



trophy boyfriend

summary: a high school reunion with a special appearance by yours truly.

words: 809

a/n: my first and most likely last drabble. the product of my latest dreams and delusions. bon appetit 👩🏻‍🍳

“Time flies when you’re having fun.” You wondered why no one had thought to mention how painstakingly slow time passes when you’re doing the opposite. You had graduated high school six years ago and to say that you had drifted from your friends would be an understatement. The daily updates about everything from dorm room decor to upcoming deadlines had withered down to annual “Happy birthday! Hope you’re doing well.” texts. This is why it came as such a surprise when an invitation for a class reunion showed up in your inbox. 

“It looks like they’re planning a high school reunion now that the pandemic has settled down. I won’t be going, of course.” You casually brought up the topic over dinner with Carlos, your boyfriend of three years. Life was busy enough as it was, and this was one of those rare nights you had him all to yourself. No late-night cramming for you and no post-race briefings for him. You couldn’t help but wonder how you got so lucky to end up with the doe-eyed Spaniard sitting opposite you. Carlos had devoted the whole evening to making his signature burgers, only pausing for the occasional dance break with Piñon. 

“You know what? I think you should go.” The uneasy look on your face was enough for him to reach across the table to hold your hand. “Hey, look at me. No one knows what you’ve been up to and you’ve come so far.” Carlos was right about you disappearing off the face of the earth. You kept a low profile on all social media platforms, preferring to keep your inner circle small. The only people who knew where you were at any given moment were your mom, Carlos, and your study group at medical school. The shift to online classes during the pandemic had allowed you to follow your boyfriend from race to race but you had somehow managed to stay out of the public eye. You treasured what the two of you had, a love that was just yours. 

It took a walk to the gelato shop and Carlos running you a hot bath with bubbles to finally convince you to go. It just so happened that the reunion was happening on a Sunday. “It would’ve been more fun with you by my side. I could’ve introduced you as my trophy boyfriend.” You joke, mentally calculating the travel time between the venue and the circuit. “I’ll see what I can do, amor.” He says, giving you a kiss goodnight before turning out the lights.

Sunday came and your eyes were glued to your phone screen as you checked Carlos’ location on the “Find My” app. It was obvious you were using your phone as an escape from interacting with the crowd slowly gathering in front of you. “Hi! We didn’t even think you’d show up, Y/N. We’re all dying to know what you’ve been up to!” You heard a shrill voice approach you from behind and immediately knew it belonged to the former class president. You chatted back and forth, slowly dying inside as you were bombarded with questions from left and right. 

You had gone to an all-girls school, and it wasn't long before the topic of significant others came up. "Are you seeing anyone? What line of work are they in? Medicine? Finance, maybe?"  You hadn’t prepared for this one: “He works with cars.” That was all your frazzled brain could muster. “Oh, a mechanic! Give me his number. I need to get my car detailed,” someone said. Way to jump to conclusions, you thought as you politely excused yourself from the hustle and bustle. 

You were walking back to rejoin the crowd when you noticed everyone gathered around the only man in the room. He appeared to be holding up a gleaming, gold trophy, truly captivating his devoted audience. “No, it can’t be,” you thought as you edged closer. You could hardly believe your eyes but there he was in all his glory. “Lots of driving for one day but it looks like I made it just in time.” Carlos says, lighting up the room with his infectious charm. 

A million selfies and autographs later, you were being driven home in Carlos’ 812 Competizione. Carlos’ hand lay softly on your thigh as you leaned into the breeze seeping through the car’s open window. 

“I realized something tonight, Carlos. I don’t need emotional validation from people I hardly know anymore. None of them would be crazy enough to fight post-race pain and fatigue just to make me happy. You, my love, are all that matters.” It all comes out like word vomit, but you mean every single word. He takes a quick glance at you and chuckles. “Te quiero tanto. It was my honor being your literal trophy boyfriend, even if it was just for the night.” 



what a beautiful day to think of dante basco’s headcanon that zuko fell in love with katara but buried it for the sake of duty and mae whitman’s headcanon that katara fell in love with zuko but only realized it when it was too late 



Yearly Reminder that C.S Lewis encouraged his fans to write fanfiction about Susan Pevensie becoming a friend to Narnia and reuniting with her family once again.

Literally inviting his fans to write Susan’s adult, angsty character development with a happy ending.

Do your duty fans. Write that fanfiction.


“The reason why Susan doesn’t make it to Narnia at the very end is because she represents C.S. Lewis’s own journey from atheism to faith and that was a whole other story in of itself,” I say into the mic. 

The crowd boos. I begin to walk off in shame, when a voice speaks and commands silence into the room. 

