
Obsessed w Arya Stark bc she's the Queen(of šŸŗ)



kind of wanna reinforce this here. because iā€™ve seen ai writing become so popular on tik tok.

ai writing is not okay.

itā€™s literally theft. just like how ai art steals, ai writing steals. itā€™s using authorsā€™ very real work to generate whatever you type in. and this also needs to be said as well.

writing is a form of art. fanfiction is a form of literature.

seeing this all over my fyp is REALLY discouraging. fanfic itself is already a labor of love and we love it when you interact. but please do not use ai writing for your fanfic needs when this writing literally steals from fanfic authors.

genuinely donā€™t know if this post will go around because my interactions outside of hcs are shit, but i hope it does.


miraculous ladybug (2015-) // album: Electra Heart, by marina (2012)

i was inspired after seeing one of these lyrics/film parallels to Laura Palmer.

fot the biggest marino/marinette lover i know : @iwasbored777 šŸ’–šŸ’–


jason really won the ally award of the year bc he does not only got a bisexual dad, a bisexual godly brother, a lesbian sister, a gay best friend but had also a lesbian girlfriend !! it doesnt get any more supportive than that! SPEAK VALENTINA !!


Ugh are they seriously having THAT conversation now? When Paris is under attack?

And why are they now talking about secret identities? That's your smallest problem right now?

Actually I will talk about this more after watching the whole episode

Setting aside the fact that the secret identity rule has been incredibly inconsistent this season and that it is a little nonsensical that (officially) nobody knows Chat's identity, I think it's important to talk about the character's motives when it comes to doing a reveal.

Maribug says in the episode that if she were to be akumatized Chat Noir will be found out by Hawkmoth. That would mean that Adrien will be hunt down by countless akumas until Hawkmoth claims the cat miraculous in the end and probably hurts Adrien in the process (she doesn't know that they live in the same house, so I guess that's what she must be imagining). It would be extremely dangerous for him. The show prooved this multiple times when showing scenes of Gabriel hitting Chat Noir in Chat blanc, throwing Marinette into a wall in ephemeral, turning the temp holders into dust in Optigami etc. The important factor here is that in this moment, Ladybug only talks about bad things she's trying to avoid. As in she's trying to protect him from bad things.

Marinette is a person who always makes it a priority to protect the people she cares for, which includes Chat Noir. Them not knowing each other's identites is a way of protecting Chat Noir from Hawkmoth. She has no ill intent of... like... intentionally make him feel left out... or make him feel like she doesn't trust him or... idek people have probably accused her of even more stupid things, she only wants what's best for Chat. And she explains her point of view and her worries multiple times throughout the show including strike back. In this episode specifically she also has a flashback to the events of Chat blanc, a time line where Adrien was alone and suffering and she was dead. She therefore also has no reason to believe things would be so much better if their identities weren't a secret because they have worked well in the past (for the show's standarts at least) without knowing.

Chat on the other hand? His only motivation is his love for Ladybug. That's it. Doesn't matter that maybe things might take a bad turn and Hawkmoth makes their lives more hell than it already is. Chat Noir only cares about dating Ladybug (despite her rejecting him all the time but that's another story). It's not for the greater good so they can work together more efficiently, his reasons are completely selfish. I get that he has a desire to know the real identity of his superheroine partner he's in love with, but him ignoring Ladybug's arguments against a reveal and essentially accusing her of not taking enough risks is just more proof that Adrien just isn't mature enough to be a good partner to her and just doesn't understand that she's afraid of what might happen if they revealed themselves to each other. He constantly brings up issues like this at the worst time, makes everything solely about how HE feels and blames Ladybug for it.

And I didn't even talk about how his counter arguments are extremely weak. "We will never be akumatized!" HOW WILL YOU KNOW THAT? BEING A MIRACULOUS HOLDER DOESN'T MAKE YOU IMMUNE TO AKUMATISATION, THIS HAS HAPPENED BEFORE AND YOU KNOW THAT! (Yes he doesn't know about Chat blanc timeline but that really doesn't matter).

Oh and another thing, if he's so eager to reveal himself, why doesn't he just do that huh? Come on Adrien, drop the costume you coward.

