • women's photos as profile pictures
  • blank blog title/description
  • no visible likes, follows, or posts

I felt bad about reporting the first one, because I was like "this COULD be a person, possibly..." But by the third one I got over that.

ugh I had the same confusion

They've actually evolved further now. The ones I've been noticing for the last week or so now look like this:

  • A plausible url as described above
  • A (woman's) name as both the blog title and blog description
  • A picture of a woman as the pfp (or sometimes still no pfp, but that's less common.)
  • No header image, and blog is default colors. (No visual customization.)
  • All of their posts are very nsfw videos, typically reblogged from other bots. So if you're going to block them, do it from the top. Do NOT scroll down.
  • Unfortunately if you're on mobile, when you click on their blog, you will be forced to see part of their top post, so either cover the bottom half of your screen or just be prepared to see some very nsfw content. (Aka, literal porn.)

A good addition, thank you!

What I'm seeing is that the completely blank blogs are the ones likely to follow you, while the actual porn-filled ones scurry around liking real people's posts. Unfortunately, this looks like actual strategy (it's harder to detect a bot mixed into your notifications of likes than it is to notice one that just followed you). I hate it.

Idk if there's an actual benefit to reporting blank blogs, but for porn bots, please report it as spam and not for sexual content


"ranger's apprentice is a kids series"

oh ok, meanwhile

  • Will's drug addiction
  • Halt's traumatic childhood
  • Horace's bullies quite literally almost murdering him
  • The fucking creepy Kalkara things
  • Pretty much every violent fight scene
  • Sir Karen quite literally mind-controlling Alyss and attempting to seduce her
  • Will graphically almost dying in the desert from dehydration
  • Halt almost dying in b9
  • Horace using a literal torture method to get an answer out of the Genovesan (bro just casually poisoned him and made him run around to make it spread faster through his bloodstream like can someone say iconic)
  • The way Will's parents were basically both murdered
  • Will's speech for Horace and Cassandra's wedding. (it's just not suitable for any person of any age)
  • The graphically portrayed animal abuse
  • Alyss' death. Which was actually pretty gruesome, she died in pretty much the most tragic way someone could die. A fire so intense her body was never even recovered? which is um kind of traumatizing imo
  • Will's 'vigilante shit-- revenge' era, and his depression being handled very very poorly by his friends and family (literally made me angry reading those chapters for the first time)
  • Maddie quite literally getting drunk. at 15 years old. ma’am.
  • Dimon and Maddie's hookup
  • many, many, many, deaths. like many on-screen deaths. like one day I’m gonna go through the books and make a kill count. there’s legit a lot of death. (i am actually going to make a kill count now)
  • Rangers, in general, are pretty brutal people tbh. The way they handle a lot of situations is just kinda like "Eh strip them down to their underwear. dehumanize them, they deserve it." and ummm sure it's "funny" and I think that's what Flanagan was going for, but it's a littleee edgy on a moral level like calm down, they tried to rob you, but calm down
  • On that note, Gilan legitimately thinking of hanging some highway robbers and only being stopped because of the lack of trees around him. truly an icon.

Can I just wear florals and pastels and call it a Jenny cosplay? Because that’s 100% what I’m gonna do


i will literally give $1000 to anyone who can tell me why trans women are real women without saying “because they said so”

ALL Women ARE Women.

Read the National Geographic special issue on Gender. There’s whole articles on this with the sources and everything included in there but I’ll sum up for you: 

People (by which I mean actual scientists who are qualified to do this) did studies on how people’s brains are formed/shaped. Male and female brains show various slight differences. They are distinguishable. 

Now here’s where it gets interesting. They looked at scans of transgender people’s brains. What do you think they found? 

They found that their brains most closely followed the patterns of the gender that they said they were rather than the gender they were assigned.  

Get that? 

So if a woman was assigned male at birth because she had a penis and they scanned her brain, they found her to have the brain shape expected in a woman. It wasn’t exactly the same but it was clearly much closer to female than to male. 

Once those people started hormone therapy and everything, the brain shape grew even closer to the gender they said they were (the gender that they ARE) until it was pretty much identical. You couldn’t tell the difference except yep, that’s a female brain now regardless of whether she was assigned male at birth. 

It is thought to be this that causes dysphoria in the transgender people who suffer it: since their brain is a female brain (or vice versa) making them female it causes a disconnect between that and what their eyes see when they look at their body. 

So there ya are. Science proves transgender people are the damn gender they say they are. 

Can I have my $1000 dollars now or do you wanna pay it to the National Geographic so they can keep up this education, I don’t mind which?

Give this person their $1000


So I just found out about the fact that there's a whole side of tumblr dedicated to Rangers Apprentice

And while I agree Hakt gives off Bi vibes

I don't know how I feel about the Halt x Crowley thing I'm seeing here

in that case, have you considered: ✨Craltine✨


when ur mutuals are mutual with each other 

pro: squad con: i saw this post like 18 times today


friendly reminder that you are safe if you choose not to reblog posts threatening ‘x’ bad thing will happen if you don't. i know that it can be anxiety inducing, especially to those struggling with intrusive thoughts. i promise you that you are safe love. if u needed a sign to believe that you and you're loved ones are safe, here u go. ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ > this bear is protecting you rn ♡


#Ranger Gathering 2023 is coming this June!

What is this?

Our very own Ranger Gathering is an event running during June. Every day has its own prompt which you’re free to respond to in whichever way possible, relating to Ranger’s Apprentice, The Early Years, The Royal Ranger and/or Brotherband.

Check out last year’s stuff here!

How does it work?

The prompts are being released early for those who wish to begin chipping away at some of them before June comes around. This is mostly for those who want to do as many as possible and would like to avoid burnout or may be busy in June, but either way, no one is obliged to do every or any prompt. We’re just here to have fun!

This prompt challenge is not just about making fanart or fanfic, however. You can post about whatever has been inspired by the prompt. This could be playlists, moodboards, memes, analysis, quotes, literally anything you have your heart set on. You are also free to talk about your headcanons, AUs and OCs if you want to.

If you wish to take part, tag your post with #ranger gathering 2023 so we can all find it! You may also choose to post on other platforms, just know that it might not be as monitored as here.

Other than that, there’s no real rules. You can do as many or as little of the prompts as you want. You can post wips or polished works, short or long word counts, lil doodles :’)) and rendered art, one song or a playlist etc.

I would just urge you to know your limits and your workflow and work accordingly. Burnout is brutal and pumping stuff out is not gonna be worth it. In the case of you really want to finish your work, you can just do it later it’s 100% okay 💖🍵

2023 links
masterpost - i refer to this as the masterpost as it includes the prompts and rules. i write it here for your reference • #ranger gathering 2023 - this is where you will find everyone’s posts • AO3 (2023) - collection for this year’s fics if you so wish to use • AO3 (all) - parent collection

Prompts in text:


please reblog so we can get a bigger sample size!

Okay but this is really cool, because it really shows how few true purples are possible to display on a digital screen vs colors we can see with our eyes in the natural world. You'd expect to see about even numbers across the first 6 or 7 options but there's this drop at purple. Seriously, try it and look at the results, it was surprising.

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