

@yasuragi-hotaru / yasuragi-hotaru.tumblr.com

sacchan || older than u prob || side blog landfill of my otaku trash feels || ☆6th STAGE★王家の紋章☆L&PイベVol.5★LOVING!☆髑髏城の七人★スタリファンミ☆EXCITING!★REQUESTII☆BLAZING!★WSS日本版|| ☆龍馬のくつ★ カチカチ山☆ ウェイトレス日本版☆ current flavor: anything with マモちゃん, and the occassional ship flail overflow || high key obsessed with マジ LOVE LIVE || 干物女 living; get in2it

Miyano Mamoru LINE Blog: 2019/11/11 (Eng. Translation)

生きてるなー I’m alive, aren’t Iー 2019/11/11 23:53

「ブロードウェイ・ミュージカル ウエスト・サイド・ストーリー in ステージアラウンド Season1」 “Broadway Musical: West Side Story in Stage Around Season1”

今日も、 Today as well,

生きた。 I lived.

ご覧いただきありがとうございました。 Thank you so much for coming to watch.

生きてるなーって、 I’m alive, aren’t Iー,

舞台に生きてるなーって、 I’m living on stage, aren’t Iー,

ほんとに、強く強く感じる。 This I really, strongly, so strongly, I can feel it.

公演が終わると、 After the end of a performance,

いつも感謝の想いでいっぱい。 I am always full of thankfulness.

まだまだ高めていきたい。 I want to improve more and more.

課題もたくさん見つかった。 I found many more challenges.

明日も、 Tomorrow as well,

舞台に、生きる。 On stage, I will live.

Source: lineblog.me

Fan *Note* Translation for Miyano Mamoru ~BLAZING!~

Hi Everyone! As you probably know, Mamo has been on a super long unscheduled break from his blog, and this is…really, really unlike him. He’s not updated his blog since the incident at Kyoto Animation that occurred back on Thursday, July 18, 2019 and this is much, much, MUCH longer than any other unscheduled break he’s had due to natural disasters and/ other unexpected situations.  I know that we are all super concerned and worried and miss him a ton…which is why… I am going to Mamo’s BLAZING! Live on August 18th and I would love to send everyone’s love and supportive thoughts to him.  Because this date is coming up extremely soon and it’s a sporadic thought that came to me just a few minutes ago, if anyone would like to write something to Mamo, please keep it rather short (around index card length) because I will need a bit of time to translate and hand write everyone’s notes. Especially since I’m deciding to do this so close to the Live date, I don’t really have the luxury to translate everyone’s letter length messages (sorry! T^T), so please write a short and sweet note! (Hence the Fan *Note* title) If anyone would like to write a note to Mamo, please message me or reblog this post with a message to let me know! If you’d like to give him a handwritten note, fanart, etc., please message them to me and I’ll print them out and put it together for you. Languages: - English: I’ll translate it into Japanese for you. You original text will also be included with the translated note. - Japanese (I can double check for you if you’re not sure!)

Deadline: August 16, 2019

Because I will be traveling and since this is on a short time limit, I will most likely be handwriting everyone’s notes onto note cards to send to Mamo. I will look for Mamo related note cards to write on and update everyone with what they look like as we get closer to the deadline date.  P.S.  Please include what country you are from as well because I’m sure Mamo will be super happy seeing notes from people all over the world ^^

Let’s send Mamo all our love and support, Thank you so much, Everyone♡


宮野真守様, of your extensive, multifaceted, and celebrated career, I know my time as a fan has been only but a fraction of the time you have dazzled us all with your talents as a seiyuu, singer, and performer.

In this past year, you have floored me, consistently, with all that you are, all that you do, all that you have been, and all that you can be. I am so grateful to have come to know someone as special as you.

To say you’ve changed my life feels…………far too reductive. The amount of warmth and light you bring me all day, every day, gives me so much strength and courage to follow my heart and my dreams and push myself further to be the best version of me. For that, I am…eternally grateful.

あなたは私の光り輝く星です – you deserve the world and more, you beautiful man, inside and out.

お誕生日おめでとう、マモちゃん! Happy 34th, Mamo!!

