
Tis the damn season

Modern Nessian! Nesta comes back to Velaris for the holidays after years. Despite being a successful celebrity in Los Angeles, her life has become lonely and sad. She hopes that by coming back her life will be as happy as it was that summer she spent there while she was eighteen. She soon realizes her plan is flawed.

Note: This is a funny rom-com sort of story. Also, English is not my first language so let me know if there are any mistakes.

Ch. 1

As Nesta pulled up to her sister’s snowy driveway, she couldn’t help to feel overwhelmed. She hadn’t been in Velaris for over 7 years and the sight of the city of starlight brought back all the memories she had been trying to forget the last couple of years.

Feyre´s call had been unexpected. Normally, for the holidays, the sisters exchanged a couple of texts and even sometimes sent each other gifts over email. However, for this Christmas, her younger sister had insisted she come stay with the family, as if she had sense from all those miles away, Nesta´s life was crumbling.

Nesta, for the first time in years, had had the urge to come back. From the outside her life was successful. She was a minor celebrity, the judge of a well-known dance show, and had her own apartment in Los Angeles at only 25. But, for the last months, she couldn’t really sleep. She would wake up sweating nightmare after nightmare and would only dose off into the darkness after she popped a couple of pills. So, when her sister invited her, she bought the next plane ticket to the place she had once called home.


The house Feyre and Rhysand lived in was next to the river. A beautiful mansion far too different to the small cabin the Archerons resided in while Nesta spent the summer there. Nesta took her suitcase out of the cab and walked up to the front door. The home was fully decorated with Christmas lights and they even had Rudoph on the roof. Before she could knock, someone had already opened the door.

Elain had only grown more beautiful as the years passed by. Her brown hair was luscious, and her body had become one of a grown woman. Nesta could barely react because her sister was already hugging her.

“I missed you so much”. She spoke.

Nesta was never a hugger but she felt comfort in that embrace, even if she didn’t let it be known.

“too tight”. She complained.

Elain let go rapidly. As if she thought Nesta would get mad if she continued. To be fair, it was what Nesta would have done a couple of years back. But right now, she was happy to see her. They hadn’t seen each other since Feyre´s wedding and that had been a catastrophic event.

“How was the flight” Her sister asked.

“Good, although I didn’t remember it being that long.”

“I mean you haven’t flown here in a long time so... I’m happy you came.”

“Me too, even though I have to stay with the prick.”

“Come on Nesta, they have been married for 2 years, he´s not going anywhere.”

“I know that” she answered. “I just think he´s an arrogant asshole, and I don’t want to find out how big his ego has gotten, especially now that he´s the mayor”.

“Please, don’t cause any trouble” Elain begged. “Feyre is really stressed out these days and now not only does she have to plan the Christmas ball, she also is busy throwing this baby shower.”

“What?” Nesta asked.

And as she muttered the words, Feyre came into the room with a pregnant belly.

“Surprise” Her younger sister said. Nesta was happy for her sister. She came to hug her right away and Feyre took her in surprised. Nesta´s eyes started getting watery as if in between all that sadness of the last couple of months a light of hope was appearing.

“I’m sorry” she said, wiping her tears away “I’m just really happy”

“Wow! even witches have feelings, this really is a Christmas miracle” A voice spoke, coming into the room.

“Rhysand” Nesta said bitterly.

“Welcome home, dear sister-in-law”

This was the nature of her relationship with her sister´s husband. Only words turn into daggers in a war that had been going on ever since they were teenagers. There was a time they had managed to get along even if they didn’t like each other, but after things with Cassian didn’t work out and Nesta left, the war they had been fighting had gotten worse.

“Stop it, you two” Feyre interrupted. “It’s the holiday season and we are family and also I’m pregnant, so don’t make me angry because I will kick your asses”.

“Of course, Darling, I was just welcoming Nesta into our home, you know, the one she hasn’t bothered visiting since we got married.”

“You do know I’m a very busy career woman who didn’t have to depend on his father to be successful” Nesta clapped back.