“She’s right,” he says. I look for the owner of the voice. There in the 5th row stands, not Treebeard as I initially thought, but C.S. Lewis himself.


fr tho why is everything smut😭😭 i wanna read angst that would ruin me, make me sick to my stomach and cry like there's no tomorrow bro i want a fanfic that is so devastating that i won't be able to function for the next few months




The emotional load of this scene is so overwhelming I cried while watching it I can't describe how much I love it Max seeing her friends who are desperately trying to save her, realising that she has a whole lot of people who's there for her, freeing herself from Vecna and running towards them while Kate Bush's Running Up That Hill blasting I cried a lot they did an amazing job that's top acting amazing award deserving acting


we often say “falling in love” but i didn’t “fall”, because that makes it seem like i was blindly walking and my foot slipped into this hole of love for you, and that’s not right. i walked into love, i took every step willing and i accepted it all with open arms. every rough patch, every a little too loud laugh, every random (but much appreciated) fun fact… i wanted it all… i accepted it all. i walked into love with you my dear because i wanted to be with you and no one else, i wanted you to be my home.


3:27 PM

"It's raining."

"Yeah, no shit sherlock."

Jeno rolled his eyes at your sarcasm, not appreciating it when the situation is at its worst.

The thing is, the two of you went to the beach for today's date. Everything was perfect until it suddenly got windy, the skies darkening and voila! Downpour here we go.

You sighed, catching your boyfriend's attention, "Seems like we have to reschedule this."

He stared at you for a solid minute before grabbing your wrist, "No."

Your eyes went wide like saucers when he started dragging you under the rain, "What? Jeno! Hey w-"

You shrieked when the cold water seeped into your clothes, closing your eyes tight and attempting to run back under the safety of a roof.

That plain failed of course, Jeno's grip on you hasn't loosened one bit and that prevented you from doing so, "Baby, c'mon."

He said, spinning you around, making the sand under your feet sink due to the weight of the action.

"Open your eyes." he whispered, and when you did, you were greeted by his handsome face.

So, so close to yours.

Droplets of water running down in his porcelain skin, wet hair framing his face, damn... he was really sculpted by the deities themselves.


The moment is intimate, more so when he cupped your cheeks, leaning down and meeting your lips with a feverish kiss.

Under the freezing atmosphere, your heart is definitely thawed by the warm feeling he always gave you.

Maybe this is not so bad after all.

Jeno pulled away from you, giving you a sweet smile, "See, anything is definitely worth it when we're together."


An you do a fic with Andrew’s Spider-Man x shy reader please



summary: peter parker makes you feel a different way, it’s hard to ignore the way your heart races when he looks at you. and its obvious, peter knows this.

this fic does NOT contain ‘no way home’ spoilers, feel free to read ahead :)

andrew!peter parker x fem!reader

(sorry it’s short!)

warnings: shirtless peter djdndjs, fluff, extremely flustered reader, slight injury description and that’s all :)

requested by @lizzieann143

don’t steal any of my work, thanks!


𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃 𝐖𝐀𝐒 led on the science homework you had left until last minute, pens and pencils scattered on the wooden desk filled with nonsense you had kept since you were a young age.

Your eyelids were falling shut, eyes rolling to the back of your head as sleep attempted to overtake you. Lifting your head into your hands, you sniffled and rubbed your eyes profusely to snap out of your doze. A cup of water was sat on the right side of your desk, the liquid reaching the very top of the glass.

Your throat felt dry from the lack of attention you had given it as your mind was delved into the equations of period tables, the work you would normally have had help from your dear friend Peter Parker. Fixing the problem, you lifted the glass to take a sip of the cooling water.

‘Friend’ you would call him. But that didn’t stop the way your heart sped up whenever you were around him. You would often find yourself staring at him, multiple seats away from his in your shared English class would be your prime time to take in Peter’s beauty.

God, he was beautiful. You had a soft spot for the boy, rarely did you ever allow yourself to catch feelings for a guy. But with Peter, it was different. You couldn’t quite place what made him different for you, maybe it was the way he actually devoted his time to you and understood your lack of communication with anyone outside your childhood friends.

too much to drink - r.l

summary: remus takes care of his drunk girlfriend

a/n: i decided to write short one-shots for a week every day since i'm in quarantine hehe

oh, y/n, love," remus sighed at the sight of you. "how much you had to drink, huh?"

you put your pointing finger and thumb together, leaving a small gap between them. "a little."

remus wasn't dumb, he knew you were lying as he could see you could barely keep yourself on your legs. he took a bottle of whiskey from your hands, making you whine. "i'm going to put you to bed, okay?"

you complained but let him take you to the boys' dormitory anyway.

he placed you on his bed and walked over to his wardrobe where he took his sweater and a pair of boxers for you.

he made his way over to you again and began to unzip your skirt when you spoke.

"no," you slapped his hand away, making him startled. "i don't want to, i have a boyfriend!"

remus closed his eyes in amusement and chuckled. "y/n, it's me, remus."

you smiled. "oh, remus!" you exclaimed. "you would not believe what just happened. some bloke just tried to shag me. i told him no, of course."

"that was me," said your boyfriend.

"oh?'" you frowned. "so you tried to shag me when i'm totally drunk? i didn't think you're that type of guy. . ."

"w-what?" remus stuttered, his cheeks pink in embarassment. "i swear to godric that i only wanted to change your clothes so you wouldn't have to sleep in this!"

you giggled and he raised his eyebrow. "i know, darling. i'm just joking."

remus let out a sigh of relief. "d'you want a bar of chocolate?"

"what a ridicilous question. of course, i do!"

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