
A Villainous Hero


Disney Hook appreciation blog. Give the tol sad boy a hug.

So… it's been quite a long time since I posted anything. It's already been 4 months since I said I would make a Captain Hook animation. (Omg…) Honestly, I haven't had much time to focus on this animation because of studying English, attending art classes, midterm projects, final projects, and moving. (or maybe I'm just lazy)

Since I'm still a beginner at animation, I'm still learning things like head turning, body acting, lip sync, and so on. I have a strong desire to make this animation look great, but things haven't been going well, which is why it's taking so long. Now that my animation skills have improved a bit, I hope I can finish this during the summer vacation!

Hook would totally act in a Shakespeare play. ❤️


So, about a month ago (...I think) I talked about how George Darling and Captain Hook are representative of the rigid gender standards that Edwardian gentlemen were expected to live up too. And it made me think of the Finding Neverland musical. Specifically, "Stronger".

So, in this musical, J.M. Barrie is having an identity crisis, and 'Captain Hook' appears to him to convince him to create a villain for the story. It also confirms a theory I've had for ages that J.M. Barrie may have named 'James Hook' after himself. As the song 'Live by the Hook' says "I am your darker side/The one you keep in shadow, prefer to hide". Hook is the darker version of Barrie. BUT he also encourages Barrie to become 'stronger'. Which is so bizarre because Captain Hook is the worst kind of man to take advice from. But here... it works! And it's really good advice!

You'll see in time You will survive Too soon to run Too late to hide It's your destiny Every pace, every stride

Also this isn't included in this video BUT Hook does say "a man unwilling to fight for what he wants, gets what he deserves" which.. well, I think you all know why that made me smile.

But anyway, this song is so good. And it's a version of Hook we haven't seen before. Even though it does go against how Barrie wrote him and the tragedy of what he represents, I think it really works! Also Jeremy Jordan as J.M. Barrie? *chef's kiss*

I thiiiiiink if I’m remembering correctly the “a man unwilling to fight for what he wants” quote can be specifically attributed to OUAT Hook but if there is an original source that came before that, please correct me.

Anyway, I LOVE the musical Finding Neverland’s version of Hook not just because his songs are bangers (though they are) but also because the role he plays in Barrie’s life in the play is just SUCH a good representation of what it’s like to have a character muse. He pops in to Barrie’s imagination not only to provide inspiration for the story but also to encourage him, to basically say, “No. You don’t get to give up. Dust yourself off. Pick yourself up, then go try again.” There’s also a very cute (and hilarious) exchange in the play between Hook and Barrie when Barrie is clearly interested in Sylvia but hesitant to make a move and Hook ends up sort of being a wingman telling him to go for it. Finally, he gets exasperated enough to say, “Well, if you don’t kiss her, I will!” 😂😂😂


Thinking about how in early Christian iconography, artwork, and prayers Death is often portrayed as a serpentine or dragon-like creature with gaping jaws…a literal hellmouth…and how Barrie chose the perfect creature in the crocodile to represent Hook’a struggle with his own mortality.

Like…look at this side by side…

Here are some iconographic depictions of Death.

And then here’s an early illustration of Hook falling to the crocodile:


“Snatch me from the jaws of the pernicious serpent who is ravening to devour me and drag me down to hell alive” is an actual line from an Orthodox prayer.

And then there’s this shot of Isaacs’ Hook where he crosses his arms over his chest right before falling into the crocodile’s jaws.

While the tradition of crossing the arms of the dead is found in many pre-Christian traditions as well, interestingly, it’s how many Orthodox Christians approach to receive the Eucharist (that is, making the sign of the cross).

Just…ow. It makes his death particularly poignant.

Barrie was definitely onto something.


love a character that's like. i survived (<- not a brag) (<- this is a curse that weighs on me every waking hour)

I feel like this is Disney’s Hook every time he manages to survive an encounter with the crocodile (or octopus if you include the second film). Like he just…sometimes secretly wishes they’d succeed because the trauma of reliving that over and over over again both in reality and his nightmares is SO. EXHAUSTING.


Bro they made him so soft like- 😭😭😭


Only in 'Jake....'

The “softness” we see in Jake-verse Hook (and often Hook in the parks) is frankly not that far off from how I envision post-redemption arc Hook. The thing about Jake is that it took everything except Hook’s scarier qualities and turned it up—his more comedic aspects, yes, but also his inherently good qualities like the potential to have moments of genuine heroism and the desire underneath it all for real friendship and approval. Jake Hook has a lot of insecurities which often tries to cover up with bluster and bragging, and I truly think original Disney Hook is similar…the confidence and suavity we see is a facade. In short, I think in toning down the captain’s villainy and turning up everything else, Jake actually gives us a better “behind the scenes” look at Hook than most, and I love the show for it.


i said it was my favorite piece of media that i’ve hyperfixated on since the tender age of 12 and have not let go of since. i didnt say it was a Good piece of media

“what do you like about it so much?” the fact that it cocooned me like a tender wool blanket during my vulnerable teenage years. next question

This is literally what happened to me with Disney’s Peter Pan. Watched it and latched onto the sad pirate man with anxiety and PTSD at age 12 and never looked back. However, (minus the uncomfortable Native American stereotype, obviously) it is actually a good piece of media and I will fight anyone who hates on Disney Hook and write them an essay about why he’s the actual best character.


This is one of my favorite parts of the 2003 film. I’ve talked about the “George is real-world Hook/Hook is George’s imagined idealized self” dynamic before and see this…this is what I want for Hook and Peter. I want THIS to be their father/son dynamic in a post-redemption arc scenario.


Heads up everyone! I’ll be going off Tumblr for the next few days in observance of Orthodox Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Pascha (Easter). I’ll be back online sometime on Monday.

Hook: They're a bad influences.
Peter: Takes one to know one.
Hook: I am a great influence on you.
Peter sarcastic: Yeah, like that time you threw a book out the window in a rege and had to buy a new window.
Hook: That's different! You don't know the stress of adult life.
Peter: I'm looking at the embodiment of stress right now, he doesn't seem too grown up.
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