I hope today you are surrounded by the people who you hold dearest, doing the things that you cherish, and feeling all of the love you have given to us radiating back to you. I can’t wait to see where your journey takes you, and I hope, from here on out, that I get to be there with you every step of the way.


Miyano Mamoru LINE Blog: 2019/4/22 (Eng. Translation)

サラマモ Smooth Mamo 2019/4/22 22:50

今日の、 Today,

取材は、 For the coverage,

サラサラヘアーにしてもらった☆ I had my hair done smoothly☆

サラマモ、だよ☆ It’s, Smooth Mamo☆

サラマモって……、なんか……、 Smooth Mamo……, somehow……,

健康なサプリメントみたいだね(笑) Sounds like a health supplement of sorts, doesn’t it(lol)

Source: lineblog.me

Miyano Mamoru LINE Blog: 2019/4/10 (Eng. Translation)

「罪悪感ゼロ」スイーツ “Zero Feelings of Guilt” Sweets 2019/4/10 23:07

今日も、 Today as well,

ニューシングル「アンコール」の取材だったのですけど、 There was a coverage for my new single “Encore” and,

スタッフさんが、 The Staff,

またも、嬉しい差し入れ☆ Once again, supplied happy refreshments☆

俺のカラダを気遣ってくれた、 Being careful of my body,

砂糖なし、グルテンフリー、添加物なしの、 No sugar, gluten free, no additives,

「罪悪感ゼロ」スイーツを用意してくれました☆ “Zero Feelings of Guilt” sweets were prepared☆

おしゃれー☆ Stylishー☆

しかも、しっかり甘くて、とっても美味しいー☆ Moreover, they’re properly sweet, and super deliciousー☆

なかには、「プロテインボール」なる、 Inside, are “Protein Balls”,

最高のチョコレートもありました☆(笑) They were the best chocolates☆(lol)

美味しいし、筋肉も育つ(笑) It was delicious, and bringing forth muscles(lol)

スタッフさんの、 The Staff’s,

このような心遣いが、 Their care,

ほんとに嬉しいし、癒されます(*^ω^*) Has me feeling really happy and healed(*^ω^*)

みなさんに、支えられて、 Being supported by everyone,

取材も頑張ってます♪ I did my best during the coverage♪

Source: lineblog.me

Miyano Mamoru LINE Blog: 2019/4/8{7} (Eng. Translation)

夜分に、 At Nighttime, 2019/4/8 01:01

夜分に、更新(笑) Update during the night(lol)

やべー、 Whoops,

髑髏城の録画観てたら、日付け変わってた(笑) Watching Skull Castle’s recording, the day changed(lol)

今日は、 Today,

宮野は、 Miyano’s,

髪を整えました(笑) Hair was tidied up(lol)

ちょっと落ち着いた色に、してみましたよ☆ The color was toned down a little☆

P.S. 昨日の、 Yesterday’s,

「宮野真守のRADIO SMILE」で、 “Miyano Mamoru’s RADIO SMILE”,

新曲「アンコール」が、 The new song “Encore” was,

初オンエアされました☆ On air for the first time☆

みなさま、聴いてくださいましたか? Everyone, did you listen to it?

「アンコール」 “Encore”

みんなには、 Everyone,

どのように、響いたかな……?☆ How did it sound to you……?☆

僕がライブの時に、 When I’m doing a Live,

あの時に、あの瞬間に、 At those times, those moments,

みんなの声が聞こえるあの瞬間に……、 The moment I can hear everyone’s voices……、

素直に感じている、 I feel upfront about my feelings,

抱いている、リアルな想い。 Embracing, the real emotions that I have.

そして、 And,

うたプリに対する、僕の、 To Utapri, my,

感謝と、 Feelings of thanks,

愛と、 Of love,

リスペクトを、 Of respect,

たっっっぷりと、込めて、、、 Bringing forth, all of it together、、、

作詞いたしました☆ I wrote the lyrics☆

是非、 By all means,

じっくりと、 With care,

聴いていただきたいです☆☆☆ Please listen to it☆☆☆

Source: lineblog.me

Miyano Mamoru LINE Blog: 2019/4/5 (Eng. Translation)