The argument went on for a couple of minutes until a gorgeous woman entered the room. She was tall and slim. Could have perfectly been a model with her figure and long dark hair. Her green eyes popped up and her lips were plumped. Graciously, she introduced herself.

“Hi nice to meet you, I’m Tara”

“Nesta, a pleasure. Are you Rhysand´s secretary? we all know he needs help for everything to do a good job, good luck.”

“No actually” Elain interrupted carefully. “She´s…”

“Cassian´s girlfriend”. Rhysand said, grinning.

And as those words where muttered, Nesta´s hopes shattered. She thought that by coming back she would fix her problems and would stop being sad. The only time she had really been happy was the summer she had spent here with her sisters and with Cassian.


After years of being exposed on television in a very famous reality tv show about a dance academy for little girls, Nesta´s mother had died, and she had to come back to her native city to be with her father and her younger sisters. That summer she had truly felt alive. She was finally free of her mothers’ claws and could be herself. Then she met Cassian and everything got better. Those nights they snoke out to the lake and would spend hours sitting there, talking and kissing. It was the best time. But after she realized he was just using her, she run away the minute she got the offer to be in another show.

She told herself it was just a stupid teenage fantasy and went on with her life. Continued to be on television and stopped dancing that much. She saw Cassian a couple of times after that, but she never had the courage to talk to him. And he didn’t approach her either. They both pretended it as if the other didn’t exist.

After her relationship with Thomas, and all the shit that went down, she started feeling lonely and begun thinking about that summer often. And when Fayre called, she thought maybe it was a sight of destiny to come back. That all her problems could be fix here with her sisters and maybe even Cassian.

She now realized she was an idiot.


Staring at that beautiful woman, Nesta could clearly see the flaws in her plan. What was she thinking? That everything would go back to normal? For fucks sake, she wasn’t an eighteen-year-old anymore. Gods… why did she do this?

Happy holidays indeed.


“Gwyn is a child” No, she’s not and that’s not my opinion or my interpretation.

“Gwyn is childish because she makes friendship bracelets”: It reminds her of her dead sister. Sarah makes them as well. It’s a token of friendship, there’s no age to make them

“She is bubbly and playful”: Sorry you’re dead inside.

“She gets excited over random stuff”: she lived in a temple her whole life and then in a library due to her trauma, she’s bound to get excited over random stuff that she rarely or never saw before. Movie recommendation to see the effects that “discovering the world and making new relationship” has on people who lived in towers/temples their whole life: Tangled.  

“She blushes when reading romances”: It means it’s good stuff. She was also SA, positive sex is all new to her. Elain blushes when saying the word “sex”, does that make her a foetus then? 

“They call her girl”: Amren also calls the Archerons “girl”. Unfriendly reminder that the bat boys are 500 yo and no matter how you look at it, the age difference whether it’s with Gwyn or Emerie or the Archeron Sisters is huge. If that’s what bothers you, why not stop at book 1?

“They said she was young”: Once again, they really are young based on the other characters. Rhys said that Feyre was too young to be with him (like his mom was with his father) and yet it doesn’t stop him from shagging her mid air, amirite? What’s your point here? She’s young yes, not underrage. 

“*makes suspicious mathing or pulls a dog age chart*”: Sarah already said that she was an adult so put that dog age chart down, slowly, no hasty movement. Also bold of you to assume Sarah remembers half of the shit she wrote in ACOTAR about fae/human age when she couldn’t remember Nesta going to the wall for Feyre in ACOSF. 

But even with all these numerous points to destroy your argument into tiny little pieces, only one remains and it’s the most important: Sarah said she was a FULLY GROWN adult. Touché, coulé. 


Chapters: 25/? Fandom: A Court of Thorns and Roses Series - Sarah J. Maas Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Nesta Archeron/Cassian, Nesta Archeron & Cassian Characters: Nesta Archeron, Cassian (ACoTaR) Additional Tags: Pregnancy, Family, Relationship(s) Summary:

Set two years after the events of A Court of Silver Flames, Nesta and Cassian start their next big journey together. (Please don’t read if you don’t want to be spoiled for A Court of Silver Flames.)

