

@liebste-kleine-dame / liebste-kleine-dame.tumblr.com

20s | german | bi | minors dni | fics | requests open! | waz si sagen, ich bin dir holt

Birthday Gift for @liebste-kleine-dame.

Birthday Gift for @liebste-kleine-dame.

Miruko x F! Reader.

(Today is their birthday! I have made this lovely gift for them and I hope they enjoy it. Their favorite character is Miruko from My Hero Academia! I don’t own the lovely Rumi Usagiyama/Miruko, Horikoshi Kohei does. If this isn’t your cup of tea, blend of spices, or brew of coffee, move on.)

Tw: pure fluff, otherwise there are none.

Wc: 750


Ahsjjsjs thank you so much!! It's so cute 🥺

That'd be such a perfect birthday 💕 Definitely better than my actual birthday this year 😆 I know she'd make it special!! 💕💕


Hey ✨

I was absent for so long, but I needed some time for myself. I went through a break-up in December and just... couldn't create anything for a while and uni was tough too. Tomorrow is my last day of exams and I've felt that little tingle of creating again - I've been really into watching rdr2 play throughs on yt and simply fell in love with the characters. I'll post some art on here soon, but I honestly don't know when I'll return to my fluff(ish) fics.


Cupid’s Chokehold

Present Mic x F!Reader

Summary: You win the chance to meet your favorite Pro Hero and have an interview with him on his talk show. It comes as a surprise to both of you to discover that you both are soulmates.

Rating: M (not full smut but spicy)

Word Count: 5801

Kinks/Warnings: Yandere, Aphrodisiacs, Dubcon/Noncon, Kidnapping

Notes: This was a piece for the Secret Santa event on BNHarem. The person I was matched with was @liebste-kleine-dame​ ! Merry Christmas love! Some personal events lead to me having to make it shorter than I wanted but I hope you enjoy it! Banner edited by me on Canva. Background photo found there as well.

It was like it was out of a romance movie. When you first entered the small radio booth, Present Mic had been sitting across the table that had been jammed into the room. From the center branched several limbs of metal that connected to their own microphone, a set up that could accommodate up to three people in addition to Mic. Acoustic foam and various expensive equipment blanketed across the table and walls but it only served as the perfect backdrop for the Pro Hero.

The pictures really did not do him justice. Mic was a bit unconventional in his normal style but that didn’t make him any less attractive. But one thing that a photo just could not capture was the passionate energy that hummed around him. Even through the speakers he had the ability to help stoke the fires of people’s enthusiasm. In person, his presence was electric, even though he was seated when you first saw him.

His hair was like spun sunshine and it looked softer in person than in the pictures you had seen of him. And his eyes were far more intense in person as well. Verdant and nearly glowing, those jewels sparkled and held a gleam like envy. The leather jacket was also an amazing fit for his shoulders, highlighting the lean lines of him that his hero work had forged. And his smile was vivid. Bright enough that a single spark from the birth of a star had settled in his lips.

That grin flashed brighter as he gave a throaty chuckle, “Man, I’m a lucky guy! Smart, charming and pretty? And you’re one of my Listeners? I’m jealous of whoever gets to be your soulmate! So? You found them yet? Bet you could light up a whole room by yourself!”

You ducked your head bashfully, cheeks growing hot with the compliment, “No light shows yet, Mic. I’m probably going to end up being one of those people who never had one or finds theirs.”



That was de-li-cious!! I loved the way you went into detail while describing Mic's appearance, you made him so handsome omg 🌚🌚

And Soulmated AND yandere AND kidnapping woooo - that was a fucking feast, all of my favorite tropes in one 🥴 And with Mic!! Aaaaaa I'm gonna combust- He was so nice and gentle and creepy 💗💗 I'm in loveeee -- especially his dialogue made me melt. And the fingertip-kissing scene, oh my goodness... Hottt

Thank you so much for this lovely ss gift, it's perfect 🥺🥺

Anonymous asked:

the different yan types can be fun though! Hmmmm what if I go like...gentle but still manipulative yan? 😏 like the "I'm still going to do messed up stuff but you just need to understand that you love me too. I just need to help you see it" sort? Let me know as soon as you can - 👀 Secret Santa

Ooooh I love that, that is so fucked up 😭 Especially when you think the character maybe, just maybe, finally shows a sliver of compassion - only to double down on the delusion abshjsjs 🥲

The frustration/dread while reading is the best omg

Anonymous asked:

Its your secret santa again!! and your art SLAPS. That Eri sketch is SO CUTE TOO. 🥺

😭❤️ Thank you, you're too kind!! Admin helped me with the prompt and I tried my best!

Anonymous asked:

Hi Roggen! im your secret santa. I was leaning towards blending a few things on your liked tropes but one of them was the yandere but idk how I could make that really fluffy. unless you like the types that do all their crazy stuff to protect their darling.I'll be waiting to see your answer! -SS

Hey, it's so nice to hear from you!! 😊🎄

I put in a bunch of tropes so that my secret santa could pick whatever they're most comfortable with! Fluff and yan is... definitely not so easy haha - and to be honest, when it comes to yandere stuff I do like it dark. But please pick whatever comes natural to you, it's supposed to be fun for you too 🥺


I’m not going to finish Sir today because my tablet pen broke. 😭 Wtf is this??? RIP we had three really nice years buddy

Ordered a new one, will probably come around the 25th... I should use that time to finally decide between a Huion and a xp-pen.... and ditch my samsung tab s3 as my tablet hjkdhsja

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