

@xtec / xtec.tumblr.com

lXavier |27|♑|New Yorklhe/himlblack| I promise to be a likeable asshole

YouTube trying to make me become racist while I listen to 1970s J-funk for 3 hours


The best thing I did for my youtube viewing experience was download an extension that allows me to block entire channels. Now when I don't like a thumbnail? Blam, obliterate it, never see it again - and youtube is none the wiser. Youtube has no choice but to bring me weird music videos and retro game reviews.

You know, needing to add basic functionality to a platform yourself to fight back against the forces of enshittification is something tumblr trained me well for. You need like 5 third party extensions to make this site remotely usable.

Bitch you don’t need a plug-in for that just hit do not recommend channel

No, "Do not recommend" is telling youtube "This made me feel something (anger? disgust?) enough to click on it" and then youtube goes "Oh extremely noted" and starts sprinkling that kind of video onto your homepage, because a hateclick is still a click. If you don't want to see it anymore, get an extension to remove it forever. Fool.


I made a reaction image just for them and they deleted their tweet (and account?) before I could post it so here, have it


"Most of Sudan is only one step away from a full blown famine. In a lot of areas the only thing stopping people starving is the presence of community kitchens. This is why we setup 3 kitchens in Khartoum State and are in the process of setting up a 4th. But there has been a massive drop off in donations after Ramadan. Please help with what you can.


link to the GFM below:


imagine how sweet it would be if like fuckin cnn or somethin cut to england and like people were devouring the royal family live on camera

even the baby one i dont give a fuck

are you seriously advocating for eating a toddler or am i fuckin illiterate 

actually when i made this post it was a baby

certified iconic post


The way you change your immediate reactions to things is that you catch yourself having an uncharitable/bigoted/overly judgmental thought and you catch it and replace it and then you do that a hundred times a day for your whole life and eventually one day like five years later you realize that you think differently now and you’ll always be working on something but that’s how life goes and that’s fine.


I really don't mean give them the guillotine as a joke.


yes, it's just as nightmarish as you would imagine an evil empire being

This should not scare you away from unionizing; this should scare you towards unionizing. 

Exactly this.

If a corporation like Amazon is so dedicated to figuring this shit out, it means it's a problem for them.

You don't pour resources into something this detailed because you don't care.


When South Africa dismantled apartheid, it did not end with the expulsion of all white South Africans. They became part of the new South Africa, just without the criminal discriminatory oligarchic powers the apartheid goverment had. When Bolivia recognized its indigenous heritage and became a plurinational state, it did not mean that people of European descent were expelled in masse. It meant the recognition of the previously discriminated indigenous and mestizo people of Bolivia and the beginning of a path of integration and revalidation.

What I mean is that it's ridiculous to think that decolonization inherently means mass suffering and relocation, that's what colonization does. Decolonization is recognizing the crimes of colonization, but more importantly, material, political and social steps to give power and self-determination to the exploited native people who were victims of colonialism and imperialism.

In multicultural societies, you don't go like in that Peter Griffin meme with a skin tone chart and saying 'well, you go back to Europe, you go back to Africa, you stay here'. You build a new society on the paradigm of dignity for exploited people and equality under the law. People are acting like this is some sort of fantastic utopia instead of real initiatives that were done in living memory, with successes and failures, as all such initiatives have. One must ask why are some so insistent that multicultural societies can't thrive, especially when for most of history, societies were indeed like that. Consider why you think like that.

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