
@thymevibes / thymevibes.tumblr.com

matilda | 21; can't stop thinking about trees and latin verbs
“Falling in love with a God is not a death sentence. The story is only a tragedy if the God loves you back.”

— Nathaniel Orion G. K.


i only want to live a moomin life. no major worries, growing vegetables, picking flowers, cooking and eating, drinking homemade fruit juices and going to the beach whenever i want


who knew I’d become a 98 year old forgotten woman in my 20’s


Do you ever get a wave of nostalgia for a hyperfixation that’s never coming back with the same sort of melancholy with which you mourn a lost childhood friend

Like “you consumed my every waking moment for six entire months, and now I haven’t thought about you in years…I miss that passion”

Anonymous asked:

You don’t post much these days and I envy you because that seems healthier than generally Being Online. How’s life away from the screen?

Perhaps it is because I had the fortune of not being born and raised in the Age of the Internet, but because my personality, morality, and intellectual prowess emerged from actually engaging with the real world and the people in it, I feel less inclined to imagine that I am somehow bereft without it.

To be sure, the internet has its enjoyments and can augment the delights of the actual world, but in and of itself, it is a disembodied, self-perpetuating, hollow chamber of disingenuity, inauthenticity, and capitalistic advertisements under a veneer of progressiveness and self-actualisation. In my life, I have my intellectual, academic, and artistic pursuits, both Apollonian and Dionysian, and am secure in them sufficiently such that the desire to engage with faceless ghouls, crave validation from strangers, and be barraged with intellectually dishonest conjecture masquerading as The Right Side of History™ has truthfully never occurred to me.

It is a dreadful thing indeed, that the loneliest, most vulnerable, and most susceptible young people have known nothing else but the Internet, and have therefore from an unsupervised young age known nothing but, and indeed, accepted wholeheartedly, the parasitic spread of disinformation and social media and instant gratification and objectification and the wholly performative notion of the self. Their insecurities, weakness, idiosyncrasies, depressive/anxious/maladaptive/harrowing thoughts are directly funneled into a poisonous concoction of over-sharing, social ineptitude, and starvation for attention which are then unrelentingly and addictively propelled back into their faces, one notification at a time. Genuine critical thought and intellectual engagement is essentially non-existent, comically simplistic reductionism is applied to complex and nuanced ideas, and bad faith orthodoxy is propagated as righteousness. As the brilliant brilliant Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie published only a few days ago,

"And so we have a generation of young people on social media so terrified of having the wrong opinions that they have robbed themselves of the opportunity to think and to learn and to grow (x)."

In short, life away from the screen? Blissful. Straighten your neck, look up, look up. In the kindest way possible, go the fuck outside.


so since i'm not seeing anything about this on my dash:

A law passed in Hungary that basically makes being LGBTQ+ illegal in public. And that in the context of an anti-pedophilia law. You're not allowed to talk to children and teens up to the age of 18 about LGBTQ+ things "in order to protect the children".

So basically wherever a child can hear you or see you, or read things, it's illegal to show signs of LGBTQ+ related things. And let's be fucking honest cause that's basically everywhere.

You're not even allowed to hold hands with your same sex partner in public, because children could see it. You're not allowed to dress like your preferred gender, you're not even allowed to basically be transgender.

you're not allowed to exist as the person you are.

How can you help, you ask?


“But isn’t desire always the same, whether the object is present or absent? Isn’t the object always absent?” — Roland Barthes, A Lover’s Discourse “How could she feel nostalgia when he was right in front of her? How can you suffer from the absence of a person who is present? You can suffer nostalgia in the presence of the beloved if you glimpse a future where the beloved is no more.” — Milan Kundera, Identity “To encounter anything fully is to touch its absence.” — Rosmarie Waldrop, from Letterbox


the impulse to hide what I'm doing at my computer still sits so deep even tho I'm literally never looking at anything objectionable , the door will open and I'll hurry to close the page like oh fuck no one can know I'm looking at the Wikipedia page for the Balkans

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