Chapter 25 is up now!! This one is a bit of a shorter chapter and contains more Nessian fluff, but I’m excited for the next few chapters!!! 






Me, simultaneously trying to withdraw from society and to make new friends: why isn’t this working

The story of my life


Leotards and Leather  |  Chapter Two

Chapter Two of LEOTARDS AND LEATHER - modern ACOTAR AU featuring ballerina Nesta and biker boy Cassian (+ some Eris angst) is up now on AO3!

(Originally published the first chapter here as well, but for my own sanity just planning to house fully over on AO3 - will post updates here as well when new chapters are released)

(excerpt from chapter 2 below)

They were rehearsing the ballet’s final scene this morning.

Eris would enter as Romeo to dance a solo, finding Nesta’s Juliet appearing dead in the crypt, laying prone on a platform in the center of the stage. His scene was one of anguish and regret, a storm of emotion which would culminate in his drawing of a small vial of poison to drink and so to die with his love.

Nesta went to the barre on the side of the studio to start warming up after finding Eris had arrived before her, and she watched as he leapt and turned across the room. He moved through his choreography with precision and passion, his face perfectly capturing Romeo’s devastation at finding Juliet there and mistakenly believing her dead. His red hair gleamed under the studio lights and his sparkling topaz eyes seemed to burn with the depth of that emotion.

A spare piece of stage riser stood in for the set piece that would eventually be placed on the center of the stage. When they finally got onto the main stage, a wooden platform painted to look like white marble would dominate the final set, a grave marker for the lovers.

As Eris collapsed beside the platform, Nesta would rise in horror to see her love slain by his own hand. She would dance her own solo, a lament at the love and life which had been snatched from her, before turning his dagger on herself.

And then - a final duet. 

The lights on the stage would go black as Nesta finished her solo and toppled over beside him, only to come back up a moment later bathing them both in pure, white light. They would rise from where they lay to move together - a final dance of peace and sorrow and death - before returning to sink back down upon the platform again, together in eternal sleep.

Nesta had felt tears stinging her eyes the first time they had run through the choreography. It was beautiful; it was perfect. She wanted nothing more than to be able to do it justice with her performance.

god I love this fic




fuck it’s august??? what’s next? 2022???? can’t do this anymore


Ways to Say I Love You: A Nessian Fanfiction

Nessian month day 26, Prompt: Cassian says I love you.

Saying I love you had always been difficult for Cassian as he there in the sitting room of Feyre and Rhys‘s river house. He glanced at Nesta. Her smile as radiant as the winter sunrise as she held Nyx in her arms.

Feyre had been put on strict bed rest for the next month or two, so Nesta had happily volunteered to watch Nyx when Feyre needed a breather.

He smiled happily to himself as the two sisters talked about Nyx. How he hardly let Feyre get any sleep anymore. About Cassian and Nesta’s upcoming mating Cermony. About everything and anything i between.

Today however was different. Today, Feyre, Elain, and Nesta were taking Nyx to meet their father. It was also the first time Nesta would be visiting his grave since his passing.

Cassian had volunteered to go with them, Had wanted to be there for his mate, but when she had rejected his offer Cassian understood. This was something that Nesta had to do alone.

When they had gone, Cassian had taken to the skies, making sure that Nesta didn’t need him just in case she wouldn’t be okay, She had sent a kiss up to him, waving her hand, he had landed at their house. Waiting for her to come home,

Home. It had a nice sound to it. No matter how many times Rhys had told Cassian that the townhouse and the river house had been just as much his house as it had been Rhys and Feyes’s, there had always been a bit of doubt in the back of Cassian‘s mind,

It wasn’t until Nesta, that Cassian had realized that his home had never truly been a place, but a person. His person.

The door opened as Cassian turned, Nesta making her way through the door, alone. She shut it softly, the words written on her face as Cassian made his way over to her and pulled her into his arms letting his warmth and reassurance flow through her.

