
i love you very much laura kinney


♡ xmen ♡ young justice ♡ superheros

dungeon meshi but they end up in the back rooms, a cursed idea that was eating away at my brain


Teen Titans #3 - “Better to Burn Out… Than to Fade Away” (2012)

written by Scott Lobdell art by Brett Booth, Norm Rapmund, & Andrew Dalhouse

Teen Titans #4 - “Danger Squared!” (2012)

written by Scott Lobdell art by Brett Booth, Norm Rapmund, & Andrew Dalhouse

Aww, Bart's got a crush on the cute Indian girl. Rose leave him alone! He's being adorable!


The Five had brought back many mutants from the dead and usually the resurrections involves in celebrations. However, not all resurrected mutants liked the return to the land of living. One such resurrected mutant was Jeffrey Garrett, the mutant boy who originally haunted the X-Mansion as a restless spirit. Prodigy visits The Five who told him that the resurrected Jeffrey had already teleported before anyone could visit him. Prodigy figures that Jeffrey Garrett was too bewildered and disoriented about the new changes so he goes off to look for him. Prodigy finds Jeffrey at the cliff of the waterfall to talk to him.

This short story of Prodigy and the X-Kids take place before the fateful Hellfire Gala attack.

  • X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic #100, 2023

X-Men Blue: Origins #1 (2023) MARVEL

I know some comic book readers are upset to learn Mystique and Destiny are Nightcrawler’s biological parents, but personally, I think that it is fantastic. When I learned of Chris Claremont’s idea to make the couple Kurt’s parent years ago, I thought it was strange, cool, and would NEVER be allowed at Marvel Comics. So as a queer kid disappointed that this revelation was scrapped in favor of making Azazel Kurt’s father, I found this retcon especially delightful. Is it convoluted? Yes. Is it awesome? Also yes. Sorry, not sorry, Internet trolls. This type of inclusivity and acceptance are exactly what I’ve loved about X-Men for decades. Kudos to Si Spurrier for making it canon. 👏


Azazel was dumb- Claremont was right and had the better story idea; I don’t really see it as a “retcon” because I would argue Azazel was the retcon…

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