
Innocent Devil

@nerdy-devil / nerdy-devil.tumblr.com


all of us have been unlearning problematic things - it’s really malicious and in bad faith to purposefully dig up old posts by someone that do not reflect their current opinions and attack them over it out of context

Go get rid of your old terrible posts then. If I eat something I don’t keep the wrapper around. I get rid of it.

I have nearly 50,000 posts on my Tumblr blog which I have been running since 2011. It is literally impossible for me to sift through all of that for every single “problematic” post just for fear of some jerk dredging up something I said eight years ago.

And honestly? I shouldn’t anyway. You can literally make the opposite argument: that it’s wrong to hide your past. If we all keep pretending that ideological purity is possible and erasing the journeys we’ve gone though to learn from mistakes and become better, more educated people I feel like that does more harm than good.

Anyway, your attitude is victim blaming. We should not normalize a culture of fear where everyone is desperate to hide their flaws because someone might start a harassment campaign against them. The solution is ending that culture, not saddling people with the burden of dealing with it.

Cancel culture is canceled. Grow up y'all


When I tell people “I’m here for you if you ever need me” I mean that shit from the bottom of my heart


This is an appreciation post for the fanfic authors who aren’t included on rec lists

For the fanfic authors who don’t get art of their fics

For the fanfic authors who can’t get to 1000/500/100 hits

For the fanfic authors who don’t get comments/reviews

For the fanfic authors who write for small fandoms

For the fanfic authors who write rarepairs or gen fics

For the fanfic authors who get hate for the ships/characters/fandoms they write

For the fanfic authors who write in English despite it not being their first language

For the fanfic authors who don’t write in English

For the fanfic authors who don’t think anyone reads or likes their work

For the fanfic authors who aren’t big name fans

For the fanfic authors who don’t get requests in their inboxes

For the fanfic authors who can’t write stories that are more than a thousand words

For the fanfic authors who only write one ship

For the fanfic authors who are just starting

For the fanfic authors who have been writing fic for years

For the fanfic authors who use fanfic to practice writing

For the fanfic authors who write self-insert fics

For the fanfic authors who write about their OCs

For the fanfic authors who write to vent or cope

For the fanfic authors who are just waiting for their big break

Keep creating, I love you ❤️


Whoever needs to see this!

I sure do.


This Pride, don’t forget about us

ID: “This Pride remember to respect all trans people : Trans women who don’t shave with a drawing of a woman whit a yellow and pink beard, trans men who don’t bind, masculine trans women and feminine trans men with a drawing of a trans woman with short pink hair wearing a yellow baseball T-shirt holding hands with a trans man with a yellow crop top and short curly blue hair, fat trans people with the drawing of a fat trans woman with short white hair, dark skin and a pink cropped top, disabled trans people with a drawing of a wheelchair and a walking cane in the color of the trans flag, neurodivergent trans people with the symbol of the autistic community, trans people who are sex worker with a drawing of blue bra and pink underwear, poor trans people who can’t afford transition, trans people who aren’t out yet with a drawing of a closed door, trans people who don’t plan on transitioning, black trans people with a black fist holding a trans flag, and any trans people who isn’t white with multiple hands of different skin tones, muslim trans people with a drawing of someone wearing a hijab in the color of the trans flag, jewish trans people with a drawing of someone wearing a white shirt and a kippah in the color of the trans flag, non binary people even those who don’t identify as trans with the non binary flag, those whose identity you might not understand with the genderfluid flag, the agender flag, the demi gender flag and the genderqueer flag, trans people who don’t pass and don’t want to with a drawing of a trans woman with a beard and dark skin raising her fist, every pronouns with dialog box in which are different sets of pronouns, trans people of every identity with the gay flag, the lesbian flag, the ace flag, the bi flag, the pan flag and the aro flag, every trans person is beautiful and deserving of so much love so don’t forget the T.” End ID

P.S. : can someone tell me if I did the image description right cuz I have no idea


There is no way, simply no way. I cannot believe Snape stans are this dense. This person said that Snape is not the type of person to invest time on spells to humiliate students. You mean the Snape that spent 7 books and 8 movies humiliating and abusing his students? The same Snape that terrorized Harry, Neville, Hermione, and Ron? The same Snape that invented dark magic spells while at school? Y’all are reaching too much so I’m gonna explain it once more. Snape invented the levicorpus spell. That’s a fact. He invented it while at Hogwarts. That’s a fact. He knows that students only wear underwear under his clothes. That’s a fact. The only conclusion to be drawn from this is that 1) I don’t care why he invented the spell but 2) he invented a spell while at hogwarts and knew that it would expose students. It’s canon that Snape is a cruel and gets pleasure from watching other people suffer along with sociopathic tendencies. James gave him a taste of his own medicine and for that, I’ll always be grateful.