ホームページリニューアル!! Homepage Renewal!! 2019/4/5 20:40

ニューシングル「アンコール」の、 New Single “Encore” it’s,

ジャケット写真公開とともに、 With it’s jacket photo release,

公式ホームページの写真も、 The pictures of the official homepage as well,

リニューアルされました!!\(^o^)/ Was renewed!!\(^o^)/

大人な感じのマモちゃん、 An adult-looking Mamo-chan,

いかがですか???☆ What do you think???☆

髪も上げちゃったりして、 My hair is also put up,

似合ってますか???☆(≧∀≦) Does it look good???☆(≧∀≦)

これから、 From now on as well,

どんどん、 More and more,

いろんな情報が、公開されていくと思いますので、 Since I think various kinds of information will be released,

お楽しみに♪ Please look forwards♪

Source: lineblog.me

)uoᴉʇɐๅsuɐɹꓕ ·ɓuƎ( Ɩ/h/6Ɩ0Շ :ɓoๅꓭ ƎNIꓶ nɹoɯɐW ouɐʎᴉW

令和元年 raeY weN esenapaJ lacirotsiH ehT 2019/4/1 23:32

新元号が、発表されました。 ·pǝɔunouuɐ uǝǝq sɐɥ ʻɐɹǝ ʍǝu ǝɥꓕ

「令和」 “Reiwa”

歴史的瞬間に、ここに居られる。 .gnitsixe ereh era ew ,tnemom lacirotsih siht nI

新しい時代が始まる。 A new era is beginning.

でも、どこか、 ,wohemos ,revewoH

発表されるまで、 ʻpǝɔunouuɐ sɐʍ ʇᴉ ๅᴉʇun dꓵ

現実味が無かったのです。 This reality didn’t exist.

しかし、目の当たりにして、 ,seye ruo erofeb thgir ,revewoH

自分の事としても実感できた。 ·uʍo ɹno sɐ ʇᴉ pǝzᴉๅɐǝɹ ǝʌˌǝM

世の中が、「動き出す」エネルギーが、 Within the world, an energy is “coming alive”,

自分のエネルギーの、背中を押してくれている! !ygrene fo troppus ruo gnimoceb dna pu gnigrus s'tI

新しいチャレンジが、今年も、いろいろあるから、 ʻɯǝɥʇ ɟo ʎʇǝᴉɹɐʌ ɐ ǝɹɐ ǝɹǝɥʍ ǝɔuᴉs ʻๅๅǝʍ sɐ ɹɐǝʎ sᴉɥʇ ʻsǝɓuǝๅๅɐɥɔ ʍǝN

頑張ろう…! ¡…ʇsǝq ɹno op sˌʇǝꓶ

と思っていたけど、 Is what I was thinking but,

よーし!やったるぜーーー! Alright! LET’S DO THISーーー!

みたいな、進化を遂げた気がする(笑) )ๅoๅ(uoᴉʇnๅoʌǝ uʍo ʎɯ pǝɥɔɐǝɹ ǝʌˌI ǝʞᴉๅ ๅǝǝɟ I ʻsᴉɥʇ ǝʞᴉꓶ

俺の中のエネルギー! !em nihtiw ygrene sihT

しかも、 ,noitidda nI

年男だしね、俺(笑) )​​raey tnerruc eht sa ngis caidoz emas eht htiw raey eht ni nrob nam a ot gnirrefer :n/t()lol(raeY eht fo naM eht ,ma I

めでたいね(笑) )ๅoๅ(snoʎoſ puɐ ʎɹoʇɐɹqǝๅǝɔ ʍoH

よーし! ¡ʇɥɓᴉɹๅⱯ

令和元年、 ,raeY weN esenapaJ lacirotsiH ehT

やったるぜーーー!!! LET’S DO THISーーー!!!

Source: lineblog.me

~ Miyano Mamoru 2019 Live Tour Flower Stand~

Hi everyone*~

With just just a little over 2 and a half months before the start of Mamo’s 2019 Live Tour, I’m happy to announce that I will be organizing another fan-funded flower stand!

After such an amazing and humbling experience planning the first one, I was eager to get another one planned out. This time, given proximity and just general tour schedule, the flower stand will be sent for the first two days of the tour at Yokohama Arena!

More details can be found here!

I really can’t do this without any of you, so i would be so appreciative if you could reblog this post. Share with your friends! Let’s get some legs behind this!

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