That's the big difference between them. Marinette's reason to not reveal are selfless. Adrien's reasoms to reveal aren't.


As I read a Clash of Kings, I realize that the most powerful thing about this book is gaining access to Aryaā€™s psychology. She starts out homeless in Kingā€™s Landing & you get a first hand account of what life is in the starving capital during war & politically unstable times.

You see her travel by road through Riverlands which were raided, destroyed & burnt, innocents caught in the crossfire of Stark-Lannister drama just because Catelyn got played by Litterfinger & kidnaps Tyrion & Tywin was too ruthless & played dirty by raiding the Riverlands to scatter their forces. Itā€™s so easy to get caught up in the drama of these lords that itā€™s difficult to imagine that the lives of common people were destroyed to the limit that they started missing the Mad King! Simply because during his reign there was no war. Itā€™s heartbreaking to watch a childā€™s innocent perception tainted, how she starts calling herself a sheep and agonies herself about deluding herself about being a wolf or a warrior.

Worst of all, is when she ends up in a concentration camp like situation. Her mental state when prisoners are dehumanised & picked one at a time randomly to die. The aftermath of being treated like an abused slave who gets beat up & threatened daily gets to her to the point that she starts calling herself a scared little mouse. You really get a sense of why she gives the names of the two people most abusive to her & later realizes that she could have named someone important like Tywin or Joffery to be killed when she has only one name left.

All of this is what enriched the experience for me while reading the book compared to S02 where ā€œWho should win the game of thronesā€ seemed like a game where the cost of war just wasnā€™t real enough. Seriously at this point Iā€™m rooting for no King, not even a little bit! Arya is hands down the MVP for this book & Iā€™m glad this arc made this game of highborns so much more real. Itā€™s really heartbreaking but I love how deeply I got to understand my lil gal!


What I dislike the most about the show is that they made Harrenhal looked like a funny summer camp while in the books itā€™s the most awful place you could have ever imagined, a literal westerosi concentration camp. Random death or gang rape is casual, since youā€™re a commoner that has no value and is totally expendable. You can say the words they like to hear but thereā€™s no use because youā€™re nothing. (See it in the case of All-for-Joffery)

But in the Show-verse they have to make Arya sass Tywin, a character which should have been Roose Bolton and his leeches. A low born serving girl could never have sassed Roose, or Tywin. She would be flayed and thrown to feed the dogs. The show runners made ā€œthe game of thronesā€ seemed like coooool to play but not enough was focused on the poor casualties and the dark side of classism. Way to miss the whole point D&D.


One thing i find interesting is that the Faceless Man magic may not work on animals. Casso, the King of Seals, seems to recognize Arya as the ugly little girl.

ā€œBut farther on, on the wharf beside an Ibbenese whaler, she spied Catā€™s old friend Tagganaro tossing a ball back and forth with Casso, King of Seals, whilst his latest cutpurse worked the crowd of onlookers. When she stopped to watch and listen for a moment, Tagganaro glanced at her without recognition, but Casso barked and clapped his flippers. He knows me, the girl thought, or else he smells the fish. She hurried on her way.ā€ - Ugly Little Girl, ADwD

And at least one of the cats to remember her as well.Ā 

ā€œShe scratched his head behind one ear, and the cat jumped up into her lap and began to purr. Braavos was full of cats, and no place more than Pyntoā€™s. The old pirate believed they brought good luck and kept his tavern free of vermin. ā€œYou know me, donā€™t you?ā€ she whispered. Cats were not fooled by a mummerā€™s moles. They remembered Cat of the Canals.ā€ - The Blind Girl, ADwD

At least we know that if she goes back to Westeros wearing a different face the wolves will still recognize her. I also wonder if the faceless men just dont work on animals or if it is the warg in Arya they see.Ā 


Arya + Wolf Monikers (Requested by @insomniaramaā€‹)

She was no little girl in the dream; she was a wolf, huge and powerful, and when she emerged from beneath the trees in front of them and bared her teeth in a low rumbling growl, she could smell the rank stench of fear from horse and man alike.
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