Let me tell you why James Potter was NOT a bad person.

James was kind of an asshole when he was a kid, yes. But he was a KID.

Now, I’m not saying that his behavior was good, the thing is he grew up. Unlike some people *cough* Snape *cough*

He was brave enough to stand up for his family and his friends when he had to.

And let’s not start with the whole “he didn’t deserve Lily” conversation.

I really don’t get the “didn’t deserve” trope, like people were a prize or something like that. NO. Lily CHOSE James. She was not going to choose a person whose beliefs were totally contrary to hers, independently of what he called her (cause we all know the whole mudblood thing)

So yeah, James Potter might have been a jerk back in his school years, but the thing is most people grow up and move on from that. We’ve all made mistakes in our life. And I know James is a fictional character. But bashing on his character to justify Mr. Always behavior is honestly stupid.

Also, Snape wasn’t a defenseless little baby back then, and his so called “love” for Lily was creepy and obsessive. Also, Lily would loathe the way he treated her son.

So yeah, James was kind of an asshole but he changed for the better.

And I know that just like Snape’s bad doesn’t erase the good things he did; James’ good doesn’t erase his bad.

But seriously, do you think bullying a classmate because you don’t have the same beliefs is worst than bullying children (whom you have power over)to the point you make them cry, are their worst fear, hate you? (not to mention the horrible way he treated Harry just for looking like James)

So if you’re bashing on James for the way he acted when he was a KID, and are praising Snape regardless the way he acted as an ADULT, then you have a problem.

Note: it’s not bad that you like Snape, I mean you do you. Just acknowledge that he is definitely not better than James.

Have a good day, bye.


I may have a lot of personal issues but at least I never became a Snape apologist and for that I am eternally thankful


Snape wasn’t sexually abused

Hey y’all, I’m back here with another rant! So a lot of Snape stans have taken to saying the marauders sexually abused Severus Snape. Not only is that super untrue, it’s also a harmful thing to say. Throwing serious words like that out lessens the impact of the words itself. Sexual abuse is extremely harmful and shouldn’t be used just because you don’t like what happened to your fave. Basically what happened is James Potter levitated him upside down, his robes came down and he wasn’t wearing pants. Now going in, James obviously didn’t know Snape wasn’t wearing pants. James would’ve let him down had he not called Lily Evans, his crush, a terrible word. James joked about removing his underwear but he didn’t. He could’ve, but he didn’t. Sexual abuse is defined as

Sexual abuse is sexual behavior or a sexual act forced upon a woman, man or child without their consent.

James hanging Snape upside and his robes coming down wasn’t sexual in nature. He didn’t touch him. Nor did he hurt him. Further more, Snape was a dark wizard doing dark magic. James didn’t pick on him because he was weaker (he wasnt). He picked on Snape because he was a dark wizard and a bully himself. Was it mean? Yes. Was it called for? Depends on who you ask. James did something stupid and immature. But do we still love him? Always. You know why we love James, Sirius, and Remus? Because they were good people. They made some mistakes when they were children but they changed. They joined the order of the Phoenix to battle people like Snape. Nazi’s, killers, and terrible people. If Snape loved Lily so much, why did he join the organization killing and torturing people like her? James, Remus, and Sirius all died fighting death eaters. They changed and became amazing people. Snape was a bully in school and was a bully as a teacher. He only joined the order of the Phoenix because Dumbledore gave him a choice between Azkaban or fighting the good fight. Not only is Snape a terrible person, he’s a coward. That’s why we love the marauders and hate Snape

Anonymous asked:

Look at the fourth I mean the end of that video. Is he really doing that to us. Look at his arms, they are driving me crazy. 🤯

he's jus fuckin with me i swear to god

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