He sat her down on the couch, just holding her, Tine ceased to exist as they sat there, Her laying in his arms in comfort. He would do anything to get her to smile again. To see that light in her eyes.

“Are you okay?” He asked after several moments, She nodded.

“It was hard at first, but- I think I’m okay.“

Cassian nodded, placing a kiss to the top of her head.

“Thank you for this. I don’t know what I would do if you weren’t here.“ She told him as he rubbed her back.

“I’ll always be here for you, Our souls are tied together now, and soon we’ll be officially mated.” He smiled thinking of their Cermony that would soon take place.

Nesta smiled at that, as Cassian ran his fingers through her hair.

“I can’t wait to see you walk down that aisle. You’re all Ive dreamed about for centuries.“

Nesta looked up at him, her blue-grey eyes mesmerizing him.

“You’re just saying that to try and cheer me up.” She told him trying to get up, but he pulled her closer.

“No, Nesta, I mean it. All my life i‘ve wanted something like this. Something like what we have. you are everything to me and more. And I-“ He paused searching her face taking a deep breath.

“You are the woman I love. You’re the woman, I’ll always love in this lifetime into the next. I’ll always love you Nesta Archeron until I draw my last breath.“ He assured her as she leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his lips. He got lost in her, in that kiss until she pulled away and said.

“I love you too.“

Cassian smiled pulling his mates lips back to his showing her how deep his love went.


I loved this 😍😍😍

Also the last line made my brain go 🎶 how deep is your love 🎶




You know I think a huge flaw in ACOSF was that SJM tried to make it seem like Cassian was the perfect man and one of the reasons I liked Cassian to begin with is that he was a flawed character like Nesta was. Sure he was flawed in more subtle ways, but they were still there. But I’ve already made my thought clear on how I felt like SJM cared more about the smut scenes than the actual love story and plot of the book. But I’m still going to reread this book multiple times because this is the only Nessian/ Nesta perspective book I’ll ever get.


Also I think we got more insight into Cassian’s struggles in the few chapters in acofas than in all of acosf, which is stupid because this was supposed to be their book!!! My baby deserved better.


Embers & Light (Chapter 39, NSFW Nessian)

Notes: Well, over a year you’ve had to wait for these two to seal the deal… BUT NO LONGER. And because I’m thankful to you all for sticking with this story, I’ve granted you with over 16k of sinful naughtiness. I think it’s safe to say this is NSFW but you guys have read my smut before, you know the drill.
Embers & Light has always very much been the alternative story to Habits, but I couldn’t help but write in some crossover moments here to highlight the differences in events–timeline is a fascinating thing! Lemme know if you spot the moments :)
Please let me know what you think :) Comment and kudos will make my day!
I won’t be able to write much of August (wedding & mini-moon) but I’ll be doing my best to get you guys something as soon as possible. Hopefully by the end of the month, anyways <3
Oh! And I got a bookstagram. Find me at bookships.and.fandoms (and bear with me, I cba to take pretty pics atm)

Chapter 39 Cassian POV

Cassian stared at the doorway and the staircase beyond it, his gaze fixed and unwavering. Nesta had slipped out of the living room to follow Feyre up the stairs over ten minutes ago and he was already consumed with the biting sort of worry that gnawed at your insides.

He wasn’t concerned about what Nesta might be discussing with Feyre—that was her business—but because he couldn’t help but fret when it came to Nesta’s wellbeing.

It was a myriad of concerns that trampled through his mind like a herd of cattle. Had she slept enough? Had she recovered from being caught in the crowds the day before? Was her conversation with Feyre going to have her take three steps back rather than one forward? Cassian had spied the book of fairytales she’d slipped into her bag. Had guessed what she’d intended to do with it.

And then there was the fact that Nesta had left the bed before he’d woken again. Cassian couldn’t help but feel disappointed that she’d not been there when he’d opened his eyes, especially after the night before.


AAAAAHHHH!! FINALLY 🔥🔥 I’m going to hell. This chapter was perfection!!

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